You can learn Japanese as much as easier
• Fluent/native ability in Japanese.
• An in-depth knowledge of current pedagogical issues in foreign language
• Teaching methodologies appropriate to mixed ability as well as multi-cultural
• Contribute positively and collaboratively to the development of Languages in the
• An understanding of boys’ education.
• An interest in and commitment to, the innovative use of information technologies
in curriculum delivery, to include the use of iBook’s and online course
• An ability to contribute to the co-curricular programs including Saturday sport of
the School.
• A willingness to be involved in the School’s pastoral care programme.
• In Term 3 all Languages teachers are involved in a cultural Languages week for all
students, and external language exams for Years 10 – 12.
A desire to promote the Japanese culture and language to students and the wider
• It is desirable to be affiliated to JLTA and MLTA and to participate in Languages
events beyond the classroom.