The meaning and definition of environment – Ecology - Ecosystems-Biosphere -
Biomes – Ozone depletion - Global Warning - Climatic changes - Need for the
preservation, conservation and protection of environment - Ancient Indian
approach to environment- Environmental degradation and pollution - Kinds,
causes and effects ofpollution
Common Law remedies against pollution - trespass, negligence, and theories of
Strict Liability & Absolute Liability - Relevant provisions of I.P.C. and Cr.P.C. and
C.P.C., for the abatement of public nuisance in pollution cases - Remedies under
Specific Relief Act - Reliefs against smoke and noise - Noise Pollution.
Unit-III: The law relating to the preservation, conservation and protection of
forests, wild life and endangered species, marine life, coastal ecosystems and
lakes etc. - Prevention of cruelty towards animals - The law relating to prevention
and control of water pollution - Air Pollution - Law relating to environment
protection – Environment Protection Act, 1986: Biological Diversity Act, 2002:
Hazardous Waster (Management, Handing and Transboundary) Regulations etc, -
Environment pollution control mechanism -– National Environmental Tribunal
and National Environmental Appellate Authority- National Green Tribunal-Their
powers and jurisdiction
Art. 48A and Art. 51A(g) of the Constitution of India - Right to wholesome
environment - Right to development - Restriction on freedom of trade, profession,
occupation for the protection of environment – Immunity of Environment
legislation from judicial scrutiny(Art.31C) - Legislative powers of the Centre and
State Government - Writ jurisdiction - Role of Indian Judiciary in the evolution of
environmental jurisprudence – Role of green belt development purpose &
International Environmental Regime - Transactional Pollution - State Liability -
Customary International Law - Liability of Multinational corporations/Companies
- Stockholm Declaration on Human Environment, 1972 - The role of UNEP for
the protection of environment - Ramsar Convention 1971 – Bonn Convention
(Migratory Birds) 1992 - Nairobi Convention, 1982 (CFCC) - Biodiversity
Convention (Earth Summit), 1992 - Kyoto Protocol 1997, Johannesburg