- Take a printout of your e-Admit Certificate
- Must carry a Black Ball Pen, you will need to answer the questions. Please remember, no other pen will be acceptable
- Carry any of your government issued Identify proofs. It can be your Driving License, PAN Card, Voter ID, Passport or any other which has your photo on it
- Wear a watch or take one to the exam hall. You will need that to keep a track on time and your progress
- It is good to carry a clip board, to have enough support on the desk to write your answer
- Books, loose sheets, and notes
- Electronic devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, pagers or any other communication devices are banned
- There will be negative marking for wrong answers. One-third of the assigned marks for a question would be deducted on giving a wrong answer
- Giving more than one answer for a question will be treated as wrong answer, even if one of the two given answers is correct
- In case, a candidate leaves a question blank, there will be no penalty for that question
- While answering, candidates should use a black ball pen to darken the circles against the right answer
- Never try to use unfair means, it is strictly prohibited. Candidates should not try to copy from others or involve in any such activities
- Candidates should try to maintain decorum in the exam hall. Should never try to misbehave with any of the staffs
- All the candidates should comply with the rules of the examination hall
- Take rest and stay calm
- Don’t stay awake studying the whole night before the exam day
- Think positive