Word of the day
अप्रकट, अवैध, गुप्त, ग़ैरक़ानूनी, अव्यक्त, प्रच्छन्न, छिपा हुआ, संगुप्त, निषेधित.
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
Synonyms: cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, secret, surreptitious, undercover, underground.
noun colocations:
clandestine marriage गुप्त विवाह
clandestine operations अप्रकट ऑपरेशन
clandestine meetings संगुप्त मीटिंग्स
clandestine activities ग़ैरक़ानूनी गतिविधियां
clandestine laboratories छिपा हुई प्रयोगशालाएं
clandestine service अव्यक्त सेवा
clandestine manner अवैध तरीके
clandestine organization निषेधित संगठन
clandestine trade गुप्त व्यापार
clandestine radio छिपा हुआ / ग़ैरक़ानूनी रेडियो
Local defectors preferred clandestine activity, and self-preservation, to open fight.
Mahesh ended a clandestine relationship, but still hopes for finding true love.
Clandestine operations by intelligence operations that are carried out in such a way that keeps them hidden from the common public or enemy.