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Lesson Posted on 30/04/2024 Learn Language/Language translation services
I am computer engineer. Teaching German is my passion. I have spent 4 years in Germany and learnt whole...
You have been invited to a party and you want to communicate with other people
Wie kann man die kommunikation beginnen?
Das erste Wort muss
Hallo (Hello)
Guten Tag (Good day)(can be used from midday till evening)
Guten Abend (Good Evening)(Can be used from evening onwards)
Schön, dich kennenzulernen. (Nice to meet you)
Danach (Next)…
Mein Name ist ……
Ich heiße …….
Ich bin ………..
The complete sentence will be
Hallo! Ich heiße cherry.
Now, to be polite, you may like to ask him for his name:
Wie heißt du?(Die informelle Situationen z.B mit Freunde und familie)
Wie heißen Sie?(Die formelle Situationen z.B im büro)
Der nächste Schritt(The next step)
How are you!!!
How are you? |
Wie geht es dir?
Wie geht es ihnen?
In response he may reply
Mir geht es gut. | I am fine. |
Mir geht es schlect. | I am not feeling well. |
Mein Tag war okay. | My day was okay. |
Oder kann man es auch sagen(one can also say)
Nicht so gut(not so good)
The simple communication using phrases we have just learnt
Die Situation(Formell)
Ich bin Cherry.
Wie heißen Sie?
Ich heiße Vihaan.
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Mir geht es gut ! Und Ihnen
Ich bin auch gut.
read lessAnswered on 25/03/2022 Learn Language/Language translation services
Anjali Garg
Adaptable professional with 3 years of experience in teaching German
Thank you
anugṛhito'smi (for men)
anugṛhitāsmi (for women)
Lesson Posted on 05/01/2021 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/Advanced Placement Tests Coaching/German Language
Learning A Language Online During Pandemic
Aishwarya Pankaj Degaonkar
A global pandemic is a once in a lifetime catastrophe. However, education can't take a break because of it.
Various institutions and tutors are now conducting their lectures 100% online, but are we comfortable with it? In the west, online education was partially introduced a decade ago. The MOOC assignments, weekly submissions, and writeups had prepared the west for this unprecedented time.
But that can't stop us from achieving our goal! This is why we have some of the best tips for you to learn a language online.
1. Set an achievable, realistic goal
Can one complete A1-B1 in 6 months? Yes. Must I do it? No.
It's silly to compare your learning speed with someone else. Everyone has a different level of grasping, aptitude when it comes to learning a language. Be realistic with how much time you can dedicate & plan accordingly. Consult a tutor to help you plan your schedule if you wish to learn on your own.
2. Get acquainted with the culture, food, history & geography of the target country
Sure, learning a language sounds intimidating, but it can be made fun once you learn trivia, something unique about it.
3. Language learning is a marathon, not a sprint!
Taking breaks is highly recommended. Don't be hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes all the time, what's vital that you try to rectify them whenever possible.
4. Stick to a schedule, even if it's for 20 minutes
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