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'A or An'

19/06/2020 0 0


Kinds of articles:

There are two kinds of articles:

  1. Indefinite a/an
  2. Definite    the
  3. a/an + singular countable.

Usage based on sound

The choice between a/an is determined by the initial sound of the word following it. If the word begins with a consonant sound, use a; if the word starts with a vowel sound, use an. Note that consonant and vowel refer to sound, not to the letters of the alphabet. a, e, i, o, u are letters of the alphabet, not sounds.

Vowel sounds are a, aa, ii uu, a aye, o, owe ang ah.

Usage-based on structure

A/an is used before a singular countable noun that is mentioned for the first time and does not refer to a particular person or thing.

What’s this? This is the bus.

What’s that? That is orange. (the is not possible here).


  1. a) A singular indefinite countable noun cannot be used without a/an:

We don’t say:

This is a pen.

That is an elephant.

  1. b) uncountables without a/an.

An uncountable singular noun does not take a/an:

This is water/sugar. (not, a water/sugar)  

This is ink/oil. (not, an ink/oil).

  1. a/an + noun (as a class)

a/an is used before a singular countable noun when it represents a class when one means all/every. That is called a classifying function of a/an.

A triangle has got three sides. (all triangles)

A horse is an animal. (all horses).

a/an +noun (profession etc.)

a/an is used before a singular noun denoting profession; occupation; post; rank; caste; community; religion; nationality or political loyalty.

He is a teacher. She is a Christian

He is German. She is a socialist.

a/an + noun (degree/title): a/an is used before a noun denoting a degree/title:

He is a graduate. She is an MSc.

a/an +noun (rate)

a/an is used before a noun expressing the rate:

Fish sells at Rs. 50 a kilo.

She can type 40 words a minute.

Bananas sell at Rs 5 a dozen.

He goes home once a week.

a/an + verb-noun (verb used as a noun)

a/an is used before a verb used as a noun.

He has gone for a walk.

Have a look at this book.

He gave a talk on grammar.

I have a bath at 9’ clock.

a/an + a person’s name

a/an is used before Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss +surname to indicate that his/her identity is not known to the speaker:

A Mr Smith wants to see you.

A Mrs. Smith gave me his letter.


The article The will be covered in the next chapter

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