Vijayawada, Krishna, India - 520001.
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krishna university 2014
Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
Vijayawada, Krishna, India - 520001
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Years of Experience in OOAD Training
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Years of Experience in Web Development Classes
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Years of Experience in Web Designing Classes
Teaches web designing at proficiency level
Advanced Web Designing, Basic Web Designing
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Years of Experience in Oracle Training
Oracle Database Versions
Oracle Database 12c
Oracle Products taught
Oracle Database, Oracle PL/SQL
Teaching Experience in detail in Oracle Training
oth development and training I can train up 1 programming 2. Database 3. Web Design 4. Web Development 5. SE 6
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Years of Experience in Database Training classes
Teaching Experience in detail in Database Training classes
Create database applications using jdbc Working with oracle and MySQL.
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Years of Experience in Servlet Training
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Years of Experience in Java Training Classes
Core Java, JSP (Java Server Pages), J2EE, Servlet
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Years of Experience in C Language Classes
Teaching Experience in detail in C Language Classes
Lesson 1. History of 'C' Lesson 2. A Simple C Program Lesson 3. Program execution phases Lesson 4. Backslash character constants Lesson 5. Character set Lesson 6. Constants Lesson 7. Number systems Lesson 8. Format specifiers Lesson 9. Identifiers Lesson 10. Keywords Lesson 11. Variables Lesson 12. Data Types Lesson 13. Declaration of Variable Lesson 14. Assigning Values to Variables Lesson 15. Initialization Lesson 16. Comments Lesson 17. Const Qualifier Lesson 18. Basic Structure of a 'C' program Lesson 19. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Arithmetic operators Lesson 2. Increment and decrement operators Lesson 3. Relational operators Lesson 4. Logical operators Lesson 5. The bitwise operators Lesson 6. The assignment operators Lesson 7. The conditional operator Lesson 8. The size of operator Lesson 9. The comma operator Lesson 10. Type casting operator Lesson 11. Other operators Lesson 12. Precedence and order of evaluation Lesson 13. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Modifiers Lesson 2. Format specifiers Lesson 3. Dealing with each data types Lesson 4. Memory representation of each type Lesson 5. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Unformatted I-O Functions Lesson 2. Single Character Input-Output Lesson 3. String Input-Output Lesson 4. Formatted I-O Functions Lesson 5. printf() Width Specifier Lesson 6. scanf() Width Specifier Lesson 7. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Conditional Control Statements Lesson 2. if Lesson 3. if-else Lesson 4. nested if-else Lesson 5. else-if ladder Lesson 6. Multiple Branching Control Statement Lesson 7. switch-case Lesson 8. Loop Control Statements Lesson 9. while Lesson 10. do-while Lesson 11. for Lesson 12. Nested Loops Lesson 13. Jump Control statements Lesson 14. break Lesson 15. continue Lesson 16. goto Lesson 17. exit Lesson 18. return Lesson 19. Programming Examples Lesson 1. What is function? Lesson 2. Why function? Lesson 3. Advantages of using functions Lesson 4. Function Prototype Lesson 5. Defining a function Lesson 6. Calling a function Lesson 7. Return statement Lesson 8. Types of functions Lesson 9. Recursion Lesson 10. Nested functions Lesson 11. main() function Lesson 12. Library Function Lesson 13. Local and global variables Lesson 14. Programming Examples Lesson 1. One dimensional arrays Lesson 2. Declaration of 1D arrays Lesson 3. Initialization of 1D arrays Lesson 4. Accessing element of 1D arrays Lesson 5. Reading and displaying elements Lesson 6. Two dimensional arrays Lesson 7. Declaration of 2D arrays Lesson 8. Initialization of 2D arrays Lesson 9. Accessing element of 2D arrays Lesson 10. Reading and displaying elements Lesson 11. Programming Examples Lesson 1. strings versus character arrays Lesson 2. Initializing strings Lesson 3. Reading string Lesson 4. Displaying string Lesson 5. The %s format specifier Lesson 6. The gets() and puts() functions Lesson 7. string handling functions Lesson 8. string pointers Lesson 9. Two-dimensional character arrays or array of string Lesson 10. array of pointers to strings Lesson 11. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Def of Pointer Lesson 2. Declaration of Pointer Variables Lesson 3. Assigning Address to Pointer Lesson 4. Variables Lesson 5. De-referencing Pointer Variables Lesson 6. Pointer to Pointer Lesson 7. Pointer Arithmetic Lesson 8. Pointer comparisons Lesson 9. De-reference and increment pointer Lesson 10. Programming Examples Structures Files
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Years of Experience in Java Script Training classes
Teaching Experience in detail in Java Script Training classes
What is JavaScript? Evolution of JavaScript Features of JavaScript Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript How does JavaScript works? Structure of a JavaScript program How to write JavaScript in Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse IDE? How to add JavaScript in HTML? How to include External JavaScript in HTML? 2. JavaScript Data Types and Variables Chapter 2 deals with the most important and basic concepts of JavaScript. They are: JavaScript Comments JavaScript Keywords Data Types in JavaScript JavaScript Variables Types of Variables in JavaScript Key Difference between Var, Let, and Const 3. JavaScript Operators Chapter 3 deals with operators in JavaScript. In this chapter, we will learn the following topics: What are Operators in JavaScript? Assignment Operator Comparison Operators Logical Operators Conditional Operators Bitwise Operators Unary Operators TypeOf Operator Operator Precedence 4. JavaScript Statement This chapter deals with the following topics that are as: Conditional Statement If statement If else statement Switch statement Loop statements While Loop Do while Loop For loop Nested for loops For In loop For Of loop Break statement Continue statement 5. JavaScript Function This chapter deals with the following topics that are as follows: What is a function in JavaScript? How to call a function in JavaScript using arguments? Pass By Value in JavaScript Function return (or return statement) Nested functions Rest parameter Anonymous functions Recursion Arrow Function 6. Objects in JavaScript Chapter 6 in this JavaScript syllabus deals with the following important topics that are as: What is an Object? Types of Objects Array Object Properties of Array Object Methods of Array Object String Object Properties of String Object Methods of String Object Math Object Properties of Math Object Methods of Math Object Date Object Methods of Date Object Global Object Properties of Global Object Methods of Global Object Number Object Properties of Number Object Methods of Number Object Creating your own Objects Defining methods 7. JavaScript Window and Frame Objects Chapter 7 in this JavaScript syllabus, deals with the following key topics that are as: Top-level Objects Window Object Creating a Window Communicating with the user Working with Timeouts Some properties of Window Object Some other useful methods of Window Object Location Object Properties of Location Object Methods of Location Object Document Object Properties of Document Object Methods of Document Object The Navigator Object Properties of Navigator Object Methods of Navigator Object History Object Properties of History Object Methods of History Object Screen Object Working with Frames Creating frames The frame tree Accessing frames Nested frames Frame object model Frame element object 8. JavaScript Event Handling Chapter 8 in this JavaScript syllabus covers the following significant topics that are as: Events How does it work? Objects and Events Creating an Event handler Changing Event handlers Managing JavaScript Events Mouse Events Keyboard Events The onLoad and onUnload Events Event Simulation The Event object Event capturing Turning off Event capturing Event bubbling Preventing Event bubbling 9. JavaScript Exception Handling The following topics come under this chapter that are as: Exceptions and Errors Exception mechanism “try-catch-finally” constructions Throwing exceptions Error Object Properties of Error Object Methods of Error Object 10. Form In this module, we will learn the following important topics that are as: The Form Object Accessing Forms within JavaScript Accessing Form elements About element objects Properties of Form Object Methods of Form Object Fieldset and Legend Element Objects Label Element Object Text Input Object Properties of Text Input Object Methods of Text Input Object Password Input Object Hidden Input Object Textarea Element Object Properties of Textarea Element Object Button Element Object Checkbox Input Object Properties of Checkbox Input Object Method of Checkbox Input Object Radio Input Object Properties of Radio Input Object Methods of Radio Input Object Image Input Object Properties of Image Input Object Select Element Object Properties of Select Element Object Methods of Select Element Object Option Element Object File Input Element Object 11. Document Object Model (DOM) Chapter 11 contains the following topics under this JavaScript syllabus that are as: Document Object Model (DOM) and W3C DOM Levels DOM and JavaScript New DOM Concepts Element Referencing Hierarchy of nodes Node properties Node methods Generating new node content Replacing node content 12. Introduction of HTML This chapter contains the following basic key topics that are as follows: Introduction of HTML A brief history of HTML The World Wide Web User Agents (or Browsers) The Building Blocks of a Webpage HTML and Word processors HTML tags Nesting tags Tag attribute Fundamental tags A simple HTML document The Meta tag Adding comments
1. Which classes do you teach?
I teach C Language, Database Training, Java Script Training, Java Training, OOAD, Oracle Training, Servlet, Web Designing and Web Development Classes.
2. Do you provide a demo class?
Yes, I provide a free demo class.
3. How many years of experience do you have?
I have been teaching for 5 years.
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Years of Experience in OOAD Training
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Years of Experience in Web Development Classes
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Years of Experience in Web Designing Classes
Teaches web designing at proficiency level
Advanced Web Designing, Basic Web Designing
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Years of Experience in Oracle Training
Oracle Database Versions
Oracle Database 12c
Oracle Products taught
Oracle Database, Oracle PL/SQL
Teaching Experience in detail in Oracle Training
oth development and training I can train up 1 programming 2. Database 3. Web Design 4. Web Development 5. SE 6
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Years of Experience in Database Training classes
Teaching Experience in detail in Database Training classes
Create database applications using jdbc Working with oracle and MySQL.
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Years of Experience in Servlet Training
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Years of Experience in Java Training Classes
Core Java, JSP (Java Server Pages), J2EE, Servlet
Certification training offered
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Years of Experience in C Language Classes
Teaching Experience in detail in C Language Classes
Lesson 1. History of 'C' Lesson 2. A Simple C Program Lesson 3. Program execution phases Lesson 4. Backslash character constants Lesson 5. Character set Lesson 6. Constants Lesson 7. Number systems Lesson 8. Format specifiers Lesson 9. Identifiers Lesson 10. Keywords Lesson 11. Variables Lesson 12. Data Types Lesson 13. Declaration of Variable Lesson 14. Assigning Values to Variables Lesson 15. Initialization Lesson 16. Comments Lesson 17. Const Qualifier Lesson 18. Basic Structure of a 'C' program Lesson 19. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Arithmetic operators Lesson 2. Increment and decrement operators Lesson 3. Relational operators Lesson 4. Logical operators Lesson 5. The bitwise operators Lesson 6. The assignment operators Lesson 7. The conditional operator Lesson 8. The size of operator Lesson 9. The comma operator Lesson 10. Type casting operator Lesson 11. Other operators Lesson 12. Precedence and order of evaluation Lesson 13. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Modifiers Lesson 2. Format specifiers Lesson 3. Dealing with each data types Lesson 4. Memory representation of each type Lesson 5. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Unformatted I-O Functions Lesson 2. Single Character Input-Output Lesson 3. String Input-Output Lesson 4. Formatted I-O Functions Lesson 5. printf() Width Specifier Lesson 6. scanf() Width Specifier Lesson 7. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Conditional Control Statements Lesson 2. if Lesson 3. if-else Lesson 4. nested if-else Lesson 5. else-if ladder Lesson 6. Multiple Branching Control Statement Lesson 7. switch-case Lesson 8. Loop Control Statements Lesson 9. while Lesson 10. do-while Lesson 11. for Lesson 12. Nested Loops Lesson 13. Jump Control statements Lesson 14. break Lesson 15. continue Lesson 16. goto Lesson 17. exit Lesson 18. return Lesson 19. Programming Examples Lesson 1. What is function? Lesson 2. Why function? Lesson 3. Advantages of using functions Lesson 4. Function Prototype Lesson 5. Defining a function Lesson 6. Calling a function Lesson 7. Return statement Lesson 8. Types of functions Lesson 9. Recursion Lesson 10. Nested functions Lesson 11. main() function Lesson 12. Library Function Lesson 13. Local and global variables Lesson 14. Programming Examples Lesson 1. One dimensional arrays Lesson 2. Declaration of 1D arrays Lesson 3. Initialization of 1D arrays Lesson 4. Accessing element of 1D arrays Lesson 5. Reading and displaying elements Lesson 6. Two dimensional arrays Lesson 7. Declaration of 2D arrays Lesson 8. Initialization of 2D arrays Lesson 9. Accessing element of 2D arrays Lesson 10. Reading and displaying elements Lesson 11. Programming Examples Lesson 1. strings versus character arrays Lesson 2. Initializing strings Lesson 3. Reading string Lesson 4. Displaying string Lesson 5. The %s format specifier Lesson 6. The gets() and puts() functions Lesson 7. string handling functions Lesson 8. string pointers Lesson 9. Two-dimensional character arrays or array of string Lesson 10. array of pointers to strings Lesson 11. Programming Examples Lesson 1. Def of Pointer Lesson 2. Declaration of Pointer Variables Lesson 3. Assigning Address to Pointer Lesson 4. Variables Lesson 5. De-referencing Pointer Variables Lesson 6. Pointer to Pointer Lesson 7. Pointer Arithmetic Lesson 8. Pointer comparisons Lesson 9. De-reference and increment pointer Lesson 10. Programming Examples Structures Files
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Years of Experience in Java Script Training classes
Teaching Experience in detail in Java Script Training classes
What is JavaScript? Evolution of JavaScript Features of JavaScript Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript How does JavaScript works? Structure of a JavaScript program How to write JavaScript in Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse IDE? How to add JavaScript in HTML? How to include External JavaScript in HTML? 2. JavaScript Data Types and Variables Chapter 2 deals with the most important and basic concepts of JavaScript. They are: JavaScript Comments JavaScript Keywords Data Types in JavaScript JavaScript Variables Types of Variables in JavaScript Key Difference between Var, Let, and Const 3. JavaScript Operators Chapter 3 deals with operators in JavaScript. In this chapter, we will learn the following topics: What are Operators in JavaScript? Assignment Operator Comparison Operators Logical Operators Conditional Operators Bitwise Operators Unary Operators TypeOf Operator Operator Precedence 4. JavaScript Statement This chapter deals with the following topics that are as: Conditional Statement If statement If else statement Switch statement Loop statements While Loop Do while Loop For loop Nested for loops For In loop For Of loop Break statement Continue statement 5. JavaScript Function This chapter deals with the following topics that are as follows: What is a function in JavaScript? How to call a function in JavaScript using arguments? Pass By Value in JavaScript Function return (or return statement) Nested functions Rest parameter Anonymous functions Recursion Arrow Function 6. Objects in JavaScript Chapter 6 in this JavaScript syllabus deals with the following important topics that are as: What is an Object? Types of Objects Array Object Properties of Array Object Methods of Array Object String Object Properties of String Object Methods of String Object Math Object Properties of Math Object Methods of Math Object Date Object Methods of Date Object Global Object Properties of Global Object Methods of Global Object Number Object Properties of Number Object Methods of Number Object Creating your own Objects Defining methods 7. JavaScript Window and Frame Objects Chapter 7 in this JavaScript syllabus, deals with the following key topics that are as: Top-level Objects Window Object Creating a Window Communicating with the user Working with Timeouts Some properties of Window Object Some other useful methods of Window Object Location Object Properties of Location Object Methods of Location Object Document Object Properties of Document Object Methods of Document Object The Navigator Object Properties of Navigator Object Methods of Navigator Object History Object Properties of History Object Methods of History Object Screen Object Working with Frames Creating frames The frame tree Accessing frames Nested frames Frame object model Frame element object 8. JavaScript Event Handling Chapter 8 in this JavaScript syllabus covers the following significant topics that are as: Events How does it work? Objects and Events Creating an Event handler Changing Event handlers Managing JavaScript Events Mouse Events Keyboard Events The onLoad and onUnload Events Event Simulation The Event object Event capturing Turning off Event capturing Event bubbling Preventing Event bubbling 9. JavaScript Exception Handling The following topics come under this chapter that are as: Exceptions and Errors Exception mechanism “try-catch-finally” constructions Throwing exceptions Error Object Properties of Error Object Methods of Error Object 10. Form In this module, we will learn the following important topics that are as: The Form Object Accessing Forms within JavaScript Accessing Form elements About element objects Properties of Form Object Methods of Form Object Fieldset and Legend Element Objects Label Element Object Text Input Object Properties of Text Input Object Methods of Text Input Object Password Input Object Hidden Input Object Textarea Element Object Properties of Textarea Element Object Button Element Object Checkbox Input Object Properties of Checkbox Input Object Method of Checkbox Input Object Radio Input Object Properties of Radio Input Object Methods of Radio Input Object Image Input Object Properties of Image Input Object Select Element Object Properties of Select Element Object Methods of Select Element Object Option Element Object File Input Element Object 11. Document Object Model (DOM) Chapter 11 contains the following topics under this JavaScript syllabus that are as: Document Object Model (DOM) and W3C DOM Levels DOM and JavaScript New DOM Concepts Element Referencing Hierarchy of nodes Node properties Node methods Generating new node content Replacing node content 12. Introduction of HTML This chapter contains the following basic key topics that are as follows: Introduction of HTML A brief history of HTML The World Wide Web User Agents (or Browsers) The Building Blocks of a Webpage HTML and Word processors HTML tags Nesting tags Tag attribute Fundamental tags A simple HTML document The Meta tag Adding comments
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