This Master Class is open for all. Children above 6 years. Adults- age no bar. Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest and the richest dance forms of India. The South Indian dance form has a strong value system as, guru-shishya parampara and like any other classical dance form, demands dedication and loyalty. Though the process of learning is never-ending but the first step always matters. Getting to know the dance form through me will enhance your interest, knowledge and skill. In this one hour master class I will make you introduced to the basics of Bharatanatyam which includes the basic exercises, adavus (steps), and students will also be able to learn a shlokam performance.
It will be a holistic one hour session which will start with a warm up, adavus practice and a shlokam. Join in if you are looking forward to get introduced to and learn more about this age old dance form, Bharatanatyam.