Describe the evolution of computer languages
List the different modeling tools for program designing
Explain algorithm
Explain flowcharts and its symbols
Explain pseudocodes
Explain IF and IF..ELSE selection construct
Explain case construct
Define operators
List the different types of operators
Describe the use of arithmetical and relational operators
Identify the precedence of operators in an expression
Explain looping constructs
Describe the different types of loops
Define structured programming and its benefits
Identify the modeling tool used for structured programming
Describe the top-down approach in program designing
Define arrays
List the different types of arrays
Describe the searching and sorting techniques
Explain file organization
Describe different types of files
Explain the different file operations
Describe system flowcharts
Explain DFDs and decision tables
Describe HIPO charts
Define software programs
Describe the program development process
Explain programming languages
Explain program execution and program testing
Explain the basic concept of program, including variable, data types and expressions
Define Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
Differentiate between Object-oriented and Object-based programming
Explain Object-oriented design (OO Design)
Describe Responsibility-driven Design (RDD)
Explain Agents, Classes, and Instances
Describe Methods, Responsibilities, and Modules
Explain Generalization, Specialization, and Patterns
Explain Coupling and Cohesion
Explain Class and Methods
Explain Static data fields and Constant data fields
Describe Accessor, Mutator, and Forward declarationUnderstand Object-oriented Concepts and C++
Learn the basics of C++
Learn Flow control statements
Understand the use of Functions, Pointers and Arrays
Understand Function Overloading
Learn about Inheritance
Learn about Multiple Inheritance and Polymorphism
Understand data structures using C++ and Exception Handling