We conduct Handwriting Improvement workshops for children as well as adults. The techniques are simple for the students to follow, and with practice, it leads to confidence building. It improves their personality as they are able to see the result of their efforts in every area. With tips on HOW to write well, clearly and effortlessly, the students are able to make improvements within 7-8 days itself. Some students may even show results earlier with keen interest combined with relevant effort.
Our workshop program is 100% result oriented.
A 10 day workshop for children above 9 years ( STD 5 onwards) A 15 day workshop for children below 9 years ( upto STD 4)
A) Workshop for upto 9 yrs : Beginning from 24th July
Days : Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Duration : 1 hour each day - 15 days
Timings : 4 pm to 5 pm
We also schedule sessions as per your convenience
Venue : Marine Drive, Mumbai
B) Workshop for 9+ yrs : Beginning from 24th July
Days : Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Duration : 1 hour each day - 10 days
Timings : 4 pm to 5 pm
We also schedule sessions as per your convenience.