AWS solution architect and Devops tools course.
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
Course offered by Golive classes private limited company
AWS solution architect and Devops tools course.
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8 Reviews
12 Students
3 Courses
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5 out of 5 8 reviews
Rajesh Y
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
"I registered AWS solution architect course form Golive classes.Course content is very good and provided with log of real time scenarios and real time project as well which help me to understand the course. Support is excellent if any one planning to learn AWS cloud I would strongly recommend Golive classes. "
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
"Golive Classes has good instructor. I joined AWS Architect solution architect course and learnt concepts like EC2, Auto Scaling, EBS, S3, Glacier, VPC, Cloudwatch etc and Devops tools. I would highly recommend Gollive classes for any AWS or Cloud enthusiast."
Jitender singh
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
"I really had overwhelming experience with Golive classes. I was looking for class room training for AWS course. But the Golive classes representative explained me the advantageous of the online program that they are providing. Best part about it is, they provided all the class room recordings and in future you can attend the online classes of the same course again without having any additional cost. This is excellent. I really recommend Golive training's training programs for career growth. "
"Good trainer. Very good explanation. Nice coordinator. They opened the whatsup group for if we have any doubts. Also provided the recordings. "
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5 out of 5 8 reviews
Rajesh Y
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
"I registered AWS solution architect course form Golive classes.Course content is very good and provided with log of real time scenarios and real time project as well which help me to understand the course. Support is excellent if any one planning to learn AWS cloud I would strongly recommend Golive classes. "
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
"Golive Classes has good instructor. I joined AWS Architect solution architect course and learnt concepts like EC2, Auto Scaling, EBS, S3, Glacier, VPC, Cloudwatch etc and Devops tools. I would highly recommend Gollive classes for any AWS or Cloud enthusiast."
Jitender singh
AWS solutions architect and Devops tools training
"I really had overwhelming experience with Golive classes. I was looking for class room training for AWS course. But the Golive classes representative explained me the advantageous of the online program that they are providing. Best part about it is, they provided all the class room recordings and in future you can attend the online classes of the same course again without having any additional cost. This is excellent. I really recommend Golive training's training programs for career growth. "
"Good trainer. Very good explanation. Nice coordinator. They opened the whatsup group for if we have any doubts. Also provided the recordings. "
"It has been an awesome experience to be a part of these new concept of online training class with recorded session .I am enjoying it and learning it too its very exciting a concept to start up.Being promoting this new start up there are few more courses yet to come.So stay tuned. "
Hari Krishna Vangala
"The trainer and facilitator are amazing. Trainer explained each and every topic in detail and classes are interactive. I would say golive classes is the best place to understand a course in depth. In the end I would like to thank golive classes for providing me such a good learning experience. "
"We can attend the classes from anywhere using your Smartphone or laptop. Classes are taken by Professionals who are working in higher positions in MNC company, due to this we are getting knowledge on real time Environment. You can revise the classes by seeing recorded videos of the classes. "
Rushya Reddy
"Very good trainer.Explaining realtime senarios and many use cases.Interview question are explained with perfect examples. "
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