Introduction to SQL
Create Database using Management Studio
Datatypes in SQL Server
Exploring DDL Statements on Table
DDL and DML Statements
Why write statements in Frontends?
Create, Alter and Drop Table Insert,
Update and Delete Statement Truncate Statement
Understanding Select Statement
Usage of Top, Distinct, Null etc...keywords Using String and Arithmetic Expressions
Exploring Where Clause with Operators
Using Advanced Operators Sorting data using Order By clause
Working with basic of Sub Queries
Using functions in Queries
Count, Sum, Min, Max, Avg Group By and Having Clause
Using Group By with Rollup and Cube
Introduction to Joins Cross Joins
Inner Join Outer Join Self Join Co-related Sub Queries Set Operations using Unions, Intersect and Except
Unique Not NULL Primary Key
Introduction to stored procedures
Benefits of Stored Procedures
Creating, Executing Modifying, Dropping
Input–Output and Optional Parameters
Generating SQL Script
Executing SQL Script
Taking database Backup
Restoring database using backup