Topics Covered: 1.What is subscription,resource group, management group and how to create adf? What is blob and data lake gen2 2. What is integration run time and linked service? 3. What is data set? Pipeline and activity? And copy data for only one file 4. Recursive, wildcard,list of file,mapping, user properties and different setting of copy data activity 5. For each loop (copy multiple file) 6.copy data to sql server(upsert,precopy script, Autocreate table option) 7.lookup activity and for each for multiple file using lookup load for single file load for multipe file. 10. Git integration with azure devops integration with azure 12. Azure databricks overview and integration with azure 13. Delta table and properties of delta lake active directory and teant ,subscription,users 15. If else activity,meta data activity,web activity 16.triggers, event based trigger, schedule time trigger, tumbling window trigger 17. Azure sql synapse,server less pool, dedicated pool 18.Data flow,mapping data flow,wragling data flow key vault and shared integration run time 20.jdbc connector and secret scope of azure databricks. 21)fact,dimension,star and snowflake schema and data modelling 22)creating stored procedure for data modelling 23)sending mail alerts using logic app 24)csv,json,xml processing using pyspark,scala,python. 25)delta lake