Hi All,This is a requirement from one of our student and here we are posting the question along with solution (this can be achieved using 4 different loops). In Column “J” there are few employee...
1. Vlookup is not case-sensitive 2. If Lookup value has duplicates in the lookup column, then it returns 1st found value 3. Vlookup cannot pull values which are on the left side from Lookup column 4....
Hi,Most of us know that using Vlookup function we can get the right column values, however by using Choose function in Vlookup table array, we can pull left column values as well. In the below screenshot...
INSTR works similar to FIND function in Excel. INSTR search for specific text in a given text and returns the position number of what you are searching for. Syntax: InStr( , string, searchingfor, ) Sub...