Dr. M. Naveen Kumar Class 10 trainer in Hyderabad


Dr. M. Naveen Kumar

Faculty in mechanical engineering with 25 years

Barkatpura, Hyderabad, India - 500027.

Verified Certified 20 Students

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I'm a mechanical engineering faculty in engineering college for past 20yeears. Can teach mathematics engineering drawing and any mechanical engineering subjects. For B. Tech and M. Tech

Languages Spoken

English Mother Tongue (Native)


Jntu 2019

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Barkatpura, Hyderabad, India - 500027

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Class 10 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 10 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Information and Comunication Technology, Mathematics


NIOS, CBSE, IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, ICSE, State

State boards taught

Delhi State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Bihar State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Punjab State Board, Rajasthan State Board, West Bengal State Board, Odisha State Board, Karnataka State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Computers, Mathematics

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

CBSE Subjects taught


ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Application

IGCSE Subjects taught

Information Technology, Mathematics

Experience in School or College

ICSE CBSE ISC home tutor only mathematicsand computer science Teaching online for past 3years.

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught


Teaching Experience in detail in Class 10 Tuition

Teaching mathematics for past 20years offline and online for state and central syllabus of X xi XII mathematics and computer science

Class 11 Tuition
2 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 11 Tuition



CBSE, ISC/ICSE, International Baccalaureate, State, IGCSE

State boards taught

Delhi State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Punjab State Board, Karnataka State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

IGCSE Subjects taught

Computer Science, Mathematics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 11 Tuition

Teaching online and offline mode mathematics and computer science for the past 20years for class 11, 12, 13

Class 12 Tuition
3 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition



CBSE, ISC/ICSE, International Baccalaureate, State, IGCSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

IGCSE Subjects taught


State board looking for

Delhi State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Gujarat State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Punjab State Board, Karnataka State Board, Odisha State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 12 Tuition

Teaching mathematics and computer science for the past 20years online and offline mode for classes 10, 11, & 12

BTech Tuition
8 Students

UrbanPro Certified Tutor

For BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Material Science and Metallurgy, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems, Automobile Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Heat & Mass Transfer, Dynamics of Machinery, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Mechatronics Engineering, Tribology, Strength of Materials, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, CAD-CAM, Manufacturing Technology, Kinematics of Machinery, Design Engineering, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Industrial Robotics, Operations Research, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Machine Tool Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Mechanics of Machines, Machine Design, Product Design and Manufacturing, Finite Element Analysis, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Intelligent Systems, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control

BTech Aeronautical Subjects

Fluid Mechanics, Fiber Reinforced Composites, Solid Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Thermodynamics, Structural Mechanics

BTech Computer Science subjects

Big Data Analytics, Java Programming, Data Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Types of Database Systems, Programming in C#, Database Management Systems, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks

BTech Branch

BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering, BTech Aeronautical Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering

BTech Metallurgical & Materials subjects

Composite Materials, Powder Metallurgy & Joining of Metal, Metal Forming, Surface Engineering, Fatigue, Fracture and Creep, Process Engineering, Machine Design, Mechanics of Materials

Experience in School or College

Handling 1st Year programming in c c++ and Java 3rd and 4th year classes

BTech Automobile subjects

Composite Structures, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Theory Of Machines, Ergonomics In Automotive Design, Measurement And Metrology & Instrumentation, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Strength Of Materials, Computer Integrated Modelling And Manufacturing, Engine Tribology, Thermodynamics, Robotics, Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Design Of Machine Elements

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Database Management Systems, Design of Machine Elements, Automobile Engineering, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Strength of Materials, Manufacturing Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Design of Mechanical Drives

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Computer science, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Mathematics (M1), Advanced Mathematics (M2), Basic Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics Of Solids

Teaching Experience in detail in BTech Tuition

Handling b.tech computer subjects c c++ java for past 20years.

Engineering Entrance Coaching classes
1 Student

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Entrance Coaching classes


Engineering Entrance Exams

GATE Coaching Classes, EAMCET, IIT JEE Coaching Classes, BITSAT Coaching Classes

IITJEE Coaching

IIT JEE Advanced Coaching, IIT JEE Foundation Course, IIT JEE Mains Coaching

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

IIT-JEE Subjects


Teaching Experience in detail in Engineering Entrance Coaching classes

Gate coaching is one of the premier entrance test in india where the rank is based for selection in top nit, iit and iiits. Gate mechanical engineering is one of best core group where heavy competition in placement of standard companies and it is based on gate rank. All the final year third year students of B.Tech can attend online session the schedule will be intimated to you. Preparing for the entrance examination on various important topics of mechanical engineering where you can concentrate more in depth knowledge and get clear concept and practice's numerical. A good planning for the preparation is required a part from your regular degree subjects with good score in the degree and a good rank all over india. Keep in mind be among the toppers always success and interesting in to learn new things in group or individual updating the knowledge and practise. The mechanical subjects divided into design, thermal and manufacturing. Selection of subjects and preparation for the entrance in a plan way leads to success. The subject selection is key role for any student which can helps you in academics also to improve the score and concept clear topics. So dear students try to attend the valuable session for you and for the future. You know mechanical engineering is an every green subject in core branches from ancient india. Be proud to be ab successful mechanical engineering in academics, placement or higher education in top institutions in india. All the students kindly attend the class.

Quantitative Aptitude Coaching

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Quantitative Aptitude Coaching


Engineering Diploma Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Diploma Tuition


Information Technology Engineering Diploma Subject

Computer Networks, Java Programming, Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Advanced Web Technology, Relational Data Base Management Systems, Software Engineering, Advanced Java Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Visual Basic, Data Structure

Engineering Diploma Branch

Mechanical Engineering Diploma, Computer Engineering Diploma, Automobile Engineering Diploma, Information Technology Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Industrial Fluid Power, Production Processes, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Applied Mathematics, Strength of Materials, Computer Programming, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Production Technology, Plant Engineering, Automobile Manufacturing System, Heat Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Tool Design, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Metrology & Quality Control, Industrial Project, Machine Tool And Design, Measurements And Control, Professional Practices, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Mechatronics, Manufacturing Processes

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

CAD-CAM & Automation, Computer Programming, Thermal Engineering, Mechatronics, Power Engineering, Strength of Materials, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Metrology & Quality Control, Production Processes, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Project, Production Technology, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Industrial Fluid Power, Material Handling Systems, Automobile Engineering, Design of Machine Elements, Power Plant Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Applied Mathematics, Tool Engineering

Computer Engineering Diploma Subject

Computer Network, Computer Security, Computer Graphics, Digital Techniques, Advanced Java Programming, Software Engineering, Basics of C Programming, Applied Mathematics, Programming Windows in VC++, Java Programming, Data Structure Using 'C', Graphical User Interface (GUI), Object Oriented Programming

Experience in School or College

Already tutor at urban Pro for past three years. Teaching online for B. tech mechanical engineering.

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Advanced Automobile Engines, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Applied Math, Strength of Materials, Automobile Air Conditioning, Automibile Engines, Special Purpose Vehicles, Computer Programming, Materials and Manufacturing Process, Automobile Transmission Systems, Automobile Manufacturing Processes, Automobile component Design, Hydraulics and Pnumatics, CAD-CAM and Automation, Automobile Systems, Heat Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Vehicle aerodynamics and Design, Industrial Projects, Mechantronics

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in Engineering Diploma Tuition

Already tutor at urban Pro for past three years. Teaching online for B. tech mechanical engineering.

BSc Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Computer Science Subjects

Data Structures, Differential Equations, Discrete Structures, Basic Statistics and Probability, Calculus and Matrices, Programming Fundamentals, Calculus and Geometry, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Operational Research, Software Engineering, Internet Technologies

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Computer Science, BSc Mathematics

BSc Mathematics Subjects

Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling, Calculus, Numerical Methods and Programming, Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Mechanics, Algebra

C Language Classes

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in C Language Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in C Language Classes

Handling 1st Year b.tech classes for past 20years for c program

Reviews (14)

4.8 out of 5 14 reviews

Dr. M. Naveen Kumar https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/10040308-small.jpg Barkatpura
Dr. M. Naveen Kumar
Verified Student

Class 12 Tuition

I loved

Teacher's Knowledge

Dr. M. Naveen Kumar
Verified Student

BTech Tuition

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Audio/Video Quality

Teacher's Knowledge

Class Content

Dr. M. Naveen Kumar
Verified Student

BTech Tuition

It was ok

Teaching Method

Dr. M. Naveen Kumar
Verified Student

BTech Tuition

I loved

Class Content

Have you attended any class with Dr. M. Naveen?


1. Which school boards of Class 10 do you teach for?

NIOS, CBSE, IGCSE and others

2. Do you have any prior teaching experience?


3. Which classes do you teach?

I teach BSc Tuition, BTech Tuition, C Language, Class 10 Tuition, Class 11 Tuition, Class 12 Tuition, Engineering Diploma Tuition, Engineering Entrance Coaching and Quantitative Aptitude Classes.

4. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

5. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 20 years.

Answers by Dr. M. Naveen (1)

Answered on 12/04/2024 Learn Tuition

Call me on urban Pro platform through virtual number I will teach on line.
Answers 539 Comments
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Class 10 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 10 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Information and Comunication Technology, Mathematics


NIOS, CBSE, IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, ICSE, State

State boards taught

Delhi State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Bihar State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Punjab State Board, Rajasthan State Board, West Bengal State Board, Odisha State Board, Karnataka State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Computers, Mathematics

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

CBSE Subjects taught


ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Application

IGCSE Subjects taught

Information Technology, Mathematics

Experience in School or College

ICSE CBSE ISC home tutor only mathematicsand computer science Teaching online for past 3years.

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught


Teaching Experience in detail in Class 10 Tuition

Teaching mathematics for past 20years offline and online for state and central syllabus of X xi XII mathematics and computer science

Class 11 Tuition
2 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 11 Tuition



CBSE, ISC/ICSE, International Baccalaureate, State, IGCSE

State boards taught

Delhi State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Punjab State Board, Karnataka State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

IGCSE Subjects taught

Computer Science, Mathematics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 11 Tuition

Teaching online and offline mode mathematics and computer science for the past 20years for class 11, 12, 13

Class 12 Tuition
3 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition



CBSE, ISC/ICSE, International Baccalaureate, State, IGCSE

IB Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

IGCSE Subjects taught


State board looking for

Delhi State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Gujarat State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Punjab State Board, Karnataka State Board, Odisha State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Mathematics, Computer Science

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 12 Tuition

Teaching mathematics and computer science for the past 20years online and offline mode for classes 10, 11, & 12

BTech Tuition
8 Students

UrbanPro Certified Tutor

For BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Material Science and Metallurgy, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems, Automobile Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Heat & Mass Transfer, Dynamics of Machinery, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Mechatronics Engineering, Tribology, Strength of Materials, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, CAD-CAM, Manufacturing Technology, Kinematics of Machinery, Design Engineering, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Industrial Robotics, Operations Research, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Machine Tool Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Mechanics of Machines, Machine Design, Product Design and Manufacturing, Finite Element Analysis, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Intelligent Systems, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control

BTech Aeronautical Subjects

Fluid Mechanics, Fiber Reinforced Composites, Solid Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Thermodynamics, Structural Mechanics

BTech Computer Science subjects

Big Data Analytics, Java Programming, Data Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Types of Database Systems, Programming in C#, Database Management Systems, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks

BTech Branch

BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering, BTech Aeronautical Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering

BTech Metallurgical & Materials subjects

Composite Materials, Powder Metallurgy & Joining of Metal, Metal Forming, Surface Engineering, Fatigue, Fracture and Creep, Process Engineering, Machine Design, Mechanics of Materials

Experience in School or College

Handling 1st Year programming in c c++ and Java 3rd and 4th year classes

BTech Automobile subjects

Composite Structures, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Theory Of Machines, Ergonomics In Automotive Design, Measurement And Metrology & Instrumentation, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Strength Of Materials, Computer Integrated Modelling And Manufacturing, Engine Tribology, Thermodynamics, Robotics, Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Design Of Machine Elements

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Database Management Systems, Design of Machine Elements, Automobile Engineering, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Strength of Materials, Manufacturing Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Design of Mechanical Drives

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Computer science, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Mathematics (M1), Advanced Mathematics (M2), Basic Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics Of Solids

Teaching Experience in detail in BTech Tuition

Handling b.tech computer subjects c c++ java for past 20years.

Engineering Entrance Coaching classes
1 Student

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Entrance Coaching classes


Engineering Entrance Exams

GATE Coaching Classes, EAMCET, IIT JEE Coaching Classes, BITSAT Coaching Classes

IITJEE Coaching

IIT JEE Advanced Coaching, IIT JEE Foundation Course, IIT JEE Mains Coaching

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

IIT-JEE Subjects


Teaching Experience in detail in Engineering Entrance Coaching classes

Gate coaching is one of the premier entrance test in india where the rank is based for selection in top nit, iit and iiits. Gate mechanical engineering is one of best core group where heavy competition in placement of standard companies and it is based on gate rank. All the final year third year students of B.Tech can attend online session the schedule will be intimated to you. Preparing for the entrance examination on various important topics of mechanical engineering where you can concentrate more in depth knowledge and get clear concept and practice's numerical. A good planning for the preparation is required a part from your regular degree subjects with good score in the degree and a good rank all over india. Keep in mind be among the toppers always success and interesting in to learn new things in group or individual updating the knowledge and practise. The mechanical subjects divided into design, thermal and manufacturing. Selection of subjects and preparation for the entrance in a plan way leads to success. The subject selection is key role for any student which can helps you in academics also to improve the score and concept clear topics. So dear students try to attend the valuable session for you and for the future. You know mechanical engineering is an every green subject in core branches from ancient india. Be proud to be ab successful mechanical engineering in academics, placement or higher education in top institutions in india. All the students kindly attend the class.

Quantitative Aptitude Coaching

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Quantitative Aptitude Coaching


Engineering Diploma Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Diploma Tuition


Information Technology Engineering Diploma Subject

Computer Networks, Java Programming, Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Advanced Web Technology, Relational Data Base Management Systems, Software Engineering, Advanced Java Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Visual Basic, Data Structure

Engineering Diploma Branch

Mechanical Engineering Diploma, Computer Engineering Diploma, Automobile Engineering Diploma, Information Technology Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Industrial Fluid Power, Production Processes, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Applied Mathematics, Strength of Materials, Computer Programming, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Production Technology, Plant Engineering, Automobile Manufacturing System, Heat Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Tool Design, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Metrology & Quality Control, Industrial Project, Machine Tool And Design, Measurements And Control, Professional Practices, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Mechatronics, Manufacturing Processes

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

CAD-CAM & Automation, Computer Programming, Thermal Engineering, Mechatronics, Power Engineering, Strength of Materials, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Metrology & Quality Control, Production Processes, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Project, Production Technology, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Industrial Fluid Power, Material Handling Systems, Automobile Engineering, Design of Machine Elements, Power Plant Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Applied Mathematics, Tool Engineering

Computer Engineering Diploma Subject

Computer Network, Computer Security, Computer Graphics, Digital Techniques, Advanced Java Programming, Software Engineering, Basics of C Programming, Applied Mathematics, Programming Windows in VC++, Java Programming, Data Structure Using 'C', Graphical User Interface (GUI), Object Oriented Programming

Experience in School or College

Already tutor at urban Pro for past three years. Teaching online for B. tech mechanical engineering.

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Advanced Automobile Engines, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Applied Math, Strength of Materials, Automobile Air Conditioning, Automibile Engines, Special Purpose Vehicles, Computer Programming, Materials and Manufacturing Process, Automobile Transmission Systems, Automobile Manufacturing Processes, Automobile component Design, Hydraulics and Pnumatics, CAD-CAM and Automation, Automobile Systems, Heat Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Vehicle aerodynamics and Design, Industrial Projects, Mechantronics

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in Engineering Diploma Tuition

Already tutor at urban Pro for past three years. Teaching online for B. tech mechanical engineering.

BSc Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Computer Science Subjects

Data Structures, Differential Equations, Discrete Structures, Basic Statistics and Probability, Calculus and Matrices, Programming Fundamentals, Calculus and Geometry, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Operational Research, Software Engineering, Internet Technologies

Type of class

Crash Course, Regular Classes

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Computer Science, BSc Mathematics

BSc Mathematics Subjects

Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling, Calculus, Numerical Methods and Programming, Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Mechanics, Algebra

C Language Classes

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in C Language Classes


Teaching Experience in detail in C Language Classes

Handling 1st Year b.tech classes for past 20years for c program

Answers by Dr. M. Naveen Kumar (1)

Answered on 12/04/2024 Learn Tuition

Call me on urban Pro platform through virtual number I will teach on line.
Answers 539 Comments
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Dr. M. Naveen Kumar describes himself as Faculty in mechanical engineering with 25 years. He conducts classes in BSc Tuition, BTech Tuition and C Language. Dr. M. Naveen is located in Barkatpura, Hyderabad. Dr. M. Naveen takes Online Classes- via online medium. He has 20 years of teaching experience . Dr. M. Naveen has completed Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Jntu in 2019. HeĀ is well versed in English. Dr. M. Naveen has got 14 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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