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₹ 500 to ₹ 800 per hour
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Individual with rich experience in corporate sector in HR, Customer services and Training Domain. Having worked at Corporates like IndiGo Airlines, Prism, Retail and Hospitality companies I have the entire knowhow of competitive scenarios faced by candidates at the time of interviews and other life skills to survive in any work environment.I train on Customer services, Personality Development, Grooming, Basic Spoken English, Soft skills,Etiquettes. I design my course module after studying the requirements of my students.
Well talking about I am in this noble profession since 10yrs. I have dealt with engineering student's as well undergraduate student , diploma holders, hospitality and industrial training student's. Teaching soft skills basic grammar and facing interview is my core agenda. I have worked under foreign language under inlingua training. Apart from this I assure consistency and different methodology to train student's. As this fills the gap between the fear of speaking in public. Most of the teaching is form of activities or visuals to enhance the skills and retention. Lot of work in form of writing practice so that they can exhibit the same. I think soft skills and interview skills is very important in a way a good communication skills is necessary in every organization as it has become very competitive. With communication skill one can counter the fear towards achieving anything in life. I have taken ample of workshop for engineering student's and graduates as well as industrial training student's for interview skills and spoken English. The course requirement is based on the student's knowledge. I will say if you want to achieve something and get the right job please do post your query and ask me will inform you and teach you as well.
Effective Personal Coaching for English Speaking,IELTS,PTE, TOEFL,Verbal GMAT,GRE,SAT,CAT,MAT, Interview Skills, Soft Skills, English Tuitions for school children of all classes.
ConqCorp Management Solutions provides Recruitment and Training Solutions to its Clients and Students. Its Unique Training Methodology tries to bring out the best from an individual solely through innovation, self-customized training approaches and through proper guidance and attention. ConqCorp Management Solutions also provides end to end Recruitment Solution to its valuable Clients and believe in doing proper follow-ups for our result oriented approach. Our employees are highly motivated towards their work and try to help the Clients in Recruitment in the best possible way and desired time-frame. ConqCorp is one of the few players in the industry to provide end to end non-technical training solutions to corporate and students. We make our Students Job-Ready and prepare them for their future. So that they become confident and crack interviews easily while applying for a Job. ConqCorp is just the button of an elevator that has been built to facilitate you to your desired destination.
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Lesson Posted on 29/12/2016 Learn Life Skills Coaching/Career Counselling
Your Common Mistakes Are Secretly Reducing Your Productivity, Find Out What You Can Do About It.
Aditya Sisodia
Renowned, recognized for advancing the needs of Job seekers and enhancing strategies for long term...
We live in a competitive age where we are all aiming towards success at our workplaces. The days of just being in your job are pretty much over, it is the age of achievements and accomplishments.
In this pursuit, there have been many studies about how a handful of individuals become much more successful than most others. Consider the example of Steve Jobs – he is considered one of biggest pioneers of the internet age. Several people have tried to understand what separates Steve Jobs and other visionary leaders from most of the people. And the answer is clear – focus. Half of the predicted difference in career success (i.e., promotion, compensation, industry recognition) is due to this one variable – FOCUS.
The bottom line –
Do you find it difficult to resist the temptation of social media while working? In this ever-scattered world filled with smart phones, internet distractions, television, financial worries, meddlesome colleagues, family responsibilities, and the list is never; you might find it impossible to improve your efficiency and personal productivity.
Do not think you are alone. Engaging and maintaining productivity is difficult when social media channels are only a click away to distract you. Let’s not blame only social media for your reduction in productivity.
Multitasking gives you the illusion of hard work, to trick you into producing subpar, incomplete work on a daily basis. You think you are doing multiple tasks at the same time but, you aren’t.
Tip: You can group similar tasks if you still prefer multitasking. There is a lower “mental fee” for multitasking similar tasks, you can preserve your energy better.
If you are a person who works only when you feel like, I’m sorry to say, you’re setting yourself up for disaster. Be honest with yourself while you answer this question – Who “feels” like working?
Tip: You can work in the same place at the same time – this builds a habit setting your mind to naturally become productive.
Perfectionism may sound fascinating but it manifests itself in many ways.
Tip: While doing any task you may first want to finish it then perfect it. You can focus on finishing, not on perfecting.
You have snacks kept all over your desk which looks more tempting than your work. Your phone is kept right beside your PC and every message or call you receive has to be answered.
Tip: Keep all the things which can distract you at a distance. Make sure it takes at least 20-seconds to reach them. So, apply this 20-seconds rule which will help you stay away from easy distractions.
When you become indecisive, you sift through every information you can find. You rehearse the pros and cons, imagine every scenario until you have finally decided.
Tip: Most decisions don’t warrant any extensive decision process. You can try and use the 2-minute rule – spend a minimal time in deciding.
The secret formula for optimum productivity is to work for a specific period of time and then take scheduled breaks. Of course, there are more methods too – like managing your to-do list better, sequence tasks better and making the best of your own self. Some of these ways will help everyone while some methods are more person-specific.
read lessLesson Posted on 06 Jan Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching/IELTS Academic vs General
VOCABULARY for ielts preparation
Dr. Rashpal Bharadhwaj Poonawala
I have been training students from different fields for the English language for more than 20 years....
Word of the Day
pronunciation : kædri Hindi: काड्र / कैड्री
ढांचा, सं-वर्ग(m), कंकाल, कैडर(m), काडर, ठाट, अंजर पंजर
a nucleus of military personnel capable of expansion
a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement
Synonyms; cell
team group
core organisation UK
organization US personnel
troop nucleus
officers staff
noun Colocations:
cadre party कैडर पार्टी
cadre management संवर्ग प्रबंधन
cadre review कैडर समीक्षा
cadre officers कैडर ऑफिसर
cadres policy संवर्ग नीति
cadre force कैडर फोर्स
cadres trained प्रशिक्षित कैडर
cadres came कार्यकर्ता आए
cadre positions कैडर पद
cadre units कैडर इकाई
Over the last two decades it has become an arena of law unto itself, with a cadre of lawyers who specialize in handling big MDL cases and get rich doing so.
पिछले दो दशकों के दौरान यह कानून का एक कार्यक्षेत्र बन गया है, जिसमें एक संवर्ग के वकील बड़े मामलों को निपटाने की निपुणता से काफी धनाढ्य बन जाते हैं।
Creation of regular posts in the place of “in situ” promotions will ensure more transparency in cadre management.
‘‘यथावत् पदोन्नति के स्थान पर नियमित पदों के सृजन से संवर्ग प्रबंधन में अधिक पारदर्शिता सुनिश्चित होगी।
(A) Reduction of the total strength of the cadre from 420 to 376.
A) कैडर की कुल क्षमता 420 से घटाकर 376 की जाएगी।
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Cadre Review of Indian Telecommunications Service, Group Á’.
प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की अध्यक्षता में केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने भारतीय दूरसंचार सेवा, ग्रुप ‘ए’ की कैडर समीक्षा को मंजूरी दे दी है।
read lessLesson Posted on 29/12/2024 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching/IELTS Academic vs General
Word of the Day for IELTS & ENGLISH
Dr. Rashpal Bharadhwaj Poonawala
I have been training students from different fields for the English language for more than 20 years....
Word of the Day
अयोग्य, मूर्ख, असंगत, अमान्य, अनाड़ी, अनुपयुक्त, अकुशल, अनाड़ी
revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse
Synonyms: tactless अकुशल
"an inept remark"
"it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable"
generally incompetent and ineffectual
Synonyms: feckless
"feckless attempts to repair the plumbing"
"inept handling of the account"
not elegant or graceful in expression
Synonyms: awkward, clumsy, cumbersome, ill-chosen, inapt
"a clumsy apology"
"an awkward prose style"
"his cumbersome writing style"
"if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"
noun colocations:
inept government .... सरकार
ineptly handled नियंत्रण में
inept teachers अप्रशिक्षित शिक्षक
inept sequence इनपुट अनुक्रम
inept police ..... पुलिस
inept decisions अहम फैसले
ineptly expressed जाहिर है
ineptly planned योजना बनाई
ineptly acted अप्रतिम कार्य
ineptly conceived कल्पना की
He was always rather inept at sport.
He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.
I am an inept dancer; I might sometimes stomp on my partner's foot or step on it.
मैं नृत्य करने में अनाड़ी हूं; अनजाने में कभी मैं अपनी सहनर्तकी के पैर को ठोकर मार देता हूं या उस पर अपना पैर रख देता हूं।
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