This Course is mainly for the students appearing for the std X CBSE Exams in French.The Fundamentals will be taught from the Beginning and that will also be a remedial reinforcement for those who have done some French before.
The Tenses. Present,Passé Composé,Futur,Futur Proche, Passé Récent, Imparfait, Plusque parfait, Conditionnel ,Conditionnel Passé, Futur Antérieur and Imperative and Subjonctif moods will be taught .The Pronouns(Subject,Direct & Indirect Object, Toniques, Interrogative and Demonstrative) , the Adjectives(Qualitative, Possessive, Interrogative, Demonstrative, Relative and Pronom Relatif Composé), Direct & Indirect Speech , and other Grammar will be taught and practised from the examination Point of view. Apart from the prescribed text book exercices students will be assisted in understanding their mistakes from `Practise Exercice books' like `Together with' etc.,
The Students will be aided in Translating the lessons in the Textbook and will be helped in tackling the questions on Culture and Civilisation.
Students will also be able to improve their pronunciation and will be able to write full sentences( Letters etc.,)
Mock tests will be given and students will be assisted in practising past question Papers. Necessary help in needed Vocabulary will be given. Students will be given a thorough understanding of `Grammar' needed for std X exams and Notes will be given which will help students as a ready reference.
ALONG WITH LIVE CLASSES THE STUDENTS COULD SUBSCRIBE TO THE `RECORDED VIDEOS OF LESSON' (ENTRE JEUNES) WHICH WILL HELP IN FASTER AND EFFECTIVEL LEARNING.This module of video lessons containg videos of all texts in the book read out aloud and translated together the grammar implication and vocabulary.The exercices are also read aloud, translated and solutions given. The Q& A on Culture & Civilisation are also given in VIDEO FORMAT with Translation.