I have been doing Software testing and Implementing Automation Solutions using Selenium for over 9 years for all kinds of companies from start ups to fortune 500 companies. All the topics that are discussed in a class gets practiced in the class itself with my assistance. It's practice/practical oriented, Intensive and personalized training. All the topics are covered with examples and ensures that the student understands each and every topic. This course is designed to make the students expert in selenium. Ensures that the student can work independently on selenium with out any ones help.
Topics Covered
I have been doing Software testing and Implementing Automation Solutions using Selenium for over 9 years for all kinds of companies from startups to fortune 500 companies. All the topics that are discussed in a class get practiced in the class itself with my assistance. Its practice/practical oriented, Intensive and personalized training. All the topics are covered with examples and ensure that the student understands each and every topic. This course is designed to make the students expert in selenium. Ensures that the student can work independently on selenium without any ones help. Core Java ======= - Java History - EnvironmentSetup ------------- (understanding compiler, interpreter, .class, bytecode, jre, jdk, jvm). - Write and execute HelloWorld.java - KeyWords, literals &identifiers -------------Datatypes, -------------most used keywords, -------------Basic Code Syntax. - For Loop Control, while, do while - If –else conditions - Static Global Variables - methods. ------------- Method signature ------------- Static Method ------------- Passing arguments ------------- Returning type from methods. - Creating object to a class. - NonStatic Global Variables - NonStatic Methods. - Object Oriented Concepts ------------- Encapsulation ------------- Inheritance -------------------- Single Inheritance -------------------- Multi-Level Inheritance ------------- Polymorphism -------------------- Overloading -------------------- Overriding -------------------- Up casting -------------------- Down casting -------------------- Interfaces -------------------- Abstract Classes ------------- Abstraction -------------------- Public -------------------- Private, -------------------- default -------------------- protected. -------------------- final ------------- Arrays ------------- Collection (List, Set) ------------ Exception Handling.(try, Catch, finally, throw, throws, checked and unchecked exception, assert, verify). ------------ Strings ------------ Basics of Wrapper Classes ------------ Narrowing and widening ------------ FilesI/O - reading properties Eclipse ====== - Folder Structures in eclipse. - Java Packages. - Jar Files. POI - API ======== - Reading an Excel - Writing to an Excel HTML ===== - Basics of HTML. - Developing HTML page. Selenium Components ================ Selenium IDE. --------------------- - Record & Playback - Assert & Verify - Export Testcase - Performing sample real time Record & palyback scenario. Selenium WebDriver. ------------------------------ - WebDriver Interface API - Elements - Locating Elements (using id, name, class, tag, linkedText, partialLinkedText, xpath, cssSelector) - Implicit wait - Explicit wait. - Navigate. - Browsers(IE,Chrome,FF) - Handling Frames, - Handling Windows. - Handling Alerts - Keyboard and Mouse events, mouse right click, select multiple keys(ctrl+shift+del). - different addons to find xpath expression. - customised xpath expression - finding xpath from other browsers. AutoIt ===== Handling Windows/Browser/Authentication Popups. TestNG ====== - Features of TestNG - Advantages of TestNG over JUNIT - Annotations Supported by TestNG @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass, @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, , @Test - testng.xml - Parallel Execution - Reporting Frameworks (1 or 2 frameworks) ======================== - Hybrid (Data driven, Keyword Driven and Modular Driven). - Page Object Model Framework. Real Time Project using any one of the above frame Works.
Who should attend
Any one Who has passion to Learn Selenium
Laptop and Interest to Learn Selenium
What you need to bring
Key Takeaways