It's a meditation class for people who are sick from health in depression.. Just bring a bottle of water ND mat to sit.. Will heal ND activate your chakras.. Discuss bout your issues problem you going threw will help in curing tht with satisfying results.. Yoga ND meditation goes together...whn we say meditation its a total form of unvinerse The most important thing is in thz univers is body which has mind ND it's soul... By activating chakras Nd working on Thm you can make anything impossible can bee possible.. It's a gift to every Human being which God mahadev has given us... But hw to use tht gift depends on person to person.. So I am tht person who CAn transform your life bad to good.... My name Sahil power of shiv Shakti do join my class for good better and best results... Willl help you to active your life goals ..