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The PTE exam starts with the Speaking segment.
Please note, there is no physical/human examiner to conduct the PTE Speaking test. The PTE Speaking test of each student is recorded in the computer and then, sent off for scoring.
The PTE Speaking test comprises the following kinds of questions:
a) Personal Introduction (30 seconds)
You have to record a self-introduction of yourself based on provided keywords or points. An additional 25-seconds is provided for you to prepare your introductory passage.
b) Read Aloud (40 seconds)
You have to read a given English article on the computer screen, clear and confident. You will be able to hear the recording only once. You have to record your reading simultaneously.
c) Image Description (40 seconds)
You have to describe an image that will be displayed on your computer screen. Remember to record your image description as you speak loud and clean.
d) Sentence Repetition (3-9 seconds)
You have to hear a pre-recorded sentence and repeat the same. When you repeat the sentence, do not miss to record it.
e) Re-tell a lecture (up to 90 seconds)
After hearing a lecture, you have to re-tell the same in your own words. For this, you can use the erasable notepad to keep a record of important keywords that you think you will need in your recording.
Begin you Re-tell a lecture in PTE exam as, ‘The lecture provides brief information about….’ or ‘According to the speaker,…’.
Recording your every speech in PTE Speaking exam is very important. To ensure, your every speech is recorded, begin after you hear a small tone. After you hear the tone, start speaking immediately. A progress bar will be moving on the computer screen during your every speech of PTE Speaking exam. You have to end each of your speech before the ‘Recording’ word changes to ‘Completed’.
Also, for every PTE Speaking question, you have the scope to record once only.
During PTE Speaking exam, while you are being recorded if you take a pause of more than 3-seconds, your recording will stop automatically.
The three C’s that you must remember during PTE exam are as follows:
a) Clarity
As the PTE Speaking exam involves technical equipment like microphones, earphones and desktop, often tech glitches may pave in resulting in poor recording of your speech. Please avoid this however and make sure that the content recorded from your end is clear and has clarity in it.
b) Coherence
Recording your speech in PTE exam should have relevance to the context that is asked in the question. If you record an irrelevant speech, you wont be marked.
c) Confidence
As recording yourself is not a regular phenomenon, you might be nervous. Don’t let the nervous make way on your PTE exam day. You should be confident while delivering each of your speech.
The tips for PTE Speaking exam are as follows:
a) Focus on grammar
When you are recording your speech during the Speaking test of PTE exam, please take care of the grammar portion. The grammar of the content you speak will determine your PTE exam score.
b) Avoid incomplete sentences/expressions
Incomplete sentences or expressions are not marked during PTE Speaking test and hence, you should definitely be avoiding those. Also, remaining silent for long stop recording the PTE Speaking test.
c) Instruction for Repeat Sentence
In Repeat Sentence question of PTE Speaking exam, there is no tone sound after which you will record. Hence, you should start your recording right after the computer finishes reading out a sentence.
d) Tongue twister helps
To prepare for fast reading ability in PTE speaking exam, practice tongue twisters beforehand. This will help you to bring speed and flow in your English pronunciation.
e) Importance of tonality
Tonality is important aspect of PTE Speaking exam. Flat and continuous reading wont bring you good marks. You need to bring in a change in your tone depending on the mood of the sentence you are reading, to fetch good marks in PTE Speaking exam.
Published on 2017-01-10 11:11:29 by academics. Last Modified on 2017-01-10 11:11:29
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