"One of the common confusion" the PTE test-takers have in the Speaking module is:
"When to click on NEXT button and also whether to click or not".
1. You must click on next button once you are done with your answer/ recording.
2. You need not wait for the recording process to complete to get maximum score.
3. Even if you don't hit the next button, the computer will get you next question when given time is over.
4. But at Best PTE Coaching we recommend every test taker to hit the next button as PTE works on speech to text basis you being silent will impede your score.
"Giving gap in your speech will lead to fluency issues".
Here is the list of questions where you have to click on next one you are done with answering.
1. Read Aloud,
2. Repeat Sentence,
3. Describe Image,
4. Retell Lecture,
5. Answer Short questions.