This meditation is for those who are masters in Usui Reiki level 3. They are attuned again for receiving this meditation and the concepts of the external chakras and uses and applications of those to get well and teach others too. A level 3 master will be attuned for my lineage and check for consistency of the attunements already received and ths training imparted with examples and real time effects on the meditator. As the concept can be used only by a master though learnt by anyone for knowledge purposes but application level a master attunement in level 3 Usui reiki is a must. This will be explained in a demo given by the master and facilitating ease of knowledge transfer and outline of the concepts covered that are essential in a psychic, a medium or a reiki channel or other meditation experts who have been practicing in any field, mainstream or out of the conventional education. The fees is 6500 for a class of 10 hours including initial attunements. Fees to be paid in one or two instalments. Certification will be given. Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and English teaching available.
Request a demo before placing order or paying for the course and the demo is free and through video meeting through urbanpro only. Fees payment in one time payment only
Meditation kits available maroon robe and mala for meditation that are charged with mantra syllables.
Rs. 1100