A good way to format objects into your strings for print statements is with the string.format() method. The syntax is :
'String here {} then also {}'.format('something1','something2')
Example 1:
print("This is a string {}'.format('FORMATTED'))
This is a FORMATTED string.
Example 2:
print('The {} {} {}'.format('fox','brown','quick'))
output: The fox brown quick
Now if we supply the index number for these format words in a order inside the {}, then the output will be according to the index position of these formatted words. for example,
Example 3:
print('The {2} {1} {0}'.format('fox','brown','quick'))
output: The quick brown fox
word fox brown quick
index position 2 1 0
Example 4:
print('The {q} {b} {f}'.format('f = fox',' b = brown',' q = quick'))
Output: The quick brown fox
Float formatting follows "{value:width:precision f)"
Example 5:
result = 100/777
print('The result is {r:1.3f}'.format(r = result)
output: The resuslt is 0.129