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Bholi had many apprehensions about going to school. What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?
Bholi remembered how their old cow, Lakshmi, had been turned out of the house and sold.
She never got any good clothes to wear rather only the old dresses of her sisters.
But that day she was given a clean dress. She was bathed and Oil was rubbed into her hair.
So she felt she was going to a better place than her home.
How did Bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
Bholi’s teacher played a very important role in changing her life. She was the first one to have spoken to her affectionately. She encouraged her to speak out her name without any fear. She gave her a book, thereby aiming to inculcate in her the desire to learn. She told her that in time, she would be more learned than anyone else in the village, and no one would ever be able to laugh at her. People would listen to her and respect her. This filled Bholi with a new hope.
Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match? Why did she later reject the marriage? What does this tell us about her?
At first, Bholi had agreed to marry an old man because of her father’s honour, thereby placing her family’s interest over her own. However, she later refused to marry him because she saw how mean, greedy and contemptible he was. By demanding a hefty dowry, he took advantage of her bad looks and the desperateness of her father to get her married. This is why she rejected the marriage and silenced everybody else who called her shameless. This tells us that Bholi had grown in confidence and could very well speak for herself.
Bholi’s real name is Sulekha. We are told this right at the beginning. But only in the last but one paragraph of the story is Bholi called Sulekha again. Why do you think she is called Sulekha at that point in the story?
Sulekha was called Bholi because everyone considered her to be a backward child and a simpleton. The name Bholi thus symbolises her under confidence and ignorance. After mentioning her real name at the beginning of the story, the author mentions it again only in the second-last paragraph. This is a deliberate attempt on the part of the author to show that Sulekha has finally attained her true identity by literally throwing aside the veil that hid her personality.
Bholi’s story must have moved you. Do you think girl children are not treated at par with boys? You are aware that the government has introduced a scheme to save the girl child as the sex ratio is declining. The scheme is called Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Save the Girl Child. Read about the scheme and design a poster in groups of four and display on the school notice board.
It is true girls in our country are not treated on par with boys. Though there is some change in people’s attitude towards girls, yet much needs to be done.
The Government has launched many projects to save girls’ interests. Beti Bachao, Beti Padao and Save Girl Child are such great initiatives.
Beti Bachao Beti Padao
When you educate a man, you educate a man.
But when you educate a girl, you educate a generation.
Shaping today's lives for a better tomorrow.
How did Bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
Bholi was nervous when she attended school. Her teacher treated her kindly and encouraged her to be confident and bold. She also taught her to read and write, which made her an independent girl, who was aware of her rights. Thus she changed her life.
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