A free master class for the students who are ready to learn chemistry in easy way, practical way and more understandable concepts.
The class topics are carbon & it's compunds and electrochemistry
The topics you are going to learn in this class regarding carbon & it's compounds :
Biotic components having carbon atom
Abiotic components having carbon atom
Catenation property
Aliphatic compunds
Aromatic compounds
The topics you are going to learn in this class regarding electrochemistry :
Types of cells
Primary cell
Secondary cell
Li-ion cell
Lead - acid cell
Ni - Cd cell
Reference electrodes
Saturated calomel electrode
Standard hydrogen electrode
Chemistry Program Goals
To provide a broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving with a molecular perspective.
To provide students with the skills required to succeed in graduate school, the chemical industry, or professional school.
To expose the students to a breadth of experimental techniques using modern instrumentation.