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IELTS the way to prepare - LISTENING

Anindya Kumar G.
29/12/2016 0 0

An Overview of IELTS Listening

Module format
Listening in IELTS consists of four sections, each with 10 questions. Each qn is worth 1 mark.
The questions are designed so that the answers appear in order in the listening passage. During the test,
time is given for candidates to read the questions and write down and check their answers. Answers
are written on the Question Paper as candidates listen. When the audio stops playing, time is given to candidates to transfer their answers onto an Answer Sheet.

Examples of

Task Type 1 – Completion of Form, Notes, Table, Flow-Chart or Summary

Task Type 2 – Multiple Choice

Task Type 3 – Short-answer Questions

Task Type 4 – Sentence Completion

Task Type 5 – Labelling a Diagram, Plan or Map

Task Type 6 – Classification

Task Type 7 – Matching

DOs and DON'Ts

Do 's Dont 's
Listen carefully to the introduction to each section. This will give you useful
information about the situation and the speakers.
Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).
Use the time at the beginning of each section (and in the middle of Sections 1
– 3) to look through the questions and think about the topic.
Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).
Read the instructions for each task carefully. Remember to check the
maximum number of words allowed.
Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).
Write all your answers as you listen – remember you won’t hear the recording
a second time.
Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).
Check that what you write makes sense in the context. Don’t copy any words that were printed on the Question Paper when you
transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.
Answer all the questions even if you don’t feel sure about an answer – you may
have understood more than you think.
Wait until the end of the test to transfer your answers. You have ten minutes
for this which is plenty of time.
Write clearly when you transfer your answers. If an answer isn’t clear on your
answer sheet, you will lose the mark.
Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).  

Developing your Listening Skills

Most of us are tuned to listening non-english words our own local language or if at all English then it would be more often than not - in a local accented voice. The best way I suggest students to 'TUNE' their ears is to listen to English pop music while following the lyrics typed out at hand. YES, surprisingly this is one of the best methods to catch english words. Most of my students have improved their listening skills by this method.

All the best for your IELTS examination. Do well.

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