About the Class:
- Designed for individuals passionate about Indian classical dance with a modern twist
- Open to students of all ages and skill levels (beginners to intermediate learners)
Class Structure:
- Warm-up exercises to loosen muscles and get the heart rate up
- Stretching exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion
- Technique practice: hastaks (hand gestures), footwork, and facial expressions.
- Learn different choreographies with various Semi-Classical songs and music
- Cool-down exercises to relax and unwind
What You'll Learn:
- Fundamental techniques of semi-classical dance
- Various choreographies to Semi-Classical songs and music
- How to express yourself through dance
What to Bring:
- Comfortable clothing for a full range of motion
- Bottle of water
- Towel
No Prior Experience Needed:
- Willingness to learn and have fun is essential!
- Deeper appreciation for semi-classical dance
- Ability to perform with confidence and poise
- Improved flexibility, coordination, and overall physical fitness.
-Enhance your creativity and self-expression through dance movements always