
Nagendra Babu


Kphb Colony, Hyderabad, India - 500072

Verified 53 Students

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Engineering Diploma Tuition
2 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

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Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Diploma Tuition


Engineering Diploma Branch

Engineering Diploma 1st Year, Information Technology Engineering Diploma, Automobile Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma, Chemical Engineering Diploma, Electrical Engineering Diploma, Computer Engineering Diploma, Civil Engineering Diploma, Mechanical Engineering Diploma, Electronics

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

Power Plant Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Design of Machine Elements, CAD-CAM & Automation, Mechatronics, Material Handling Systems, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Automobile Engineering, Industrial Fluid Power, Production Technology, Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Applied Mathematics, Management, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Development of life Skill, Metrology & Quality Control, Tool Engineering, Production Processes, Alternate Energy Sources & Management, Electrical Engineering, Computer Programming, Measurements & Control, Manufacturing Technology, Fundamentals of Electronics, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Professional Practices, Strength of Materials, Industrial Project

Information Technology Engineering Diploma Subject

Visual Basic, Operating System, Windows Programming, Entrepreneurship Development, Object Oriented Programming, Systems Programming, Digital Techniques, Management Information Systems, Network Management and Administration, Software Engineering, Microprocessor & Programming, Relational Data Base Management Systems, Java Programming, Advanced Java Programming, Communication Techniques, Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Embedded System, Advanced Web Technology, Computer Networks, Data Structure, Multimedia and Animation Techniques, Computer Architecture & Maintenance, Software Testing, Industrial Projects

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Industrial Fluid Power, Automobile Manufacturing System, Machine Tool And Design, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Production Processes, Measurements And Control, Industrial Project, Alternate Energy Sources And Management, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Development of Life Skills, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Tool Design, Plant Engineering, Metrology & Quality Control, Fundamentals of Electronics, Electrical Technology, Professional Practices, Mechatronics, Production Technology, Heat Engineering, Manufacturing Processes, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Strength of Materials, Management, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Applied Mathematics, Computer Programming, Fluid mechanics and machinery

Engineering Diploma Subject

Development of Life, Basic Workshop Practice, Workshop Drawing, Computer Fundamentals, Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Professional Practices, Basic Math, English, Engineering Graphics, Communication Skills, Workshop Practice, Engineering Mechanics, Applied Science ( Mechanical & Plastic )

Computer Engineering Diploma Subject

Network Management Administration, Environmental Studies, Computer Network, Object Oriented Programming, Microprocessor and Programming, Basics of C Programming, Professional Practices, Java Programming, Applied Mathematics, Advanced Java Programming, Computer Graphics, Computer Security, Embedded System, Electrical Technology, Operating System, Behavioral Science, Programming Windows in VC++, Data Structure Using 'C', Relational Database Management Systems, Software Engineering, Network Programming, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Software Testing, Digital Techniques, Advanced Microprocessor, Entrepreneurship Development, Linux Programming, Computer Hardware and Maintenace

Experience in School or College

3 years experience in teaching in civil engineering subjects.

Civil Engineering Diploma Subject

Development of Life Skills, Theory Of Structures, Building Services And Entrepreneurship Development, Contracts and Accounts, Micro Irrigation, Geo Technical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Professional Practices, Water shade Management, Highway Engineering, Design Of Steel Structures, Hydraulics, Building Construction, Design of Structures, Advanced Construction Techniques and Equipments, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures, Computer Aided Drawing, Applied Mathematics (CE and ME Group), Rural Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Architectural Practices and Interior Design, Building Drawing, Plumbing Services, Environment Engineering, Concrete Technology, Mechanics of Structures, Advance Surveying, Surveying, Estimating & Costing

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Mechantronics, Special Purpose Vehicles, Industrial Projects, Strength of Materials, Professional Practices, Automobile component Design, Applied Math, Hydraulics and Pnumatics, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Automobile Air Conditioning, Transport Management, Vehicle Maintainence, Vehicle aerodynamics and Design, CAD-CAM and Automation, Automobile Systems, Vehicle Testing, Automibile Engines, Computer Programming, Automobile Manufacturing Processes, Advanced Automobile Engines, Heat Power Engineering, Environmental Pollution and Control, Automobile Transmission Systems, Development of Life Skills, Automotive Electrical and Electronic Syaytems, Basic Electrical and Electronics, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Materials and Manufacturing Process

Chemical Engineering Diploma Subject

Visual Basic 6.0, Mass Transfer Operation, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Technology of Organic Chemicals, Mechanical and Production Engineering/ Production Technology, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Technologies, Process Simulation, Sugar Technology, Environmental Technology, Plant Utilities, Professional Practices, Petrochemical Technology, Professional Practice, Mechanical Operation, Food Processing and Engineering, Chemical Engineering Drawing, Chemical Instrumentaion and Process Control, Technology of Inorganic Chemicals, Heat Transfer Operation, Industrial Chemistry, Stoichiometry, Plant Safety and Maintenance, Energy Management, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Fluid Flow Operation, Bioprocess Engineering, Industrial Project, Industrial Project and Entreprenureship Development

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Electrical Engineering Diploma Subject

Civil Construction And Survey, Electrical And Electronics Engineering Material, Electrical Machines, Utilization Of Electrical Energy, Principles Of Management And Costing, Electric Drives, Basic Electronics, Electrical Energy Audit And Conservation, Electric Circuit Theory, Micro Hydro Power, Electrical Repair And Maintenance, Power System Operation And Maintenance, Electrical Engineering Drawing, Industrial Attachment, Switchgear And Protection, Renewable Energy Technology, Electrical Measurements And Measuring Instruments, Electronic Devices And Logic Circuit, Power Electronics, Power Stations, Computer Programming, Electrical Design, Estimation And Costing, Instrumentation & Transducers, Control System Components, Electrical Installation, Transmission And Distribution Of Electrical Power, Computer Aided Design, Entrepreneurship Development

BTech Tuition
11 Students

Excellence Award Winner 2019

BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Intelligent Systems, Steam & Gas Turbines, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Electro Magnetic Theory, Automotive Fuels and Fuel Sysytems, Elasticity & Plasticity, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Strength of Materials, Operations Research, Dynamics of Machinery, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Design Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Material Science and Metallurgy, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Micro Machining, Manufacturing Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Energy Engineering and Management, Electronic Mesurement & Instrumentation, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Fluid Drives and Control, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Machine Tool Technology, Heat & Mass Transfer, Jet Propulsion and Rocket Technology, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Mechatronics Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Industrial Robotics, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Product Design and Manufacturing, CAD-CAM, Kinematics of Machinery, Machine Design, Non-Conventional Energy Sources/ Solar Energy, Environmental Pollution Control, Mechanics of Machines, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems, Thermodynamics, Engineering Acoustics, Destructive & Non Destructive Testing/ Fracture Mechanics, Cryogenics, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Welding Technology, Production and Operations Management, Finite Element Analysis

BTech Electrical & Electronics subjects

Power System Engineering, Computer Control Of Energy Systems, Traveling Waves On Transmission System, Design Of Intelligent Electronic Devices, Circuit Theory, Real Time Systems, Database Management Systems, Smart Grid Technologies, Condition Monitoring Techniques For Electrical Equipments, Microprocessors, Network SynthesiS, Electric Power Quality, Alternative Energy Sources, Insulation And Testing Engineering, Sensor Technology And Instrumentation Design, Building Automation Systems, Analog And Digital Communication, Direct Energy Conversion, Distribution System Automation, Planning And Control, Computer Networks, Power System Protection, Regulation & Security, Linear And Digital Control Theory, Design Of Embedded Controllers, Data Structures & Algorithms, High-Voltage Direct Current (Hvdc) Transmission, Linear And Nonlinear Systems, Modelling And Simulation Techniques For Dynamic System, Commutator Machines, Incremental Motion Control, Signal Processing, Finite Element Method And Applications, Fuzzy-Neural Control, Measurements & Instrumentation, Power Electronics, Intel Ia-32 Architecture, Digital Control Systems, High-Voltage Engineering, Industrial Automation & Control, Switchgear And Protection, Power Generation And Economics, Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation, Neural Networks And Applications, (Dc- Ac) Direct Current-Alternatiing Current System Interaction, Solid State Drives, Polyphase Systems And Component Transformations, Discrete Fourier Transforms And Digital Filter Design, Modern Power Converters, Digital Computer Organization And Architecture, Renewable Energy, Control Systems, Photovoltaics And Applications, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Algorithms And Data Structures, Electric Energy Systems, Electromagnetic Theory, Energy Management & Auditing, (EMI) Electromagnetic Interference Testing And Design For Compatibility, Embedded Processor Architecture, Applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Electric Power Stations, Lighting Science: Devices And Systems, Non-Conventional Energy Systems, Flexible Ac Transmission Systems, System Design & Computer Architecture, Communication Systems, Electric Drives, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design

BTech Automobile subjects

Composite Structures, Strength Of Materials, Design Of Machine Elements, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Materials Science And Metallurgy, Engineering Mechanics, Computer Integrated Modelling And Manufacturing

BTech Civil subjects

Bridge Engineering, Remote Sensing And Gis, Waste Treatment and Management, Concrete Design and Technology, Disaster Management And Mitigation, Ground Improvement Techniques, Elements Of Earthquake Engineering, Railway Engineering And Airport Planning, Coastal Engineering, Computer Aided Analysis And Design, Air And Noise Pollution And Control, Engineering Optimization, Environmental Engineering & Management, Highway And Traffic Engineering, Design Of Steel Structures, Building Code And Requirements, Fluid Mechanics, Surveying, Pavement Material And Design, Water Supply & Resources Engineering, Structural Analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment And Auditing, Precast Technology, Applied Soil Engineering, Estimation And Costing, Hydrological Analysis, Urban Transportation Planning, Strength & Mechanics Of Materials, Resource Management, Building Science & Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Reinforcement And Geosynthetics, Civil Engineering Materials And Construction, Non Destructive Testing Of Materials, Hydraulics And Hydraulic Machines, Engineering Geology, Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures, Structural Design And Drawing, Mechanics Of Structure, Design Of Foundation And Earth Retaining Structures

BTech Electrical & Communication

Data Structures and Algorithms, (MEMS) Microelectromechanical Systems Technology, Soft Computing Techniques, Antennas, Signals & Circuits Simulation, Linear and Digital Control Systems, Nanoscience & Technology, System on Chip Design, Microcontrollers and Applications, Computer Organization and Architecture, (RF) Radio Frequency & Microwave Engineering, Cipher Systems, Radar and Navigation Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Microwave Integrated Circuits, Real Time Systems, (RTL) Register Transfer Level Verification using Verilog, Building Automation Systems, Consumer Electronics, Embedded System Design, Electronic Product Design & Packaging, Linear Systems & Signals, (VLSI/ULSI) Very Large Scale Integration Process Technology, Digital Communication, Error Control Coding, Electronic Circuit Design, Logic Design, Flexible Electronics, Wireless Communication, Active Filter Design, Network Analysis, Power Electronics, Embedded Networking, Electromagnetic Waves, Processors and Controllers, (IC) Integrated Circuit Systems, Speech and Audio Processing, Information Theory and Coding, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Mobile Communication, Analog Signal Processing, Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics, Communication Networks, Spread Spectrum Communication, Electronic Instrumentation, Semiconductor Device Physics, Digital Image Processing, Optical Fiber Communication, Digital System Design, Object Oriented Programming, Electronic System Design, Satellite Communication, Analog Communication

BTech Aeronautical Subjects

Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Finite Element Method, Software Development Techniques For Engineering And Scientists, Vibration And Structural Dynamics, Structural Mechanics, Composite Structures, Fiber Reinforced Composites, Thermodynamics, Applied Mechatronics, Solid Mechanics

BTech Computer Science subjects

Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Game Programming, Microprocessors, Unix Network Programming, Programming in C#, Software Engineering and Architecture, Web Engineering, Computer Architecture, Switching Circuits & Logic Design, Computer Organization & Design, Social Network Analysis, Machine Learning, Computer Hardware, Java Programming, Network Processors, Software Testing and Analysis, Building Enterprise Application, Information Retrieval, Computer Networks, Bioinformatics, Product Realization with Hardware-Software Interface, Linux Programming, Network Management & Design, Data Communication, Number Theory and Cryptography, Big Data Analytics, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Storage Device and Technology, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Data Structures and Algorithms, Virtual Reality Technologies, Combinatorics, Design Of Digital Systems, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Types of Database Systems, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Protocol Engineering, Software Project Management, Wireless Networks, Compiler Design, Network security, Simulation and Modelling, Software Quality Assurance, Object Technology, Machine Intelligence, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Internet Technology and Applications, Database Management Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Mobile Application Development, Information Security

BTech Branch

BTech Computer Science Engineering, BTech Electrical & Communication Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, BTech Aeronautical Engineering, BTech Mechanical Engineering, Other Engineering topics, BTech 1st Year Engineering, BTech Civil Engineering, BTech Electrical & Electronics

Experience in School or College

classroom teaching in different institutes.

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Mechanics Of Solids, Computer science, Engineering Chemistry, Basic Electronics, Engineering Graphics, Basic Electrical Technology, Communication Skills, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Mathematics (M2), Engineering Mathematics (M1), Environmental Studies, Biology For Engineers, Engineering Physics

Engineering Entrance Coaching classes

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Entrance Coaching classes


Engineering Entrance Exams


Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Teaching Experience in detail in Engineering Entrance Coaching classes

I am efficient in the delivering the subject knowledge with shortcuts to solve the problems in very less time. Learning the concept for clearing the any entrance exam i will focus more at area and solve as many as possible numericals.

4.9 out of 5 41 reviews

Nagendra Babu https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/6051356-small.jpg Kphb Colony
Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Good teaching experienced teachers I have been passed all subjects which I have taken class at this institute. "

Nagendra Babu

BTech Tuition

"Good facility and staff 100 percent result and teaching is very good with some tricks to remember the formulas. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"The way you trained me is someone sir with a experience faculty and gave me a better faculty for my future career. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Very good teaching , we can get good Mark's, I have gained so much knowledge we can pass all the exams. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"It's very good and amazing class are very good. Easy method teaching. Good environment, experienced faculty. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"First of all I am happy to part of student of nagendra sir and teaching is very simple manor and he teach every subject in civil engineering. Thank you so much sir."

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Teaching is good. I got confident to achieve my goals and very good sir. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Good, i got a chance to achieve my goal, good teaching skills, and they conduct exams, and exam point of view. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Best teaching in the institute all the faculty are available in the institute. Institute will be open all the day. "

Nagendra Babu

BTech Tuition

"Good and friendly lecturers. Explains every doubt clearly. Class Rooms are very good . And also available even at odd hours. "

Nagendra Babu

BTech Tuition

"Good Institute, Efficient faculty to teach the subjects in simple way, specially Nagendra Babu Sir and Bajee Sir. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Good Institute, lead by the founders as faculty. I learned more subject knowledge at this institute. "

Nagendra Babu

BTech Tuition

"It is the best place to gain knowledge. Best place to clear all backlogs. Teaching process is excellent. "

Nagendra Babu

BTech Tuition

"Well educated faculty with amazing teaching abilities. Great maintenance of the institute with easily available locality. "

Nagendra Babu

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Good experience and teaching also good. Experience faculty. Nice timings. Study Atmosphere also good. "

Have you attended any class with Nagendra?

Answers by Nagendra Babu (7)

Answered on 16/04/2019 Learn Tuition Fee

For class 12 accounts the fee for home tuition is 10000/- to 15000/- for the subject.
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Answered on 16/04/2019 Learn Tuition Fee

The average tuition fees of std 9 for English language IB board will be 4000/- to 8000/- per month, it also depends on the faculty expertise, demand and loaction.
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Answered on 03/04/2019 Learn Schools/State Board Schools +2 Tuition Tuition Fee

BSc Microbiology graduate can teach to the level of his/her degree or even to the Intermediate students and also to the Higher, Primary School subjects. Main subjects like Biology and other science subjects.
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Answered on 27/02/2019 Learn Tuition

It is quite simple to understand the word educated unemplyment, it is nothing but the person is eligible to get the job based the his/her education qualification, but due to lack of oppurtunities, person fails to secure a job.
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Answered on 25/02/2019 Learn Tuition

Study in the last time exam is something like burning the midnight oil, it may work for time, but not all the time. Revision is the best option at this point of time.
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CAREER: It is an occupation or profession followed as one's life work or Goal in your Life. Q1.What is Goal? It is an Aim, Vision, Target, or a finished Point (Philip 3 .14). It should be God Influenced/Will. Q2....

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Nagendra Babu describes himself as Tutor. He conducts classes in BTech Tuition, Engineering Diploma Tuition and Engineering Entrance Coaching. Nagendra is located in Kphb Colony, Hyderabad. Nagendra takes at students Home. He has 6 years of teaching experience . Nagendra has completed diplamo from andhra polytechnic in 2013 and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) from JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA in 2016. He is well versed in Hindi, English and Telugu. Nagendra has got 41 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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