The course starts in April and ends in October, one of the months in which the SAT II is administered by the College board every year. High school students in their 11th grade (juniors) or 12th grade (seniors) who plan to take the SAT II in October or November or December are encouraged to join this course.
The LIVE ONLINE classes that start at 6:45 AM and last for 45 minutes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays are supplemented with assigned practice drills that are to be completed on PREPCOOL’s online portal on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Assessment tests: 1 module test every month and 10 full-length in the months of September-October are administered and a thorough report/review of each test is provided. The students attending this course would be required to watch a 15-20 minute video lesson on the online portal before attending every class.