What is massage - massage is the practice of rubbing and kneading the body using the hands.During a massage, a massage therapist will apply gentle or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body to ease pain and tension
A male professional is called massear
A female operator is called measuge
What is massage therapy - massage is the systematic floor of pressure on different body part for the therapeutic benifits.
Main types of massage techniques:-
2) friction
Releasing harmones after massage:-
Endorphins harmones - dopamine, serotonin, molatonin
FST facia stretch training
Benefits of massage:-
1) reduced muscle tension
2)improval circulation
3) stimulation of the lymphatic system
4) reduction of stess harmones
5) relaxation
6) increase joints mobility and flexibility
7) improved skin tone
8) improved recovery of soft tissue injury
9)heightened mental alertness
10) reduced anxienty and depression
Massage in treatment of disorder:-
Subacute, lower back pain, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), anxiety, stress, soft tissue injury, high blood pressure, insomnia
Massage control indication (to avoid)
During pregnancy, if skin rashes, fracture, tumours, immediately surgery, over open wound surface, fragile blood vessels, hemorrhages, early stages of healing, fungle infection, febrile, acute condition (fever), action bone growth
Potential contraindications:-
Malignant (grooving mass) disease Cancer, fragile skin, collageous weakening (only pressure on muscle not on joints), patiant with heart problems
Principles of massage:-
Product warning and contraindications:-
Types of bones:-
Tendon, ligaments, cartilage, synovial fluid
Skeletal muscle system -: trapezius, deltoid, pectoral, biceps, triceps, forearms, latissimus dorsi, hips or gluts, front thie, back thie, calves, tibia, reactor spine