Judicial services
Every state has its own judicial services and conducts exam for the same. For e.g. – RJS (Rajasthan Judicial Services), DJS (Delhi Judicial Services), HPJS (Himachal Pradesh Judicial Services), MPJS (Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services), UPJS (Uttar Pradesh Judicial Services), etc.
In this coaching, you are taught in such manner that you can attempt each state’s judicial exam easily and without any hassle.
Junior Legal Officer
Each state has various posts of legal officers for which exam is conducted. In this coaching, you are taught in such manner that you can attempt each state’s such legal officers’ exams easily and without any hassle.
Assistant Prosecution Officer / APP
The APO PLAN is for the aspirants who are preparing for various assistant public prosecutors officers examination which are called in different states with different names, like assistant district attorney exam-ADA,assistant prosecution officer exam-APO,assistant distict prosecution officer exam ADPO, assistant public prosecutor exam -APP etc.
In this coaching, you are taught in such manner that you can attempt each state’s such APP / APO exam easily and without any hassle.