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Scientific intervention is necessary to unearth buried mysteries.
Science helps determine the facts related to the past even in the absence of any living evidences.
It leads to good amount of knowledge about the past events without which things would go in mere speculations.
It helps determine information about ancient cultures, tradition, and people.
The use of advanced scientific tools helps in extracting important facts related to past events.
It helps in determining the time and place of the event.
It gives us important information about the unsolved mysteries.
There is no use of digging the past.
Present is valuable and we must live in the present.
Delving into the past is waste of time and energy.
It is the job of the historians and not scientists.
It is always better to invest one’s resources on the development of living rather than investigating the dead.
Advanced technology gives us conclusive evidence of past events.
With advanced technology such as CT scan, it is possible to solve medical mysteries related to deaths.
It is possible to create a 3-D view of the various body parts.
It provides intricate details through forensics, radiology and anatomy.
It helps find new clues related to life and death.
It provides data for forensic reconstruction.
Technology such as satellite imaging helps find buried sites.
Date and time of an event can be confirmed through advanced technology.
No use of gathering facts about the past.
It’s important to focus on the present issues and events rather than investigating the past.
Even with the help of CT scan, no conclusive evidences could be constructed about Tut.
Traditions, rituals and funerary practices must be respected.
Traditions, rituals and funerary practices are born out of the sentiments and feelings of a community.
They provide identity to a community.
They maintain continuity of a culture.
They help in transferring the values of ancestors to the new generation.
They add to our knowledge the progress of human civilisation.
Traditions, customs and funerary practices may encourage superstition.
They may hamper the development of the society.
They affect unity.
They could lead to violence and friction between people belonging to different cultures.
Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.
Past acts as a mirror to our mistakes and teaches us lessons.
Present is the outcome of past.
It helps us understand the progress of the events down the history.
It builds foundation for our present and future.
One must live in the present.
Past is infinite and should be left as it is.
Past should not affect our present life.
Past should not be delved in and must be considered as a gone phase.
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