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The NCERT Class 8 Science, Chapter 11 deals with Force and Pressure. In this chapter, you will learn about the concept of force and pressure. You will learn about contact forces and non-contact forces; various effects of force such as a change in the state of motion, change in shape and speed; concepts like friction. which is a relevant concept when studying about force. You will also study the forces such as gravitational force, mechanical force, physical force and electrostatic force, and learn about pressure in this chapter. You will learn about the pressure exerted from liquids and gases and atmospheric pressure. This chapter has various practical activities to help you learn these concepts better with practical exposure.
To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 8, Science Chapter 11, Reaching the Age of Adolescence, let’s look at the topics and sub-topics of this chapter:
11.1 Force – A Push or A Pull
11.2 Forces are due to an Interaction
11.3 Exploring Forces
11.4 A Force can change the State of Motion
11.5 Force Can Change the Shape of an Object
11.6 Contact Forces
11.7 Non-Contact Forces
11.8 Pressure
11.9 Pressure Exerted by Liquids and Gases
11.10 Atmospheric Pressure
Section 11.1 – This section deals with the concept of force. In this section, you will learn about actions like picking, kicking, opening, shutting, pushing and pulling are often described as tasks. You will learn that in science, a push or pull on an object is called a force. This section is just a brief opening in the topic of force.
Section 11.2 – This section deals with forces are due to an interaction. In this section, you will learn that the mere presence of two objects or persons does not give rise to any force. There should be an interaction between two or more objects for a force to come into play. You will learn that there needs to be an interaction only then, the force is exerted.
Section 11.3 – This section deals with exploring forces. In this section, you will learn about the forces applied in the same direction will add to one another. You will also learn that if forces are applied in the opposite direction, the net force acting would be the difference between the two forces and magnitude of a force.
Section 11.4 – This section deals with the change in the state of motion due to the force. In this section, you will learn more about the change which takes place due to the force applied. You will learn about change that is either in the form of speed, direction or both; and understand how force affects the state of motion in an object.
Section 11.5 – This section deals with the concept of change in shape due to force applied. In this section, you will learn through many practical examples that when force is applied to any object there is a change in the shape of the object. You will understand this concept of force on any object can result in a change in its speed, direction or shape.
Section 11.6 – This section deals with contact forces. In this section, you will learn about the forces that are applied being in contact with the object. You will learn about muscular forces resulting due to the action of muscles, and the concept of friction.
Section 11.7 – This section deals with non-contact forces. In this section, you will learn about the forces that are applied by not being in contact with the object. You will learn about magnetic forces, electrostatic force and gravitational force. This section deals with all non-contact forces. You will learn about the gravity that pulls an object down towards the earth and understand more about all these forces clearly.
NCERT Class 8 Science, Chapter 11 helps you to understand the concept of force and pressure. In this chapter, you will learn about the different forces and their consequences. You will learn more about the change in shape, state of motion that is caused by the force applied. You will also learn about contact and non-contact forces. This chapter helps you to understand the concept of gravity and friction, and also to learn the more complex concepts on force and pressure in the subsequent classes.
Section 11.8 – This section deals with the concept of pressure. In this section, you will learn about the force acting on a unit of area of a surface is called pressure. You will learn more about pressure and the changes that happen due to the force exerted. In this section, you will learn more about pressure with the help of various practical examples and simple activities.
Section 11.9 – This section deals with the pressure exerted by liquids and gases. In this section, you will learn more about the pressure exerted by liquids and gases. You will learn more about these concepts using simple activities which help you to learn and explore this concept; you’ll also perform simple activities to conclude that gases and liquids also exert pressure.
Section 11.10 – This section deals with atmospheric pressure. In this section, you will learn about the pressure exerted by air in the atmosphere is known as atmospheric pressure.
To know more about the NCERT solutions Class 8 Science, Chapter 11 – Force and Pressure explore the Exercises and questions below: on 2019-10-25 15:28:18 by arunima. Last Modified on 2019-10-25 15:28:18
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