Akash Kanojiya BTech Tuition trainer in Mumbai

Akash Kanojiya


Cotton Green, Mumbai, India - 400033.

15 Students

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From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College.
The Result were Excellent.
I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India.
I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.


Mumbai 2016

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)


Cotton Green, Mumbai, India - 400033

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BTech Tuition
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Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems, Material Science and Metallurgy, Industrial Robotics, Fluid Mechanics, Cryogenics, Product Design and Manufacturing, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Thermodynamics, Elasticity & Plasticity, Welding Technology, Non-Conventional Energy Sources/ Solar Energy, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Heat & Mass Transfer, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Operations Research, Design Engineering, Micro Machining, Turbomachines, Production and Operations Management, Steam & Gas Turbines, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Machine Tool Technology, Engineering Acoustics, Machine Design, Strength of Materials, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Mechatronics Engineering, Electronic Mesurement & Instrumentation, Jet Propulsion and Rocket Technology, Dynamics of Machinery, Destructive & Non Destructive Testing/ Fracture Mechanics, Automobile Engineering, CAD-CAM, Environmental Pollution Control, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Tribology, Intelligent Systems, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Fluid Drives and Control, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Mechanics of Machines, Kinematics of Machinery, Finite Element Analysis, Energy Engineering and Management, Automotive Fuels and Fuel Sysytems, Electro Magnetic Theory, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Manufacturing Technology

BTech Electrical & Electronics subjects

Electric Power Stations, Linear And Nonlinear Systems, Incremental Motion Control, Algorithms And Data Structures, Polyphase Systems And Component Transformations, System Design & Computer Architecture, Control Systems, Computer Networks, Renewable Energy, Intel Ia-32 Architecture, Linear And Digital Control Theory, Solid State Drives, Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation, Microprocessors, Computer Control Of Energy Systems, Electrical Machinery, Measurements & Instrumentation, Industrial Automation & Control, (Dc- Ac) Direct Current-Alternatiing Current System Interaction, Embedded Processor Architecture, Communication Systems, Data Structures & Algorithms, Real Time Systems, Analog And Digital Communication, Building Automation Systems, Non-Conventional Energy Systems, Traveling Waves On Transmission System, Electromagnetic Theory, Power Generation And Economics, Distribution System Automation, Planning And Control, Electric Power Quality, High-Voltage Engineering, Switchgear And Protection, High-Voltage Direct Current (Hvdc) Transmission, Database Management Systems, Design Of Intelligent Electronic Devices, Power Electronics, Signal Processing, Smart Grid Technologies, Photovoltaics And Applications, Network SynthesiS, Neural Networks And Applications, Lighting Science: Devices And Systems, Design Of Embedded Controllers, Digital Control Systems, Sensor Technology And Instrumentation Design, Direct Energy Conversion, (EMI) Electromagnetic Interference Testing And Design For Compatibility, Circuit Theory, Discrete Fourier Transforms And Digital Filter Design, Power System Engineering, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, Finite Element Method And Applications, Applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Insulation And Testing Engineering, Power System Protection, Regulation & Security, Condition Monitoring Techniques For Electrical Equipments, Modelling And Simulation Techniques For Dynamic System, Alternative Energy Sources, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Digital Computer Organization And Architecture, Modern Power Converters, Electric Drives, Fuzzy-Neural Control, Electric Energy Systems, Flexible Ac Transmission Systems, Energy Management & Auditing, Commutator Machines

BTech Biotechnology subjects

Biomaterials, Bioconjugate Technology And Applications, Downstream Processing In Biotechnology, Biopharmaceutical Technology, Industrial Biotechnology, Chemical And Biochemical Engineering, Genomics And Proteomics, Neurobiology And Cognitive Sciences, Biochemistry, Environmental Science And Engineering, Cell And Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics And Computational Biology, Enzyme Technology And Biotransformation, Principles Of Food Processing, Immunotechnology, Molecular Pathogenesis Of Infections Disease, Plant And Animal Biotechnology, Bioremediation, Genetic Engineering, Microbiology, Intellectual Property Rights And Ethical Issues In Biotechnology, Heat & Mass Transfer, Process Equipment And Plant Design, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Metabolic Engineering, Biophysics, Total Quality Management For Biotechnologists, Bioorganic Chemistry, Separation Techniques In Biotechnology, Bioreaction Engineering, Biological Spectroscopy, Biofuels And Biopolymers, Nanoscience, Proteomics, Molecular Modelling And Drug Design, Tissue Engineering, Biostatistics And Analytical Techniques, Drug Delivery, Solid Statentation, Waste Management, Analytical Methods And Instrumentation, Stoichiometry And Fluid Mechanics

BTech Information Science subjects

Semantic Web, Data Structures and Algorithms, Internet Tools &Technology, Database Systems, Natural Computing, Software Architecture, Computer Graphics and Animation, Business Intelligence, Design and Development of Web Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Information &Web Security, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Mobile Computing, Next Generation Telecom Networks, Big Data Analytics, Computer Networks, Social Network Analytics, Machine Learning, Web Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Distributed Systems, Computer Organization & Microprocessor Systems, Software Reliability, Object Oriented Programming, Software Project and Quality Management, Multimedia Communication, Software Engineering, Software Defined Networking, Operations and Systems Management, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Cloud Computing, Digital Systems, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Principles of Data Communication, Operating Systems

BTech Metallurgical & Materials subjects

Heat Treatment, Phase Transformation, Phase Diagram, Foundry Technology, Machine Design, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Polymer Science & Technology, Powder Metallurgy & Joining of Metal, Fatigue, Fracture and Creep, X-ray & Electron Metallography, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Process Engineering, Production of Iron & Ferro Alloys, Surface Engineering, Extraction of Non Ferrous Metals, Mineral Dressing, Welding Technology, Electronic Properties of Materials, Mechanical Testing, Corrosion Engineering, Professional Practice, Composite Materials, Mechanics of Materials, Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Extractive Metallurgy, Production of Steel, Physical Metallurgy, Metal Forming, Secondary Refining of Steels

BTech Automobile subjects

Noise, Vibration And Harshness, Measurement And Metrology & Instrumentation, Electronics And Microprocessors, Automotive Safety, Engine Auxiliary Systems, Strength Of Materials, Materials Science And Metallurgy, Farm Machinery And Earth Moving Equipment, Statistical Quality Control & Reliability, Composite Structures, New Generation And Hybrid Vehicles, Two And Three Wheelers, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Alternative Fuels And Energy System, Automotive Chassis And Suspension, Transport Management, Computer Integrated Modelling And Manufacturing, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Off Road Vehicles, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Robotics, Total Quality Management, Engine Tribology, Vehicle Aerodynamics, Automotive Engines, Professional Ethics In Engineering, Automotive Pollution Control, Automotive Electrical And Electronics System, Design Of Machine Elements, Engineering Mechanics, Ergonomics In Automotive Design, Mechanics Of Machines, Vehicle Dynamics, Actuation Systems, Autotronics, Theory Of Machines, Linear Control Theory

BTech Chemical subjects

Inorganic And Physical Chemistry, Process Design Of Chemical Equipment, Design Of Biological Treatment Process, Energy Conservation And Management In Process Industries, Oil And Natural Gas Engineering, Chemical Process Industries, Separation Processes, Solid Waste Engineering Management, Design And Drawing Of Chemical Equipments, Chemical Process Calculations, Process Dynamics And Control, Industrial Waste Water Engineering, Particulate Technology, Optimization Of Chemical Processes, Pinch Technology, Bio Chemical Engineering, Membrane Science & Technology, Fluid & Fluid Particle Systems, Electrochemical Engineering, Upstream And Downstream Bioprocessing, Process Modeling & Simulation, Transport Phenomena, Catalysis And Colloidal Systems, Fertilizer Technology, Mechanical Operations, Petrochemicals, Chemical Engineering, Risk And Safety Management In Process Industries, Project Engineering, Pollution Control Engineering, Mass Transfer, Molecular Simulations, Environmental Impact Assessment And Management Plan, Momentum Transfer, Thermodynamics, Bio Energy Engineering, Interfacial Engineering, Bioremediation, Fermentation Technology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Energy Engineering & Technology

BTech Civil subjects

Ground Improvement Techniques, Mechanics Of Structure, Surveying, Computer Aided Analysis And Design, Soil Reinforcement And Geosynthetics, Environmental Engineering & Management, Design Of Steel Structures, Waste Treatment and Management, Engineering Geology, Precast Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Impact Assessment And Auditing, Bridge Engineering, Remote Sensing And Gis, Water Supply & Resources Engineering, Disaster Management And Mitigation, Concrete Design and Technology, Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures, Design Of Foundation And Earth Retaining Structures, Strength & Mechanics Of Materials, Engineering Optimization, Structural Design And Drawing, Railway Engineering And Airport Planning, Civil Engineering Materials And Construction, Hydraulics And Hydraulic Machines, Coastal Engineering, Highway And Traffic Engineering, Hydrological Analysis, Building Science & Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Air And Noise Pollution And Control, Applied Soil Engineering, Resource Management, Non Destructive Testing Of Materials, Elements Of Earthquake Engineering, Urban Transportation Planning, Building Code And Requirements, Pavement Material And Design, Estimation And Costing, Structural Analysis

BTech Electrical & Communication

(RTL) Register Transfer Level Verification using Verilog, Optical Fiber Communication, Logic Design, Antennas, System on Chip Design, Cipher Systems, Microwave Integrated Circuits, Spread Spectrum Communication, (VLSI/ULSI) Very Large Scale Integration Process Technology, Microcontrollers and Applications, Information Theory and Coding, Building Automation Systems, Electronic Instrumentation, Nanoscience & Technology, Analog Signal Processing, Flexible Electronics, Embedded Networking, Power Electronics, (MEMS) Microelectromechanical Systems Technology, Wireless Communication, Object Oriented Programming, Wireless Sensor Networks, (IC) Integrated Circuit Systems, Consumer Electronics, Soft Computing Techniques, Data Structures and Algorithms, Electronic System Design, Analog Communication, Linear and Digital Control Systems, Digital Communication, Communication Networks, Embedded System Design, Satellite Communication, Speech and Audio Processing, Computer Organization and Architecture, Linear Systems & Signals, Radar and Navigation Systems, Signals & Circuits Simulation, Digital Image Processing, Analog Electronics, Processors and Controllers, Electronic Product Design & Packaging, Error Control Coding, Active Filter Design, Semiconductor Device Physics, Real Time Systems, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, (RF) Radio Frequency & Microwave Engineering, Electromagnetic Waves, Mobile Communication, Digital Electronics, Electronic Circuit Design, Network Analysis, Digital System Design

BTech Aeronautical Subjects

Aerospace Engineering, Navigation Guidance And Control, Software Development Techniques For Engineering And Scientists, Finite Element Method, Space Flight Navigation & Guidance, Aircraft Structures, Applied Mechatronics, Computing Of High Speed Flows, Vibration And Structural Dynamics, Aircraft Design & Production, Fiber Reinforced Composites, Aviation Fuels And Their Combustion, Solid Mechanics, State Space Methods For Flight Vehicles, Aerodynamics Of Vehicles, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Flight Dynamics, Structural Mechanics, Propulsion, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, Linear Control Theory, Aircraft Systems And Instruments, Supervised Learning, Thermodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Flight And Orbital Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Composite Structures, Avionics And Navigation Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Performance Of Gas Turbine

BTech Computer Science subjects

Game Programming, Microprocessors, Java Programming, Mobile Application Development, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Object Technology, Internet Technology and Applications, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Software Project Management, Product Realization with Hardware-Software Interface, Network Management & Design, Computer Architecture, Compiler Design, Types of Database Systems, Software Engineering and Architecture, Machine Learning, Web Engineering, Data Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Software Quality Assurance, Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Virtual Reality Technologies, Network security, Unix Network Programming, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Number Theory and Cryptography, Software Testing and Analysis, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Programming in C#, Natural Language Processing, Computer Hardware, Database Management Systems, Storage Device and Technology, Big Data Analytics, Switching Circuits & Logic Design, Linux Programming, Computer Networks, Combinatorics, Social Network Analysis, Simulation and Modelling, Protocol Engineering, Design Of Digital Systems, Wireless Networks, Computer Organization & Design, Network Processors, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Information Security, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Information Retrieval, Building Enterprise Application

BTech Branch

BTech Chemical Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, Other Engineering topics, BTech Electrical & Communication Engineering, BTech Civil Engineering, BTech Biotechnology Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering, BTech Information Science Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, BTech Instrumentation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Electrical & Electronics, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech Aeronautical Engineering, Telecom Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering

BTech Instrumentation subjects

Control System Components and Design, Linear Control Theory, Digital Electronics Circuits, Programmable Logic Controller, Computer Networks & Protocol, Power Plant Instrumentation, Process Instrumentation & Control, Digital System Design, Biomedical Control Systems, Sensors And Transducers, Virtual Instrumentation, Analog System Design, Robust Control, Nonlinear Control Systems, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Electrical and Electronics Measurements, Sensor Technology, Microelectromechanical Systems, Industrial Instrumentation, Object Oriented Programming, Operations Research, Digital Image Processing, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers, Analytical and Optical Instrumentation, Reliability and Safety Engineering, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, Modern Control Theory, Communication Systems, Chemical Process Systems, Multisensor Data Fusion, Embedded System Design, Real Time Embedded Systems, Computer Vision, Instrumentation System Design, Biomedical Instrumentation, Computational Techniques, Industrial Automation, Analog Electronic Circuits, Signals And Systems, Robotics Systems & Control, Optimization Techniques, Digital Signal Processing, Aerospace Vehicles, Power Electronics, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Algorithms, Measurements and Instrumentation, Micro- Manufacturing Systems, Machine Tool Technology, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Dynamics and Control of Mechatronics Systems, Automobile Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Theory of Machines, Digital Signal Processing, Robot Dynamics and Control, Mechatronic Systems Design, Materials Science and Engineering, Computer Networks and Communication Protocols, Design of Machine Elements, Software Engineering and Testing, Autotronics, Machine Vision and Image Processing, Programmable Logic Controller, Database Management Systems, Strength of Materials, Industrial Automation, Linear Control Theory, Design of Mechanical Drives, Robotic Path Planning, Nanotechnology, System Modeling and Simulation, Digital Integrated Circuits and Applications, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Microcontroller Based System Design, Wireless Sensor Networks, Electric Drives, Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Digital System Design, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Production and Operations Management, Mechanical Vibrations, Mechanics of Robotic Systems, Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Engineering Physics, Engineering Graphics, Advanced Mathematics (M2), Engineering Mathematics (M1), Environmental Studies, Communication Skills, Biology For Engineers, Basic Electronics, Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Electrical Technology, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Computer science

Teaching Experience in detail in BTech Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

BCom Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in BCom Tuition


BCom Subject

Business Laws, Consumer Affairs and Customer Care, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Event Management, Banking Technology and Management, Cyber Crimes and Laws, E-Commerce, Business Organisation and Management, Auditing and Corporate Governance, Research Methodology, Cost Accounting, Industrial Laws, Corporate Tax Planning, Information Technology and Audit, E-Business Accounting, Indian Policy and Governance, Financial Markets and Institutions, Financial Accounting, Business Taxation, Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management & Wealth Management, Corporate Administration, Accounting Information Systems, Personal Tax Planning, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Computer Applications in Business, International Business, Banking and Insurance, Business Communication, Banking Law and Operation, Indian Economy, Public relations and Corporate Communication, Personal Selling and Salesmanship, Micro & Macro Economics, Corporate Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning, Indian Financial System, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Company Law, International Finance, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Corporate Financial Policy, Indirect Tax Laws, International Banking & Forex Management, Environment Management & Corporate Social Resposibility, Risk Management, Advertising, Marketing, Financial Analysis and Reporting, Stock and Commodity Markets, Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets, Income Tax Laws, Office Management and Secretarial Practice, Business Ethics, Retail Management

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in BCom Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

BA Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in BA Tuition


BA Multi Media and Mass Communication Subjects

Media Moments in History, Print Media Production, Advertisement and Media, Television Journalism, Fashion Communication, Communication, Media and Society, Exploring Hindi Cinema, Global Politics and Media, Introduction to Journalism, Camera and Editing for TV, Communicatio n and the Plastic Arts, Communicatio n for Special Needs, Communication Research, Documentary, Radio Production, Reporting and Anchoring, Graphic Designing &Visual Images, Public Service Broadcasting, Communication & Disaster Management, Development Communication, Environmental Science, English Communication, Photography, Social Media, Integrated Marketing Communication, Theatre and Communication

BA Economics Subjects

International Economics, Introductory Econometrics, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Mathematical Methods for Economics, Economics of Health and Education, Macroeconomics, Comparative Economic Development, Money and Financial Markets, Political Economy, Economic History of India, Indian Economy, Financial Economics, Microeconomics, Statistical Methods for Economics, Public Economics, Applied Econometrics

BA Micro- Biology Subjects

Food And Dairy Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Instrumentation And Biotechniques, Biochemistry, Inheritance Biology, Virology, Immunology, Microbial Genetics And Genomics, Introduction To Microbiology And Microbial Diversity, Cell Biology, Bacteriology, Environmental Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Recombinant Dna Technology, Plant Pathology, Biomathematics And Biostatistics, Microbial Physiology And Metabolism, Biosafety And Intellectual Property Rights, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, Advances In Microbiology

Field tutored for

Economics, Micro-Biology, Mathematics, Bio-Chemistry, Psychology, Philosophy, Journalism, Multi-Media and Mass Communication, English, Computer Science

BA Computer Science Subjects

Computer System Architecture, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Computation, Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Database Management Systems, Programming Fundamentals using C++, Software Engineering, Programming in JAVA, Internet Technologies

BA Journalism Subjects

Advertising and Public Relations, Introduction to Broadcast Media, Communication Research and Methods, Introduction to Journalism, Advanced New Media, Media and Cultural Studies, Media Ethics and the law, Development Communication, Introduction to new media, History of the Media, Advanced Broadcast Media, Global media and Politics, Reporting and Editing for Print, Introduction to Media and Communication

BA Mathematics Subjects

Mathematical Finance, LaTeX and HTML, Mechanics, Theory of Real functions, Calculus, Linear Programming and Theory of Games, Group Theory, Multivariate Calculus, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, C++ Programming, Metric Spaces, Riemann Integration & Series of functions, Real Analysis, Differential Equations, Probability Theory and Statistics, Mathematical Modeling & Graph Theory, Ring Theory & Linear Algebra, Bio-Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Applications of Algebra, Cryptography & Network Security, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Algebra Systems and Related Softwares, Algebra, Number Theory

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BA Bio-Chemistry Subjects

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Proteins, Plant Biochemistry, Environmental science, Immunology, Enzymes, Research Methodology, Fundamentals of Cell Biology and Immunology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Metabolism of Amino Acids and Nucleotides, Advanced cell biology, Gene Expression and Regulation, Gene Organization, Expression and Regulation, Hormone: Biochemistry and Function, Bioinformatics, Nutritional Biochemistry, Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Lipids, Concepts in Genetics, Molecular basis of infectious diseases, Cell Biology, Clinical Biochemistry, Molecules of Life, Gene Organization, Replication and Repair, Proteins and Enzymes, Basic Microbiology, Biochemistry of Cell, Tools and Techniques in Biochemistry, Protein Purification Techniques, Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering, Human Physiology, Intermediary Metabolism, Molecular basis of non-infectious human diseases, Biochemical Correlations in Diseases, Membrane Biology and Bioenergetics

Taught in School or College


BA English Subjects

Gender and Human Rights, English Language Teaching, European Classical Literature, British Literature: The Early 20th Century, Soft Skills, Literature and Cinema, Language, Literature and Culture, Autobiography, Literary Theory, British Literature: 19th Century, British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries, British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries, Creative Writing, Media and Communication Skills, Environmental Study, Literature of the Indian Diaspora, Language and Linguistics, Research Methodology, American Literature, British Romantic Literature, English/MIL Communication, Womens' Writing, Translation Studies, Text and Performance, Literary Criticism, Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment, Indian Classical Literature, British Literature: 18th Century, British Literature: Post World War II, Science fiction and Detective Literature, Travel writing, Technical Writing, World Literatures, Popular Literature, Academic Writing and Composition, Film Studies, Modern European Drama, Partition Literature, Nineteenth Century European Realism, Postcolonial Literatures, Business Communication, Indian Writing in English

BA Psychology Subjects

Organizational Behavior, Selection & Training, Understanding Psychological Disorders, Biopsychology, Psychology At Work, Community Psychology, Psychology Of Peace, Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders, Human Resource Management, Inter-Group Relations, General Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Introduction to Psychology, Psychology For Health And Well-Being, Health Psychology, Psychological Perspectives In Education, Educational Psychology, Stress Management, Psychological Research, Development of Psychological Thought, Positive Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Psychology of Individual Differences, Developmental Psychology, Psychology Of Disability, Cultural And Indigenous Psychology, Youth, Gender And Identity, Youth Psychology, Psychological Skills In Organizations, Psychology And Media, Effective Decision Making, Statistical Methods for Psychological Research, Personal Growth And Development

Teaching Experience in detail in BA Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

BSc Tuition
14 Students

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Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Botany Subjects

Plant Resource Utilization, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Genetics & Genomics, Mathematics and Statistics, Plant Systematics & Evolution, Biodiversity, Cell Biology, Plant Development and Anatomy, Environmental Management / Bioinformatics, Biology: Introduction to Biology with Practicals, Plant Physiology, Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms, Technical writing and Communication in English / Computational skills, Plant Metabolism & Biochemistry, Ecology and Phytogeography, Plant Biotechnology

BSc Zoology Subjects

Animal Physiology and Functional Histology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics & Genomics, Developmental Biology, Applied Zoology, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Technical Writing and Communication in English, Cell Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Immunology, Environmental Management, Ecology, Biodiversity, Biology

BSc Computer Science Subjects

Data Communication and Computer Networks, Discrete Structures, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Software Testing, Computer Systems Architecture, Basic Statistics and Probability, Lab Based on Digital Electronics, Differential Equations, Operational Research, Calculus and Matrices, Information Security, Data Mining, Microprocessors, Statistical Methodology, Software Engineering, Theory of Computations, Combinatorial Optimisations, Digital Electronics, Programming Fundamentals, Operating Systems, Technical writing and communication in English, Data Structures, Internet Technologies, Real Analysis, Calculus and Geometry, Network programming and Administration

BSc Bio-Medical Science Subjects

Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Human Physiology, Molecular Biology, Human Genetics, Human Pathology, Bioinformatics, Toxicology, Social and Preventive Medicine, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Biophysics, Medical Biotechnology, Pathology, Cell and Radiation Biology, Clinical Biochemistry, Human Physiology and Anatomy, Genetics & Genomics, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Immunobiology, Mathematics and Statistics

BSc Bio-Chemistry Subjects

Nutritional Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cell Biology, Biochemical Techniques, Biomolecules, Intermediary Metabolism, Bioenergetics, Immunology, Industrial Biochemistry, Enzymology, Metabolism of Carbohydrates & Lipids, Molecular Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Hormone Biochemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Genetics & Genomics, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Metabolism of Amino acids & Nucleotides, Chemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Membrane Biology, Proteins and Enzymes, Recombinant DNA Technology, Molecular Genetics

BSc Physics Subjects

Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Technical Writing & Communication in English, Digital Electronics, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Thermal Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Electronic Devices, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics, Chemistry, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Microprocessor and Computer Programming, Oscillations and Waves, Mathematics, Solid State Physics

BSc Chemistry Subjects

Biochemistry, Molecular Dynamics, Forensic Chemistry, Main Group Elements And Solid State Chemistry, Agricultural Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis, Chemistry Of Materials, Thermodynamics, Chemistry For Biologists, Mathematics For Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Applications of Computers in Chemistry, Phase Equilibria And Kinetics, Coordination Chemistry, Basic Clinical And Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Transition Elements And Nuclear Chemistry, Hydrocarbons And Stereochemistry, General Chemistry For Maths & Physics, Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry, Food Chemistry And Technology, Industrial Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Inorganic Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis, Applied Chemistry, Physics For Chemistry, Organic Functional Groups

BSc Electronics Subjects

Network Analysis, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Electronic Instrumentation, Data Structures, Optics and Optical Electronics, Fundamental of Programming Languages, Signals and Systems, Numerical Techniques, Engineering Materials, Analog Communication, Wave Propagation and Antenna, Electrical Machines, Mathematics, Digital Communication, Computational Skills, Analog Electronics, Engineering Mathematics, Electromagnetics, Electronics Practical, Applied Quantum Mechanics, Digital Electronics, Semiconductor Devices, Technical Writing & Communication in English

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BSc Micro- Biology Subjects

Recombinant DNA Technology and Biotechnology, Plant Pathology, Phycology and Mycology, Medical Microbiology, Bacteriology, Chemistry, Genetics & Genomics, Food and Dairy Microbiology, Immunology, Introduction to Microbial World, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Industrial Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Virology, Microbial Ecology, Mathematics and Statistics

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Micro- Biology, BSc Physics, BSc Mathematics, BSc Chemistry, BSc Statistics, BSc Botany, BSc Bio-Chemistry, BSc Zoology, BSc Electronics, BSc Computer Science, BSc Bio-Medical Science

BSc Statistics Subjects

Statistical Inference, Computer Programming in C, Econometrics, Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Applied Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Bio-Statistics, Probability and Statistical Methods, Real Analysis, Operational Research, Technical Writing and Communication in English, Linear Models, Survey Sampling, Design of Experiments, Calculus

BSc Mathematics Subjects

Analysis, Financial Accounting, Calculus, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Number Theory, Ethics in Public Domain, Formal Logic, Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling, Green Chemistry, Mathematical Finance, Numerical Methods and Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Fininacial Management, Geography, Biophysics, Mechanics, Environmental Issues in India, Economics

Teaching Experience in detail in BSc Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 6 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 6 Tuition



CBSE, State, International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Hindi, Physical Education, English, German, Spanish, Science, Chinese, French, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

French, Manipuri, Spanish, Computers, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Oriya, Science, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bengali, EVS, Telugu, English, Japanese, German, Kannada, Social Science, Tamil, Punjabi, Mathematics, Marathi

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, History, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Malayalam, French, Manipuri, Urdu, English, Geography, German, Physics, Assamese, Computer Science, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, EVS, Sanskrit, Spanish, Mizo

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, EVS, Tamil, Gujarati, English, Science, Kannada, Sanskrit, Punjabi, French, Mathematics, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Social science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 6 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 7 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 7 Tuition



CBSE, State, International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Hindi, Physical Education, English, German, Spanish, Science, Chinese, French, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

French, Manipuri, Spanish, Computers, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Oriya, Science, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bengali, EVS, Telugu, English, Japanese, German, Kannada, Social Science, Tamil, Punjabi, Mathematics, Marathi

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, History, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Malayalam, French, Manipuri, Urdu, English, Geography, German, Physics, Assamese, Computer Science, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, EVS, Sanskrit, Spanish, Mizo

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, EVS, Tamil, Gujarati, English, Science, Kannada, Sanskrit, Punjabi, French, Mathematics, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Social science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 7 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 8 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 8 Tuition



CBSE, State, International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Hindi, Physical Education, English, German, Spanish, Science, Chinese, French, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

French, Manipuri, Spanish, Computers, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Oriya, Science, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bengali, EVS, Telugu, English, Japanese, German, Kannada, Social Science, Tamil, Punjabi, Mathematics, Marathi

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, History, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Malayalam, French, Manipuri, Urdu, English, Geography, German, Physics, Assamese, Computer Science, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, EVS, Sanskrit, Spanish, Mizo

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, EVS, Tamil, Gujarati, English, Science, Kannada, Sanskrit, Punjabi, French, Mathematics, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Social science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 8 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class I-V Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class I-V Tuition



IGCSE, ICSE, International Baccalaureate, State, CBSE

IB Subjects taught

Social studies, Chinese, English, German, Hindi, Science, Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Personal, Social and Physical education, French, Japanese, Spanish

CBSE Subjects taught

Tamil, Urdu, EVS, Mathematics, Science, German, Japanese, Malayalam, Computers, French, Marathi, English, Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, Manipuri, Punjabi, Assamese, Kannada, Sanskrit, Hindi, Spanish, Oriya

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, English, Tamil, Science, Spanish, German, Marathi, Kannada, Mathematics, EVS, Assamese, Telugu, Sanskrit, Mizo, Urdu, Gujarathi, French, Bengali, Social Studies, Malayalam, Manipuri, Punjabi

IGCSE Subjects taught

English, Science, Mathematics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Sanskrit, French, Marathi, Hindi, Science, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Mathematics, English, Social Science, Punjabi, Oriya, EVS

Teaching Experience in detail in Class I-V Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 11 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 11 Tuition



International Baccalaureate, CBSE, State, ISC/ICSE, IGCSE

IB Subjects taught

Physics, Sports, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Business and Management, English, Chinese, German, Japanese, Hindi, French, Chemistry, EVS, History, Geography, Information Technology, Spanish, Computer Science

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Accounts, Geography, Physics, Computer Science, History, Mathematics, Commerce, Psychology, Physical Education, Chemistry, Hindi, Political Science, Economics, English Literature, EVS, Biology, English

CBSE Subjects taught

History, Psychology, Economics, Physical Education, English, Biology, Legal Studies, Biotechnology, Political Science, Chemistry, Geography, Sociology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Accountancy, Home Science, Business Studies

IGCSE Subjects taught

French, Sanskrit, Japanese, Law, Hindi, Geography, Physics, German, Chemistry, English, Chinese, Economics, English Literature, Sociology, Psycology, Spanish, Biology, Social science, Mathematics, Environmental Management, Urdu, History

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Statistics, Oriya, Geography, Political Science, Hindi, French, Chemistry, Marathi, English, Physics, Business Studies, Psychology, Gujarati, Biology, Malayalam, Urdu, History, Sociology, Geology, Sanskrit, Economics, Telugu, Logic, Electronics, Mathematics, Home Science, Computer Science, Kannada, Accountancy, Punjabi, Tamil, Education

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 11 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 12 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition



International Baccalaureate, CBSE, State, ISC/ICSE, IGCSE

IB Subjects taught

Physics, Sports, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Business and Management, English, Chinese, German, Japanese, Hindi, French, Chemistry, EVS, History, Geography, Information Technology, Spanish, Computer Science

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Accounts, Geography, Physics, Computer Science, History, Mathematics, Commerce, Psychology, Physical Education, Chemistry, Hindi, Political Science, Economics, English Literature, EVS, Biology, English

CBSE Subjects taught

History, Psychology, Economics, Physical Education, English, Biology, Legal Studies, Biotechnology, Political Science, Chemistry, Geography, Sociology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Accountancy, Home Science, Business Studies

IGCSE Subjects taught

French, Sanskrit, Japanese, Law, Hindi, Geography, Physics, German, Chemistry, English, Chinese, Economics, English Literature, Sociology, Psycology, Spanish, Biology, Social science, Mathematics, Environmental Management, Urdu, History

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Statistics, Oriya, Geography, Political Science, Hindi, French, Chemistry, Marathi, English, Physics, Business Studies, Psychology, Gujarati, Biology, Malayalam, Urdu, History, Sociology, Geology, Sanskrit, Economics, Telugu, Logic, Electronics, Mathematics, Home Science, Computer Science, Kannada, Accountancy, Punjabi, Tamil, Education

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 12 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 9 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 9 Tuition



IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, State, CBSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Biology, Chinese, Hindi, English, History, Computers, Geography, Spanish, Chemistry, Physical Education, Social Science, French, Physics, German, Mathematics, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

Science, Telugu, Urdu, Gujarati, German, Accountancy, Information and Comunication Technology, Social science, Mathematics, Malayalam, Kannada, French, Manipuri, Marathi, Japanese, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Elements of business, Oriya, Spanish, English, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Computer Practices

ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, History and Civics, Geography, Physical Education, Chemistry, English Literature, Computer Application, English, Economic Application, Physics, EVS, Biology

IGCSE Subjects taught

Chemistry, Business Studies, Mathematics, French, Information Technology, Physics, Physical Education, English Literature, English, History, Biology, Geography, Economics, German, Hindi

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

French, EVS, Social Science, Science, Punjabi, Tamil, Mathematics, Kannada, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Urdu, Oriya

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 9 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 10 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 10 Tuition



IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, State, CBSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Biology, Chinese, Hindi, English, History, Computers, Geography, Spanish, Chemistry, Physical Education, Social Science, French, Physics, German, Mathematics, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

Science, Telugu, Urdu, Gujarati, German, Accountancy, Information and Comunication Technology, Social science, Mathematics, Malayalam, Kannada, French, Manipuri, Marathi, Japanese, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Elements of business, Oriya, Spanish, English, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Computer Practices

ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, History and Civics, Geography, Physical Education, Chemistry, English Literature, Computer Application, English, Economic Application, Physics, EVS, Biology

IGCSE Subjects taught

Chemistry, Business Studies, Mathematics, French, Information Technology, Physics, Physical Education, English Literature, English, History, Biology, Geography, Economics, German, Hindi

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

French, EVS, Social Science, Science, Punjabi, Tamil, Mathematics, Kannada, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Urdu, Oriya

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 10 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

MBA Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in MBA Tuition


Teaching Experience in detail in MBA Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Reviews (2)

5 out of 5 2 reviews

Akash Kanojiya https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/2698541-small.jpg Cotton Green
Akash Kanojiya

Class 11 Tuition

"Sir Is Quiet Interesting In Behaviour But Communication is Very Good. His Teaching Is Fabulous Form My Side Sir Also Provide Best Tutor For All Subject. I Got 83% In HSC From Science Stream. "

Akash Kanojiya

Class 9 Tuition

"Akash Sir Is Excellent In Teaching From My Side. From His Akash Tutorials , He Provide Best Tutor For All Subject For Me and I Scored 91% In S.S.C . So From My Side He Is A Best Of Best Teacher In My Carrier, My Parent Is Also Happy From Akash Sir. So Please Choose The Best Teacher i.e Akash Kanojiya. "

Have you attended any class with Akash Kanojiya?


1. Which BTech branches do you tutor for?

BTech Chemical Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, Other Engineering topics and others

2. Do you have any prior teaching experience?


3. Which classes do you teach?

I teach BA Tuition, BCom Tuition, BSc Tuition, BTech Tuition, Class 10 Tuition, Class 11 Tuition, Class 12 Tuition, Class 6 Tuition, Class 7 Tuition and Class 8 Tuition Classes.

4. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

5. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 5 years.

Answers by Akash Kanojiya (1)

Answered on 29/12/2016 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

Which number is divisible by 2 or 2 multiple called Even Function E.g 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 Which number is not divisible by 2 or it is not multiple of 2 called Odd Function E.g 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15
Answers 52 Comments
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BTech Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems, Material Science and Metallurgy, Industrial Robotics, Fluid Mechanics, Cryogenics, Product Design and Manufacturing, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Thermodynamics, Elasticity & Plasticity, Welding Technology, Non-Conventional Energy Sources/ Solar Energy, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Heat & Mass Transfer, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Operations Research, Design Engineering, Micro Machining, Turbomachines, Production and Operations Management, Steam & Gas Turbines, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Machine Tool Technology, Engineering Acoustics, Machine Design, Strength of Materials, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Mechatronics Engineering, Electronic Mesurement & Instrumentation, Jet Propulsion and Rocket Technology, Dynamics of Machinery, Destructive & Non Destructive Testing/ Fracture Mechanics, Automobile Engineering, CAD-CAM, Environmental Pollution Control, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Tribology, Intelligent Systems, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Fluid Drives and Control, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Mechanics of Machines, Kinematics of Machinery, Finite Element Analysis, Energy Engineering and Management, Automotive Fuels and Fuel Sysytems, Electro Magnetic Theory, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Manufacturing Technology

BTech Electrical & Electronics subjects

Electric Power Stations, Linear And Nonlinear Systems, Incremental Motion Control, Algorithms And Data Structures, Polyphase Systems And Component Transformations, System Design & Computer Architecture, Control Systems, Computer Networks, Renewable Energy, Intel Ia-32 Architecture, Linear And Digital Control Theory, Solid State Drives, Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation, Microprocessors, Computer Control Of Energy Systems, Electrical Machinery, Measurements & Instrumentation, Industrial Automation & Control, (Dc- Ac) Direct Current-Alternatiing Current System Interaction, Embedded Processor Architecture, Communication Systems, Data Structures & Algorithms, Real Time Systems, Analog And Digital Communication, Building Automation Systems, Non-Conventional Energy Systems, Traveling Waves On Transmission System, Electromagnetic Theory, Power Generation And Economics, Distribution System Automation, Planning And Control, Electric Power Quality, High-Voltage Engineering, Switchgear And Protection, High-Voltage Direct Current (Hvdc) Transmission, Database Management Systems, Design Of Intelligent Electronic Devices, Power Electronics, Signal Processing, Smart Grid Technologies, Photovoltaics And Applications, Network SynthesiS, Neural Networks And Applications, Lighting Science: Devices And Systems, Design Of Embedded Controllers, Digital Control Systems, Sensor Technology And Instrumentation Design, Direct Energy Conversion, (EMI) Electromagnetic Interference Testing And Design For Compatibility, Circuit Theory, Discrete Fourier Transforms And Digital Filter Design, Power System Engineering, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, Finite Element Method And Applications, Applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Insulation And Testing Engineering, Power System Protection, Regulation & Security, Condition Monitoring Techniques For Electrical Equipments, Modelling And Simulation Techniques For Dynamic System, Alternative Energy Sources, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Digital Computer Organization And Architecture, Modern Power Converters, Electric Drives, Fuzzy-Neural Control, Electric Energy Systems, Flexible Ac Transmission Systems, Energy Management & Auditing, Commutator Machines

BTech Biotechnology subjects

Biomaterials, Bioconjugate Technology And Applications, Downstream Processing In Biotechnology, Biopharmaceutical Technology, Industrial Biotechnology, Chemical And Biochemical Engineering, Genomics And Proteomics, Neurobiology And Cognitive Sciences, Biochemistry, Environmental Science And Engineering, Cell And Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics And Computational Biology, Enzyme Technology And Biotransformation, Principles Of Food Processing, Immunotechnology, Molecular Pathogenesis Of Infections Disease, Plant And Animal Biotechnology, Bioremediation, Genetic Engineering, Microbiology, Intellectual Property Rights And Ethical Issues In Biotechnology, Heat & Mass Transfer, Process Equipment And Plant Design, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Metabolic Engineering, Biophysics, Total Quality Management For Biotechnologists, Bioorganic Chemistry, Separation Techniques In Biotechnology, Bioreaction Engineering, Biological Spectroscopy, Biofuels And Biopolymers, Nanoscience, Proteomics, Molecular Modelling And Drug Design, Tissue Engineering, Biostatistics And Analytical Techniques, Drug Delivery, Solid Statentation, Waste Management, Analytical Methods And Instrumentation, Stoichiometry And Fluid Mechanics

BTech Information Science subjects

Semantic Web, Data Structures and Algorithms, Internet Tools &Technology, Database Systems, Natural Computing, Software Architecture, Computer Graphics and Animation, Business Intelligence, Design and Development of Web Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Information &Web Security, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Mobile Computing, Next Generation Telecom Networks, Big Data Analytics, Computer Networks, Social Network Analytics, Machine Learning, Web Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Distributed Systems, Computer Organization & Microprocessor Systems, Software Reliability, Object Oriented Programming, Software Project and Quality Management, Multimedia Communication, Software Engineering, Software Defined Networking, Operations and Systems Management, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Cloud Computing, Digital Systems, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Principles of Data Communication, Operating Systems

BTech Metallurgical & Materials subjects

Heat Treatment, Phase Transformation, Phase Diagram, Foundry Technology, Machine Design, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Polymer Science & Technology, Powder Metallurgy & Joining of Metal, Fatigue, Fracture and Creep, X-ray & Electron Metallography, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Process Engineering, Production of Iron & Ferro Alloys, Surface Engineering, Extraction of Non Ferrous Metals, Mineral Dressing, Welding Technology, Electronic Properties of Materials, Mechanical Testing, Corrosion Engineering, Professional Practice, Composite Materials, Mechanics of Materials, Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Extractive Metallurgy, Production of Steel, Physical Metallurgy, Metal Forming, Secondary Refining of Steels

BTech Automobile subjects

Noise, Vibration And Harshness, Measurement And Metrology & Instrumentation, Electronics And Microprocessors, Automotive Safety, Engine Auxiliary Systems, Strength Of Materials, Materials Science And Metallurgy, Farm Machinery And Earth Moving Equipment, Statistical Quality Control & Reliability, Composite Structures, New Generation And Hybrid Vehicles, Two And Three Wheelers, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Alternative Fuels And Energy System, Automotive Chassis And Suspension, Transport Management, Computer Integrated Modelling And Manufacturing, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Off Road Vehicles, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Robotics, Total Quality Management, Engine Tribology, Vehicle Aerodynamics, Automotive Engines, Professional Ethics In Engineering, Automotive Pollution Control, Automotive Electrical And Electronics System, Design Of Machine Elements, Engineering Mechanics, Ergonomics In Automotive Design, Mechanics Of Machines, Vehicle Dynamics, Actuation Systems, Autotronics, Theory Of Machines, Linear Control Theory

BTech Chemical subjects

Inorganic And Physical Chemistry, Process Design Of Chemical Equipment, Design Of Biological Treatment Process, Energy Conservation And Management In Process Industries, Oil And Natural Gas Engineering, Chemical Process Industries, Separation Processes, Solid Waste Engineering Management, Design And Drawing Of Chemical Equipments, Chemical Process Calculations, Process Dynamics And Control, Industrial Waste Water Engineering, Particulate Technology, Optimization Of Chemical Processes, Pinch Technology, Bio Chemical Engineering, Membrane Science & Technology, Fluid & Fluid Particle Systems, Electrochemical Engineering, Upstream And Downstream Bioprocessing, Process Modeling & Simulation, Transport Phenomena, Catalysis And Colloidal Systems, Fertilizer Technology, Mechanical Operations, Petrochemicals, Chemical Engineering, Risk And Safety Management In Process Industries, Project Engineering, Pollution Control Engineering, Mass Transfer, Molecular Simulations, Environmental Impact Assessment And Management Plan, Momentum Transfer, Thermodynamics, Bio Energy Engineering, Interfacial Engineering, Bioremediation, Fermentation Technology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Energy Engineering & Technology

BTech Civil subjects

Ground Improvement Techniques, Mechanics Of Structure, Surveying, Computer Aided Analysis And Design, Soil Reinforcement And Geosynthetics, Environmental Engineering & Management, Design Of Steel Structures, Waste Treatment and Management, Engineering Geology, Precast Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Impact Assessment And Auditing, Bridge Engineering, Remote Sensing And Gis, Water Supply & Resources Engineering, Disaster Management And Mitigation, Concrete Design and Technology, Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures, Design Of Foundation And Earth Retaining Structures, Strength & Mechanics Of Materials, Engineering Optimization, Structural Design And Drawing, Railway Engineering And Airport Planning, Civil Engineering Materials And Construction, Hydraulics And Hydraulic Machines, Coastal Engineering, Highway And Traffic Engineering, Hydrological Analysis, Building Science & Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Air And Noise Pollution And Control, Applied Soil Engineering, Resource Management, Non Destructive Testing Of Materials, Elements Of Earthquake Engineering, Urban Transportation Planning, Building Code And Requirements, Pavement Material And Design, Estimation And Costing, Structural Analysis

BTech Electrical & Communication

(RTL) Register Transfer Level Verification using Verilog, Optical Fiber Communication, Logic Design, Antennas, System on Chip Design, Cipher Systems, Microwave Integrated Circuits, Spread Spectrum Communication, (VLSI/ULSI) Very Large Scale Integration Process Technology, Microcontrollers and Applications, Information Theory and Coding, Building Automation Systems, Electronic Instrumentation, Nanoscience & Technology, Analog Signal Processing, Flexible Electronics, Embedded Networking, Power Electronics, (MEMS) Microelectromechanical Systems Technology, Wireless Communication, Object Oriented Programming, Wireless Sensor Networks, (IC) Integrated Circuit Systems, Consumer Electronics, Soft Computing Techniques, Data Structures and Algorithms, Electronic System Design, Analog Communication, Linear and Digital Control Systems, Digital Communication, Communication Networks, Embedded System Design, Satellite Communication, Speech and Audio Processing, Computer Organization and Architecture, Linear Systems & Signals, Radar and Navigation Systems, Signals & Circuits Simulation, Digital Image Processing, Analog Electronics, Processors and Controllers, Electronic Product Design & Packaging, Error Control Coding, Active Filter Design, Semiconductor Device Physics, Real Time Systems, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, (RF) Radio Frequency & Microwave Engineering, Electromagnetic Waves, Mobile Communication, Digital Electronics, Electronic Circuit Design, Network Analysis, Digital System Design

BTech Aeronautical Subjects

Aerospace Engineering, Navigation Guidance And Control, Software Development Techniques For Engineering And Scientists, Finite Element Method, Space Flight Navigation & Guidance, Aircraft Structures, Applied Mechatronics, Computing Of High Speed Flows, Vibration And Structural Dynamics, Aircraft Design & Production, Fiber Reinforced Composites, Aviation Fuels And Their Combustion, Solid Mechanics, State Space Methods For Flight Vehicles, Aerodynamics Of Vehicles, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Flight Dynamics, Structural Mechanics, Propulsion, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, Linear Control Theory, Aircraft Systems And Instruments, Supervised Learning, Thermodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Flight And Orbital Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Composite Structures, Avionics And Navigation Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Performance Of Gas Turbine

BTech Computer Science subjects

Game Programming, Microprocessors, Java Programming, Mobile Application Development, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Object Technology, Internet Technology and Applications, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Software Project Management, Product Realization with Hardware-Software Interface, Network Management & Design, Computer Architecture, Compiler Design, Types of Database Systems, Software Engineering and Architecture, Machine Learning, Web Engineering, Data Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Software Quality Assurance, Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Virtual Reality Technologies, Network security, Unix Network Programming, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Number Theory and Cryptography, Software Testing and Analysis, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Programming in C#, Natural Language Processing, Computer Hardware, Database Management Systems, Storage Device and Technology, Big Data Analytics, Switching Circuits & Logic Design, Linux Programming, Computer Networks, Combinatorics, Social Network Analysis, Simulation and Modelling, Protocol Engineering, Design Of Digital Systems, Wireless Networks, Computer Organization & Design, Network Processors, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Information Security, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Information Retrieval, Building Enterprise Application

BTech Branch

BTech Chemical Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, Other Engineering topics, BTech Electrical & Communication Engineering, BTech Civil Engineering, BTech Biotechnology Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering, BTech Information Science Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, BTech Instrumentation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Electrical & Electronics, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech Aeronautical Engineering, Telecom Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering

BTech Instrumentation subjects

Control System Components and Design, Linear Control Theory, Digital Electronics Circuits, Programmable Logic Controller, Computer Networks & Protocol, Power Plant Instrumentation, Process Instrumentation & Control, Digital System Design, Biomedical Control Systems, Sensors And Transducers, Virtual Instrumentation, Analog System Design, Robust Control, Nonlinear Control Systems, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Electrical and Electronics Measurements, Sensor Technology, Microelectromechanical Systems, Industrial Instrumentation, Object Oriented Programming, Operations Research, Digital Image Processing, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers, Analytical and Optical Instrumentation, Reliability and Safety Engineering, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, Modern Control Theory, Communication Systems, Chemical Process Systems, Multisensor Data Fusion, Embedded System Design, Real Time Embedded Systems, Computer Vision, Instrumentation System Design, Biomedical Instrumentation, Computational Techniques, Industrial Automation, Analog Electronic Circuits, Signals And Systems, Robotics Systems & Control, Optimization Techniques, Digital Signal Processing, Aerospace Vehicles, Power Electronics, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Algorithms, Measurements and Instrumentation, Micro- Manufacturing Systems, Machine Tool Technology, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Dynamics and Control of Mechatronics Systems, Automobile Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Theory of Machines, Digital Signal Processing, Robot Dynamics and Control, Mechatronic Systems Design, Materials Science and Engineering, Computer Networks and Communication Protocols, Design of Machine Elements, Software Engineering and Testing, Autotronics, Machine Vision and Image Processing, Programmable Logic Controller, Database Management Systems, Strength of Materials, Industrial Automation, Linear Control Theory, Design of Mechanical Drives, Robotic Path Planning, Nanotechnology, System Modeling and Simulation, Digital Integrated Circuits and Applications, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Microcontroller Based System Design, Wireless Sensor Networks, Electric Drives, Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Digital System Design, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Production and Operations Management, Mechanical Vibrations, Mechanics of Robotic Systems, Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Engineering Physics, Engineering Graphics, Advanced Mathematics (M2), Engineering Mathematics (M1), Environmental Studies, Communication Skills, Biology For Engineers, Basic Electronics, Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Electrical Technology, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Computer science

Teaching Experience in detail in BTech Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

BCom Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BCom Tuition


BCom Subject

Business Laws, Consumer Affairs and Customer Care, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Event Management, Banking Technology and Management, Cyber Crimes and Laws, E-Commerce, Business Organisation and Management, Auditing and Corporate Governance, Research Methodology, Cost Accounting, Industrial Laws, Corporate Tax Planning, Information Technology and Audit, E-Business Accounting, Indian Policy and Governance, Financial Markets and Institutions, Financial Accounting, Business Taxation, Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management & Wealth Management, Corporate Administration, Accounting Information Systems, Personal Tax Planning, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Computer Applications in Business, International Business, Banking and Insurance, Business Communication, Banking Law and Operation, Indian Economy, Public relations and Corporate Communication, Personal Selling and Salesmanship, Micro & Macro Economics, Corporate Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning, Indian Financial System, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Company Law, International Finance, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Corporate Financial Policy, Indirect Tax Laws, International Banking & Forex Management, Environment Management & Corporate Social Resposibility, Risk Management, Advertising, Marketing, Financial Analysis and Reporting, Stock and Commodity Markets, Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets, Income Tax Laws, Office Management and Secretarial Practice, Business Ethics, Retail Management

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in BCom Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

BA Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BA Tuition


BA Multi Media and Mass Communication Subjects

Media Moments in History, Print Media Production, Advertisement and Media, Television Journalism, Fashion Communication, Communication, Media and Society, Exploring Hindi Cinema, Global Politics and Media, Introduction to Journalism, Camera and Editing for TV, Communicatio n and the Plastic Arts, Communicatio n for Special Needs, Communication Research, Documentary, Radio Production, Reporting and Anchoring, Graphic Designing &Visual Images, Public Service Broadcasting, Communication & Disaster Management, Development Communication, Environmental Science, English Communication, Photography, Social Media, Integrated Marketing Communication, Theatre and Communication

BA Economics Subjects

International Economics, Introductory Econometrics, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Mathematical Methods for Economics, Economics of Health and Education, Macroeconomics, Comparative Economic Development, Money and Financial Markets, Political Economy, Economic History of India, Indian Economy, Financial Economics, Microeconomics, Statistical Methods for Economics, Public Economics, Applied Econometrics

BA Micro- Biology Subjects

Food And Dairy Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Instrumentation And Biotechniques, Biochemistry, Inheritance Biology, Virology, Immunology, Microbial Genetics And Genomics, Introduction To Microbiology And Microbial Diversity, Cell Biology, Bacteriology, Environmental Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Recombinant Dna Technology, Plant Pathology, Biomathematics And Biostatistics, Microbial Physiology And Metabolism, Biosafety And Intellectual Property Rights, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, Advances In Microbiology

Field tutored for

Economics, Micro-Biology, Mathematics, Bio-Chemistry, Psychology, Philosophy, Journalism, Multi-Media and Mass Communication, English, Computer Science

BA Computer Science Subjects

Computer System Architecture, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Computation, Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Database Management Systems, Programming Fundamentals using C++, Software Engineering, Programming in JAVA, Internet Technologies

BA Journalism Subjects

Advertising and Public Relations, Introduction to Broadcast Media, Communication Research and Methods, Introduction to Journalism, Advanced New Media, Media and Cultural Studies, Media Ethics and the law, Development Communication, Introduction to new media, History of the Media, Advanced Broadcast Media, Global media and Politics, Reporting and Editing for Print, Introduction to Media and Communication

BA Mathematics Subjects

Mathematical Finance, LaTeX and HTML, Mechanics, Theory of Real functions, Calculus, Linear Programming and Theory of Games, Group Theory, Multivariate Calculus, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, C++ Programming, Metric Spaces, Riemann Integration & Series of functions, Real Analysis, Differential Equations, Probability Theory and Statistics, Mathematical Modeling & Graph Theory, Ring Theory & Linear Algebra, Bio-Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Applications of Algebra, Cryptography & Network Security, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Algebra Systems and Related Softwares, Algebra, Number Theory

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BA Bio-Chemistry Subjects

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Proteins, Plant Biochemistry, Environmental science, Immunology, Enzymes, Research Methodology, Fundamentals of Cell Biology and Immunology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Metabolism of Amino Acids and Nucleotides, Advanced cell biology, Gene Expression and Regulation, Gene Organization, Expression and Regulation, Hormone: Biochemistry and Function, Bioinformatics, Nutritional Biochemistry, Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Lipids, Concepts in Genetics, Molecular basis of infectious diseases, Cell Biology, Clinical Biochemistry, Molecules of Life, Gene Organization, Replication and Repair, Proteins and Enzymes, Basic Microbiology, Biochemistry of Cell, Tools and Techniques in Biochemistry, Protein Purification Techniques, Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering, Human Physiology, Intermediary Metabolism, Molecular basis of non-infectious human diseases, Biochemical Correlations in Diseases, Membrane Biology and Bioenergetics

Taught in School or College


BA English Subjects

Gender and Human Rights, English Language Teaching, European Classical Literature, British Literature: The Early 20th Century, Soft Skills, Literature and Cinema, Language, Literature and Culture, Autobiography, Literary Theory, British Literature: 19th Century, British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries, British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries, Creative Writing, Media and Communication Skills, Environmental Study, Literature of the Indian Diaspora, Language and Linguistics, Research Methodology, American Literature, British Romantic Literature, English/MIL Communication, Womens' Writing, Translation Studies, Text and Performance, Literary Criticism, Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment, Indian Classical Literature, British Literature: 18th Century, British Literature: Post World War II, Science fiction and Detective Literature, Travel writing, Technical Writing, World Literatures, Popular Literature, Academic Writing and Composition, Film Studies, Modern European Drama, Partition Literature, Nineteenth Century European Realism, Postcolonial Literatures, Business Communication, Indian Writing in English

BA Psychology Subjects

Organizational Behavior, Selection & Training, Understanding Psychological Disorders, Biopsychology, Psychology At Work, Community Psychology, Psychology Of Peace, Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders, Human Resource Management, Inter-Group Relations, General Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Introduction to Psychology, Psychology For Health And Well-Being, Health Psychology, Psychological Perspectives In Education, Educational Psychology, Stress Management, Psychological Research, Development of Psychological Thought, Positive Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Psychology of Individual Differences, Developmental Psychology, Psychology Of Disability, Cultural And Indigenous Psychology, Youth, Gender And Identity, Youth Psychology, Psychological Skills In Organizations, Psychology And Media, Effective Decision Making, Statistical Methods for Psychological Research, Personal Growth And Development

Teaching Experience in detail in BA Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

BSc Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Botany Subjects

Plant Resource Utilization, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Genetics & Genomics, Mathematics and Statistics, Plant Systematics & Evolution, Biodiversity, Cell Biology, Plant Development and Anatomy, Environmental Management / Bioinformatics, Biology: Introduction to Biology with Practicals, Plant Physiology, Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms, Technical writing and Communication in English / Computational skills, Plant Metabolism & Biochemistry, Ecology and Phytogeography, Plant Biotechnology

BSc Zoology Subjects

Animal Physiology and Functional Histology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics & Genomics, Developmental Biology, Applied Zoology, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Technical Writing and Communication in English, Cell Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Immunology, Environmental Management, Ecology, Biodiversity, Biology

BSc Computer Science Subjects

Data Communication and Computer Networks, Discrete Structures, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Software Testing, Computer Systems Architecture, Basic Statistics and Probability, Lab Based on Digital Electronics, Differential Equations, Operational Research, Calculus and Matrices, Information Security, Data Mining, Microprocessors, Statistical Methodology, Software Engineering, Theory of Computations, Combinatorial Optimisations, Digital Electronics, Programming Fundamentals, Operating Systems, Technical writing and communication in English, Data Structures, Internet Technologies, Real Analysis, Calculus and Geometry, Network programming and Administration

BSc Bio-Medical Science Subjects

Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Human Physiology, Molecular Biology, Human Genetics, Human Pathology, Bioinformatics, Toxicology, Social and Preventive Medicine, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Biophysics, Medical Biotechnology, Pathology, Cell and Radiation Biology, Clinical Biochemistry, Human Physiology and Anatomy, Genetics & Genomics, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Immunobiology, Mathematics and Statistics

BSc Bio-Chemistry Subjects

Nutritional Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cell Biology, Biochemical Techniques, Biomolecules, Intermediary Metabolism, Bioenergetics, Immunology, Industrial Biochemistry, Enzymology, Metabolism of Carbohydrates & Lipids, Molecular Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Hormone Biochemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Genetics & Genomics, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Metabolism of Amino acids & Nucleotides, Chemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Membrane Biology, Proteins and Enzymes, Recombinant DNA Technology, Molecular Genetics

BSc Physics Subjects

Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Technical Writing & Communication in English, Digital Electronics, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Thermal Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Electronic Devices, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics, Chemistry, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Microprocessor and Computer Programming, Oscillations and Waves, Mathematics, Solid State Physics

BSc Chemistry Subjects

Biochemistry, Molecular Dynamics, Forensic Chemistry, Main Group Elements And Solid State Chemistry, Agricultural Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis, Chemistry Of Materials, Thermodynamics, Chemistry For Biologists, Mathematics For Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Applications of Computers in Chemistry, Phase Equilibria And Kinetics, Coordination Chemistry, Basic Clinical And Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Transition Elements And Nuclear Chemistry, Hydrocarbons And Stereochemistry, General Chemistry For Maths & Physics, Concepts In Inorganic Chemistry, Food Chemistry And Technology, Industrial Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Inorganic Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis, Applied Chemistry, Physics For Chemistry, Organic Functional Groups

BSc Electronics Subjects

Network Analysis, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Electronic Instrumentation, Data Structures, Optics and Optical Electronics, Fundamental of Programming Languages, Signals and Systems, Numerical Techniques, Engineering Materials, Analog Communication, Wave Propagation and Antenna, Electrical Machines, Mathematics, Digital Communication, Computational Skills, Analog Electronics, Engineering Mathematics, Electromagnetics, Electronics Practical, Applied Quantum Mechanics, Digital Electronics, Semiconductor Devices, Technical Writing & Communication in English

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BSc Micro- Biology Subjects

Recombinant DNA Technology and Biotechnology, Plant Pathology, Phycology and Mycology, Medical Microbiology, Bacteriology, Chemistry, Genetics & Genomics, Food and Dairy Microbiology, Immunology, Introduction to Microbial World, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Industrial Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Virology, Microbial Ecology, Mathematics and Statistics

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Micro- Biology, BSc Physics, BSc Mathematics, BSc Chemistry, BSc Statistics, BSc Botany, BSc Bio-Chemistry, BSc Zoology, BSc Electronics, BSc Computer Science, BSc Bio-Medical Science

BSc Statistics Subjects

Statistical Inference, Computer Programming in C, Econometrics, Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Applied Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Bio-Statistics, Probability and Statistical Methods, Real Analysis, Operational Research, Technical Writing and Communication in English, Linear Models, Survey Sampling, Design of Experiments, Calculus

BSc Mathematics Subjects

Analysis, Financial Accounting, Calculus, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Number Theory, Ethics in Public Domain, Formal Logic, Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling, Green Chemistry, Mathematical Finance, Numerical Methods and Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Fininacial Management, Geography, Biophysics, Mechanics, Environmental Issues in India, Economics

Teaching Experience in detail in BSc Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 6 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 6 Tuition



CBSE, State, International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Hindi, Physical Education, English, German, Spanish, Science, Chinese, French, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

French, Manipuri, Spanish, Computers, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Oriya, Science, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bengali, EVS, Telugu, English, Japanese, German, Kannada, Social Science, Tamil, Punjabi, Mathematics, Marathi

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, History, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Malayalam, French, Manipuri, Urdu, English, Geography, German, Physics, Assamese, Computer Science, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, EVS, Sanskrit, Spanish, Mizo

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, EVS, Tamil, Gujarati, English, Science, Kannada, Sanskrit, Punjabi, French, Mathematics, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Social science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 6 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 7 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 7 Tuition



CBSE, State, International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Hindi, Physical Education, English, German, Spanish, Science, Chinese, French, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

French, Manipuri, Spanish, Computers, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Oriya, Science, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bengali, EVS, Telugu, English, Japanese, German, Kannada, Social Science, Tamil, Punjabi, Mathematics, Marathi

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, History, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Malayalam, French, Manipuri, Urdu, English, Geography, German, Physics, Assamese, Computer Science, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, EVS, Sanskrit, Spanish, Mizo

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, EVS, Tamil, Gujarati, English, Science, Kannada, Sanskrit, Punjabi, French, Mathematics, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Social science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 7 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 8 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 8 Tuition



CBSE, State, International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Hindi, Physical Education, English, German, Spanish, Science, Chinese, French, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

French, Manipuri, Spanish, Computers, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Oriya, Science, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bengali, EVS, Telugu, English, Japanese, German, Kannada, Social Science, Tamil, Punjabi, Mathematics, Marathi

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, History, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Malayalam, French, Manipuri, Urdu, English, Geography, German, Physics, Assamese, Computer Science, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, EVS, Sanskrit, Spanish, Mizo

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, EVS, Tamil, Gujarati, English, Science, Kannada, Sanskrit, Punjabi, French, Mathematics, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Social science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 8 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class I-V Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class I-V Tuition



IGCSE, ICSE, International Baccalaureate, State, CBSE

IB Subjects taught

Social studies, Chinese, English, German, Hindi, Science, Mathematics, Arts, Computers, Personal, Social and Physical education, French, Japanese, Spanish

CBSE Subjects taught

Tamil, Urdu, EVS, Mathematics, Science, German, Japanese, Malayalam, Computers, French, Marathi, English, Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, Manipuri, Punjabi, Assamese, Kannada, Sanskrit, Hindi, Spanish, Oriya

ICSE Subjects taught

Hindi, English, Tamil, Science, Spanish, German, Marathi, Kannada, Mathematics, EVS, Assamese, Telugu, Sanskrit, Mizo, Urdu, Gujarathi, French, Bengali, Social Studies, Malayalam, Manipuri, Punjabi

IGCSE Subjects taught

English, Science, Mathematics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Sanskrit, French, Marathi, Hindi, Science, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Mathematics, English, Social Science, Punjabi, Oriya, EVS

Teaching Experience in detail in Class I-V Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 11 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 11 Tuition



International Baccalaureate, CBSE, State, ISC/ICSE, IGCSE

IB Subjects taught

Physics, Sports, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Business and Management, English, Chinese, German, Japanese, Hindi, French, Chemistry, EVS, History, Geography, Information Technology, Spanish, Computer Science

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Accounts, Geography, Physics, Computer Science, History, Mathematics, Commerce, Psychology, Physical Education, Chemistry, Hindi, Political Science, Economics, English Literature, EVS, Biology, English

CBSE Subjects taught

History, Psychology, Economics, Physical Education, English, Biology, Legal Studies, Biotechnology, Political Science, Chemistry, Geography, Sociology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Accountancy, Home Science, Business Studies

IGCSE Subjects taught

French, Sanskrit, Japanese, Law, Hindi, Geography, Physics, German, Chemistry, English, Chinese, Economics, English Literature, Sociology, Psycology, Spanish, Biology, Social science, Mathematics, Environmental Management, Urdu, History

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Statistics, Oriya, Geography, Political Science, Hindi, French, Chemistry, Marathi, English, Physics, Business Studies, Psychology, Gujarati, Biology, Malayalam, Urdu, History, Sociology, Geology, Sanskrit, Economics, Telugu, Logic, Electronics, Mathematics, Home Science, Computer Science, Kannada, Accountancy, Punjabi, Tamil, Education

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 11 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 12 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition



International Baccalaureate, CBSE, State, ISC/ICSE, IGCSE

IB Subjects taught

Physics, Sports, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Business and Management, English, Chinese, German, Japanese, Hindi, French, Chemistry, EVS, History, Geography, Information Technology, Spanish, Computer Science

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Accounts, Geography, Physics, Computer Science, History, Mathematics, Commerce, Psychology, Physical Education, Chemistry, Hindi, Political Science, Economics, English Literature, EVS, Biology, English

CBSE Subjects taught

History, Psychology, Economics, Physical Education, English, Biology, Legal Studies, Biotechnology, Political Science, Chemistry, Geography, Sociology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Accountancy, Home Science, Business Studies

IGCSE Subjects taught

French, Sanskrit, Japanese, Law, Hindi, Geography, Physics, German, Chemistry, English, Chinese, Economics, English Literature, Sociology, Psycology, Spanish, Biology, Social science, Mathematics, Environmental Management, Urdu, History

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Statistics, Oriya, Geography, Political Science, Hindi, French, Chemistry, Marathi, English, Physics, Business Studies, Psychology, Gujarati, Biology, Malayalam, Urdu, History, Sociology, Geology, Sanskrit, Economics, Telugu, Logic, Electronics, Mathematics, Home Science, Computer Science, Kannada, Accountancy, Punjabi, Tamil, Education

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 12 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 9 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 9 Tuition



IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, State, CBSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Biology, Chinese, Hindi, English, History, Computers, Geography, Spanish, Chemistry, Physical Education, Social Science, French, Physics, German, Mathematics, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

Science, Telugu, Urdu, Gujarati, German, Accountancy, Information and Comunication Technology, Social science, Mathematics, Malayalam, Kannada, French, Manipuri, Marathi, Japanese, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Elements of business, Oriya, Spanish, English, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Computer Practices

ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, History and Civics, Geography, Physical Education, Chemistry, English Literature, Computer Application, English, Economic Application, Physics, EVS, Biology

IGCSE Subjects taught

Chemistry, Business Studies, Mathematics, French, Information Technology, Physics, Physical Education, English Literature, English, History, Biology, Geography, Economics, German, Hindi

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

French, EVS, Social Science, Science, Punjabi, Tamil, Mathematics, Kannada, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Urdu, Oriya

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 9 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

Class 10 Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 10 Tuition



IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, State, CBSE, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

Biology, Chinese, Hindi, English, History, Computers, Geography, Spanish, Chemistry, Physical Education, Social Science, French, Physics, German, Mathematics, Japanese

CBSE Subjects taught

Science, Telugu, Urdu, Gujarati, German, Accountancy, Information and Comunication Technology, Social science, Mathematics, Malayalam, Kannada, French, Manipuri, Marathi, Japanese, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Elements of business, Oriya, Spanish, English, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Computer Practices

ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, History and Civics, Geography, Physical Education, Chemistry, English Literature, Computer Application, English, Economic Application, Physics, EVS, Biology

IGCSE Subjects taught

Chemistry, Business Studies, Mathematics, French, Information Technology, Physics, Physical Education, English Literature, English, History, Biology, Geography, Economics, German, Hindi

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

French, EVS, Social Science, Science, Punjabi, Tamil, Mathematics, Kannada, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Urdu, Oriya

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 10 Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

MBA Tuition
14 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

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Years of Experience in MBA Tuition


Teaching Experience in detail in MBA Tuition

From 5 year I Am Teaching All The Subject At Classes, School, College. The Result were Excellent. I Honored The Best Private Tuition In India. I Am Explaining By Practical, So That Student Must Be Interactive Through The Lecture.

5 out of 5 2 reviews

Akash Kanojiya

Class 11 Tuition

"Sir Is Quiet Interesting In Behaviour But Communication is Very Good. His Teaching Is Fabulous Form My Side Sir Also Provide Best Tutor For All Subject. I Got 83% In HSC From Science Stream. "

Akash Kanojiya

Class 9 Tuition

"Akash Sir Is Excellent In Teaching From My Side. From His Akash Tutorials , He Provide Best Tutor For All Subject For Me and I Scored 91% In S.S.C . So From My Side He Is A Best Of Best Teacher In My Carrier, My Parent Is Also Happy From Akash Sir. So Please Choose The Best Teacher i.e Akash Kanojiya. "

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Answers by Akash Kanojiya (1)

Answered on 29/12/2016 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

Which number is divisible by 2 or 2 multiple called Even Function E.g 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 Which number is not divisible by 2 or it is not multiple of 2 called Odd Function E.g 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15
Answers 52 Comments
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Akash Kanojiya describes himself as Tutor. He conducts classes in BA Tuition, BCom Tuition and BSc Tuition. Akash Kanojiya is located in Cotton Green, Mumbai. Akash Kanojiya takes at students Home and Regular Classes- at his Home. He has 5 years of teaching experience . Akash Kanojiya has completed Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) from Mumbai in 2016. Akash Kanojiya has got 2 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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