Introduction to MS Excel, Adcanved Excel, Macros, VBA and Excel Dashboards.
All the option in the Menu bar. VBA Scripts, Record Macro, Defining variables to Macro, Discussion on different types of varialbles, Introduction of Message box, Introduction to Input box, Working with ranges, Coping and Pasting the ranges and extract data from difference and same worksheets, User defined functions, Modules VBA programming, working with excel object model, user form and VBA, error handling, use of difference types of looks like, for and next Loop, For and each loop, Do and untile loop, while and wend loop, perform calaulation, Functions like if condition and all the logical conditions, array formula using VBA and Advanced Excel, Logical AND & OR functions using VBA, Arithmetic and Integers functions, automation to connect IE, Creating command buttons on the User forms, making dashboard for business analytics and data mining, using tools in VBA for data science.