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Does Bholi enjoy her first day at school?
Bholi found everything new at the school. She felt glad to see many girls of her age present there. She was fascinated by the bright colours of the pictures on the walls. She cried when she kept stammering on being asked her name. However, she saw how kind the teacher was and finally, managed to speak her name. She was given a book by the teacher. The teacher behaved with her like no one had ever done, thereby filling her with confidence At the end of her first day at school, her heart was throbbing with a new hope and a new life.
Does she find her teacher different from the people at home?
Yes, she found her teacher different from the people at home. Her teacher was very kind and spoke to her affectionately. She did not scold or command her, but encouraged her in a soothing voice. She told her that in time, she would be more learned than anyone else in the village, and no one would ever be able to laugh at her. People would listen to her and respect her. This filled Bholi with a new hope.
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