1) This course is for Fresher & Exp candidates
2) With this course you will able to crack any interview
3) This course includes Basec Selenium , Advance Selenium with different framework and Core Java concept
4) Will provide all real time Interview questions.
5) After course you can reach me anytime with queries
6) Project will be on real time web applications and ajax platform where you will able to write all ajax .
Topics covered in Advanced -
â?¢ What is Automation Framework ?
â?¢ Benefits of Automation Framework
â?¢ Types of Framework with Selenium
â?¢ TestNG
â?¢ Datadriven Framework
â?¢ Hybrid Framework
â?¢ Page Object Model with Page Factory
No need to have any IT knowledge , Anyone can do automation with few hours.
Here is some glinse of your course : -
1.Introduction to Java Platform
2. A sample program
3. Datatypes, keywords
4. If-then-else
5. Switch-Case
6. For, Break, Continue
7. While, Do While
8. Array
9. Strings
10. Usage of String functions
11. OOPS Features in JAVA
12. Class & Object
13. Encapsulation & Data Abstraction
14. Inheritance & Polymorphism
15. Exception Handling
16. What is an Exception
17. Types of Exceptions
18. Handling Exceptions
19. Try & Catch
20. Final , finally & Finalize
Selenium :-
1. Introduction to Selenium
2. Benefits
3. Components of Selenium
4. Selenium IDE, Selenium RC
5. Introduction to Selenium IDE
6. Introduction to Selenium RC
7. Intro to Selenium RC Architechture
8. Installation/Setting up of Selenium Webriver, FireBug & Firepath
9. Locators : id, name, xpath ,link text, classname, css, tagname , partial link text
10. Creating your First Selenium IDE script using Record & Play
11. Selenium Webdriver
12. Introduction to WebDriver
13. Installation of Selenium Webriver
14. Creating your First testscript using WebDriver
15. Usage of asserts,Selenium WebDriver Commands
16. Locating Page and UI Elements
17. Commands for Text-boxes, Buttons
18. Commands for Radio buttons, Check-boxes
19. Commands for Select tag/Lists/Drop-downs
20. Commands to deal with Alerts, Popups and Multiple Windows
21. WebDriver Wait(Thread time , Implicit & Explicit Waits)
22. Automation Frameworks : What is Automation Framework & Benefits
23. Types of Framework : Fundamental Concept of Datadriven, Keyword Driven & Hybrid FW
24 .Parameterising Tests using Webdriver & Excel File.
25.Cross Browser Testing using Selenium Webdriver
26. File download & File download
27. Introduction to TestNG framework
28. Overview of Features of TestNG
29. TestNG Annotations : @Test, BeforeMethod, AfterMethod, AfterTest, BeforeTest , Before class, After class , Before Suite , After Suite
30. Test Case Priority, DependsOnMethods
31. TestNG Results output folder