This is C programming course for all those who wants to do their career in computer software field.
Course includes both theoretical and practical sessions.
All students will get course completion certificate from Scriptlife Infotech Pvt Ltd
It covers all basics starting from character set, constants, variables, keywords, types of C constants, Where and how to write, compile and execute C programs?, getting input from user, c instructions.
Decision control structures like if else statements, logical operators, conditional operators
Loops like for loop, while loop, nesting of loops, do while loop. Break and continue statements.
Switch case goto statement
Passing value between functions, scope rules of functions, calling conventions, function declaration and prototypes, call by value, call by reference, pointer introduction.
Arrays initialization, bounds checking, passing array elements to function
Strings, standard library functions strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(), strcmp()
Structures, declaration, accessing, array of structure,
Who can attend: Students of 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th class, First & Second year students of Computer, Electronics Engineering, BCA, BSC, MSC, MCA can attend the course.
Students must bring their own notebook and pen with them.
Students can bring their own laptop if they want otherwise they can use institute computers.
File operations such as opening a file, closing a file counting characters, tabs, spaces, file copy program, file opening modes.