
Data Science Professional Training

69 reviews
100 Hours

Course offered by Ramakrishna T

72 reviews

Students without any prior knowledge can opt the course,

Course will cover the following




Machine Learning,

Tableau Visualization


1. Introduction
â?¢ What is Data Science
â?¢ Evolution of Analytics
â?¢ Data Science Components
â?¢ Data Scientist Skillset
â?¢ Types of Data Scientists
â?¢ Introduction to Machine Learning
â?¢ Data Science Process
2. Analytic Techniques using R
2.1 Introduction to R Programming
â?¢ When and Why to use R for Analytics
â?¢ Types of Objects in R
â?¢ Naming Conventions in R
â?¢ Creating Objects in R
â?¢ Data Structure in R
â?¢ Matrix, Data Frame, String, Vectors
â?¢ Understanding Vectors & Data input in R
â?¢ Lists, Data Elements
â?¢ Creating Data Files using R
â?¢ Importing Data Files from other sources.
â?¢ Know your Data
2.2 Data Manipulation & Exploration in R
â?¢ Sorting Data
â?¢ Sub-setting Data
â?¢ Selecting (Keeping) Variables
â?¢ Excluding (Dropping) Variables
â?¢ Selecting Observations and Selection using Subset Function
â?¢ Merging Data
â?¢ Adding Rows
â?¢ Data Type Conversion
â?¢ Built-In Numeric Functions
â?¢ Built-In Character Functions
â?¢ User Built Functions
â?¢ Control Structures
â?¢ Loop Functions
â?¢ Outlier & Missing Values
3. Advanced Excel
4. Statistical Concepts & Application
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
â?¢ Data Basics
â?¢ Observations, variables, and data matrices
â?¢ Types of variables
â?¢ Relationships between variables
â?¢ Central Tendency
â?¢ Measures of Central Tendency
- Arithmetic Mean / Average
- Mode
- Median
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
4.2 Data Visualization
â?¢ BAR Graph
â?¢ Pie Chart
â?¢ Box Plot
â?¢ Scatter Plot
â?¢ Histograms
â?¢ Bimodal & Multimodal Histograms
â?¢ Frequency Chart
â?¢ Line Charts
â?¢ Basic Statistics & Data Visualization in R
4.3 Probability Basics
â?¢ Notation and Terminology
â?¢ Unions and Intersections
â?¢ Conditional Probability and Independence
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4.4 Probability Distributions
â?¢ Random Variable
â?¢ Probability Distributions
â?¢ Probability Mass Function
â?¢ Parameters vs. Statistics
â?¢ Binomial Distribution
â?¢ Poisson Distribution
â?¢ Normal Distribution
â?¢ Standard Normal Distribution
â?¢ Central Limit Theorem
â?¢ Cumulative Distribution function
â?¢ Probability Distributions in R
4.5 Probability Distributions Sampling
â?¢ Random Sampling
â?¢ Convenient Sampling
â?¢ Stratified Random Sampling
4.6 Inferential Statistics
â?¢ Hypothesis Testing
- Null Hypothesis
- Alternate Hypothesis
- Level of Significance
- P-Value, Normality
- Decision Criteria
â?¢ Tests of Hypothesis
- One Sample: Testing Population Mean
- Hypothesis in One Sample z-test
- Two Sample: Testing Population Mean
- One Sample t-test
- Two Sample t-test
- Paired t-test
- Hypothesis in Paired Samples t-test
- Chi-Square test
- Hypothesis in Chi-Square test
- F test, Hypothesis in F test
4.7 ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
â?¢ Hypothesis in Analysis of Variance
â?¢ General setup of ANOVA
â?¢ Nonparametric Test and a Parametric Test
â?¢ Tests of Hypothesis using R
â?¢ Analysis of Variance Using R
5. Analytic Techniques using Python
5.1 Basics of Python Language
â?¢ When and Why to use Python for Analytics
â?¢ Introduction & Installation of Python
â?¢ Python Syntax
â?¢ Strings
â?¢ Lists and Dictionaries
â?¢ Loops
â?¢ Regular Expressions
5.2 Introduction to Pandas
â?¢ Selecting data from Pandas DataFrame
â?¢ Slicing and dicing using Pandas
â?¢ GroupBY / Aggregate
â?¢ Strings with Pandas
â?¢ Cleaning up messy data with Pandas
â?¢ Dropping Entries
â?¢ Selecting Entries
5.3 Data Manipulation using Pandas
â?¢ Data Alignment
â?¢ Sorting and Ranking
â?¢ Summary Statistics
â?¢ Missing values
â?¢ Merging data
â?¢ Concatenation
â?¢ Combining DataFrames
â?¢ Pivot
â?¢ Duplicates
â?¢ Binning

5.4 Visualization with MatplotLib
â?¢ Anatomy of a Matplotlib Plot
â?¢ Matplotlib Installation
â?¢ Matplotlib Basic Plots & it's Containers
â?¢ A MatplotLib Figure, it's components and properties
â?¢ Axes and other graphical objects
â?¢ Pylab & Pyplot
â?¢ Scatter plots
â?¢ 2D Plots-Straight Lines & Curves
â?¢ Histograms
â?¢ Pie Charts
â?¢ Bar Graphs
â?¢ Box Plots
â?¢ Data for Matplotlib Plots
â?¢ Set up Title, Axes Labels, Legend, Layout
â?¢ Showing, Saving and Closing Your Plot
5.5 Scientific Libraries in Python
â?¢ Numpy
â?¢ Scikit-Learn
6. Machine Learning
6.1 Fundamentals of Machine Learning
â?¢ Overview & Terminologies
â?¢ What is Machine Learning?
â?¢ Why Learn?
â?¢ When is Learning required?
â?¢ Data Mining
â?¢ Application Areas and Roles
â?¢ Types of Machine Learning
- Supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
-- Supervised Learning --
Predictive Models
(Simple/Multiple/Logistic Regression)
7. Simple Linear Regression
â?¢ Correlation
â?¢ Regression
â?¢ Model Assumptions
â?¢ Estimation Process
â?¢ Least Squares Method
â?¢ The Coefficient of Determination
â?¢ Correlation and Regression Using R & Python
â?¢ Simple Linear Regression Assignments

8. Multiple Regression Analysis
â?¢ Introduction
â?¢ Design Requirements
â?¢ Assumptions
â?¢ Independence
â?¢ Normality, Homoscedasticity, Linearity
â?¢ Multiple Regression
â?¢ Formal Statement of the Model
â?¢ Estimating parameters of the model
â?¢ F-test for the overall fit of the model
â?¢ Multiple regression model Building
â?¢ Selecting the best Regression equation
â?¢ Examples/Use Cases
â?¢ Interpreting the Final Model
â?¢ Multicollinearity and its Diagnostics
â?¢ Examples/Use Cases
â?¢ Qualitative Independent Variables
â?¢ Indicator variables
â?¢ Interpretation of Regression Coefficients
â?¢ Examples/Use Cases
â?¢ Regression Diagnostics and Residual Analysis
â?¢ Multiple Linear Regression Using R & Python
â?¢ Multiple Regression Assignment
9. Logistic Regression Analysis
â?¢ Theory Behind Logistic Regression
- Assessing the Model and Predictors
â?¢ When and Why do we Use Logistic Regression?
- Binary
- Multinomial
â?¢ Interpreting Logistic Regression
â?¢ Assumptions
â?¢ Sample size requirements
â?¢ The logistic function & Interpretation
â?¢ Methods for including variables
â?¢ Computational method
10. Decision Trees
â?¢ Understanding the Concept
â?¢ Internal decision nodes
â?¢ Terminal leaves.
â?¢ Tree induction: Construction of the tree
â?¢ Classification Trees
â?¢ Entropy
â?¢ Selecting Attribute
â?¢ Information Gain
â?¢ Partially learned tree
â?¢ Overfitting
â?¢ Causes for over fitting
â?¢ Overfitting Prevention (Pruning) Methods
â?¢ Reduced Error Pruning
â?¢ Decision trees - Advantages & Drawbacks
â?¢ Ensemble Models
â?¢ Decision Trees using Python
â?¢ Decision Trees Assignment
â?¢ Logistic Regression Model using R & Python
â?¢ Logistic Regression Assignment
Page 4 of 7

12. Random Forests
â?¢ Introduction & Motivation
â?¢ Ensemble Methods - Bagging, Boosting & Random Forests
â?¢ Ensemble Classifiers
â?¢ Ensemble Models
â?¢ How random forests work?
â?¢ Gini Index
â?¢ Operation of Random Forest
â?¢ Random forest algorithm
â?¢ Common variables for random forests
â?¢ Random Forest â?? practical consideration
â?¢ Random Forest â?? Features, Advantages and Disadvantages
â?¢ Limitations of random forests
â?¢ Random Forest using Python
14. Bayesian Theory
â?¢ Axioms of Probability Theory
â?¢ Conditional Probability
â?¢ Independence
â?¢ Joint Distribution
â?¢ Bayeâ??s Rule
â?¢ Bayesian Categorization
â?¢ Generative Probabilistic Models
� Naïve Bayes Generative Model
� Naïve Bayesian Categorization
â?¢ Example & Exercises
� Naïve Bayes Classifier using Python
15. K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN)
â?¢ Non-parametric methods
â?¢ k-Nearest Neighbor Estimator
â?¢ How to Choose k or h
â?¢ Strengths and Weaknesses
â?¢ K-Nearest Neighbor using Python
16. Intro to Dimensionality Reduction
â?¢ Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
â?¢ PCA using Python
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-- Un-Supervised Learning --
17. K Means Clustering
â?¢ Parametric Methods Recap
â?¢ Clustering
â?¢ Direct Clustering Method
â?¢ Mixture densities
â?¢ Classes v/s Clusters
â?¢ Non-Hierarchical Clustering
â?¢ K-Means
â?¢ Distance Metrics
â?¢ K-Means Algorithm
â?¢ K-Means Objective
â?¢ Color Quantization
â?¢ Vector Quantization
â?¢ Encoding/Decoding
â?¢ Soft Clustering
â?¢ Expectation Maximization (EM)
â?¢ EM Algorithm
â?¢ Feature Selection vs Extraction
â?¢ Seed Choice
â?¢ Uses of Clustering
â?¢ Clustering as Pre-processing
â?¢ K-Means Clustering using Python
18. Time Series
â?¢ The Art of Forecasting
â?¢ Forecasting Approaches
â?¢ Qualitative Forecasting Methods
â?¢ Quantitative Forecasting Methods
â?¢ Time Series & its Components
- Trend
- Cyclical
- Seasonal
- Irregular
â?¢ Smoothing Methods
- Moving Average Method
- Exponential Smoothing Method
â?¢ Forecast Effect of Smoothing Coefficient
â?¢ Linear Time-Series Forecasting Model
â?¢ Forecast using Trend Models
â?¢ The Linear Trend Model
â?¢ Time Series Plot
â?¢ Seasonality Plot
â?¢ Trend Analysis
â?¢ Quadratic Time-Series Forecasting Model
â?¢ Quadratic Time-Series Model Relationships
â?¢ Quadratic Trend Model
â?¢ Exponential Time-Series Forecasting Model
â?¢ Exponential Weight
â?¢ Exponential Trend Model
â?¢ Autoregressive Modeling
â?¢ Time Series Data Plot
â?¢ Auto-correlation Plot
â?¢ Evaluating Forecasts
â?¢ Quantitative Forecasting Steps
â?¢ Forecasting Guidelines
â?¢ Pattern of Forecast Error
â?¢ Residual Analysis
â?¢ Time Series Using Python
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19. Tableau
19.1 Tableau Fundamentals
- Uses of Tableau
- Tableau Installation
- Connecting to data
- Dimensions and measures
- Tableau interfaces
- Single table & Multiple table
- Copy and Paste
19.2 Data Visualization with Tableau
- Features of Tableau
- Exporting Data
- Connecting Sheets
- Making Basic Visualization
- Making sense out of visuals
- Bullet Charts
- Dual Axis
- Reference Lines
- Pareto Charts
- Waterfall Charts
- Joins
- Other Advance Techniques
19.3 Conditional Formatting & Scripting
- How to make Charts with Conditions
- Calculated Fields
- Drill Down
- Drill in Effects
- Date/Time Manipulations
19.4 Dashboard Integration
- Dashboard Designing
- Action Settings
- Linking Charts and Storytelling
- Capstone Project
- Interview Preparation
- Resume Building
- Post-Training Engagement

About the Trainer

Ramakrishna picture

4.9 Avg Rating

72 Reviews

76 Students

2 Courses

Ramakrishna T


10 Years of Experience

I have an experience of 9+ overall in this field.
This course covers R+Python+Machine Learning Algorithms and extensive hands on with Capstone project.

Resume building + Job Preparation with industry experts will be covered.

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Reviews (69)

4 out of 5 69 reviews

Ramakrishna T https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/5797885-small.png Ameerpet
Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Ramakrishna have great knowledge regarding data science and his teaching skills is good and can easily learn. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"It is and ongoing course and I am learning a lot of things which will be a great help to my career and I m looking forward to learn more. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"It was an amazing experience and I got really motivated after the call. Really appreciate it. Thank you. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I loved the way he interacts with students. Make them very comfortable. And explain all the doubts very clearly. "

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4 out of 5 69 reviews

Ramakrishna T https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/5797885-small.png Ameerpet
Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Ramakrishna have great knowledge regarding data science and his teaching skills is good and can easily learn. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"It is and ongoing course and I am learning a lot of things which will be a great help to my career and I m looking forward to learn more. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"It was an amazing experience and I got really motivated after the call. Really appreciate it. Thank you. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I loved the way he interacts with students. Make them very comfortable. And explain all the doubts very clearly. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Got information about machine learning which definitely beneficial for me. It's easy to understand and especially mentors are really helpful to guide each point. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Mr Ramakrishna provides an in-depth analysis, an amazing mentor, provides practical knowledge and know-how. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Overall a great experience. Nice explained the concepts and provided a good mentorship . Very friendly & really loved the conversation we had. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Sir way of talking was very frendly. He guided me on what are the topics i need to concentrate to get a job. He also explained Doubts Multiple times so that i could understand everything and he also asked me to msg him ... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Good Insights on data science and Machine learning models. Very helpful in explaining concepts. Overall good. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Had two mentoring sessions with Mr.Ramakrishna. It was very insightful. He has in-depth knowledge of the topics and also professional/hands-on experience as he is currently working in this field. So he guided me as to w... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I have enrolled for weekend training batch for Data Science. Without any doubt, I can say the trainer is the best. The trainer is well experienced and a subject matter expert. I really liked the way statistics and machi... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"I am very grateful to learn Data Science course from Ramakrishna through practical examples including the initial teaching of Python and R programming languages. I have been learning in many platforms but this particula... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Ramakrishna sir is very knowledgeable in the subject and suggested some really impressive techniques to derive insights from my dataset. It was very friendly and patient to listen to all my queries. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Very good, At the end of the course, you will be able to do any data science task on your own. Perfect place to learn for those who want to be a data scientist. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Instructor RamaKrishna is one of the finest Data Science instructor I came across since I started exploring DS/ ML world. He just not explains the math and internal workings of algorithm, but also make you to think abou... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"It was really a great learning experience. He guided always for the betterment. Thank you for your support. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Ramakrishna sir is having good experience, and good technical knowledge. His way of teaching is super. I attended other institues and trainers ramakrishna training is excellent. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Great, You have been friendly, kind and knowledgeable. The way to describe the concepts in easily understandable way is awesome. Thank you. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"He is very good trainer. Every single point he will try to teach you. Side by side you have to the hard work otherwise you will face problem to understand. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"All the concepts related to statistics , machine learning explained in depth along with r and python languages. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Very nice and detailed explanation. Easy to understand and practice. It's a right place to learn data science to get job quickly. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Great place for learning data science and great staff. I would recommend to all."

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I am attending weekend classes. Ramakrishna is the trainer here. He is definitely one the best trainers out there in market. You won't get better person than him to learn statistics from. He always make sure you underst... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"It was my right decision of my life to take the Data Science course. I am very grateful to Ramakrishna sir for his deep knowledge knowledge and experience. He is having in-depth knowledge in Statistics and machine learn... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Good training in a simple and understandable way. Teaches right from the basics for few complex concepts which can be easily understandable for beginners in DS. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Simple explanation of difficult concepts. Good explanation on hypothesis testing of statistics. Thank you for your support. Highly recommended to all. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"The description of each topic provided by you is awesome. Each topic is explained with valid examples. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Ram has really covered topics for R, Python, Statistics very well. He deep dives into the minute details with respect to data science professional exposure and provides quick response in case of any doubts. I will provi... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Very nice and helpful. Best thing is when ever I get a doubt I can freely ask and clear them. Sir is very supportive. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Ram is very professional and explains every point clearly, teaches straight from the basics. He is also very friendly and clarifies doubts during live sessions. I had a very basic knowledge in Python but his teaching ma... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Excellent Teaching/Training which covers end to end Data Science modules with practical Industry oriented real time examples. Ramakrishna sir makes the class very stimulating and does a great job at explaining each and ... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Coaching covers thoroughly each and every concept of Machine Learning and data science. Tutor has very wide industrial and fields experience of data science. It also covers all the necessary topics for interview in pyth... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Ramakrishna sir is excellent trainer with very good command on aspects of datasciene training. Any one who wants to explore into this stream should prefer him. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Good training, step by step explanation, stressing and taking more time on important and basic topics. Showing references for advancing in particular topics. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Trainer is one of the most valuable person I have ever met. Both smart and professional. Experienced, deadline oriented and intelligent person. It covers the full data science process and introduces Python, R, and Mach... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Affordable fess with good infrastructure and Quality teaching, Best place to learn data science, R language & machine learning. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"He is very experienced and knowledgeable. He gave step by step explanations and made sure I understood everything before proceeding. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"I am very happy with your training. Got to know the importance of statistics and ML in our life. You always motivating us with your success stories, It is very nice experience. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Rama has a very strong understanding of Statistics. He explains the fundamentals of Statistics very well and connects it to Data Science. Overall it is a very engaging experience and he explains the meaning of concepts ... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Excellent, Your deep knowledge ,friendliness and approachability makes Data Science interesting for me. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Teaching was very efficient and full depth knowledge. Finest quality of training I have ever seen before. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Rama is an excellent mentor with dept knowledge of Data Science. He is cool and a friendly person by nature. The course content he covers is more than sufficient for being a data Science professional. I would proudly sa... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"The way of explanation is very good. The tutor has real time experience. He explains each item very clearly and understandable manner. That will help to gain more skills on probability and statistical formulas for analy... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Very detailed explanation. Online class u will feel like class room lecturer feeling. Fees also less compared to other institute. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"I loved the way Rama sir taught us the concepts of statistics and various Machine Learning Algorithms & Model building. Best part is while training he is excellent enough to correlate example with the real Industry need... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Rama has been an outstanding mentor and well versed in all aspects pertaining to Data Science course. He has extensive knowledge in stats and can also explain concepts in a easy way. Thanks for being my mentor and helpi... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"Teaching quality is really awesome, even the toughest topic will be taught in such a way which will make you so comfortable. Deep knowledge about Stats and machine learning with real time examples. They help us to pick ... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"He is a very good trainer, explain things very nicely and deeply. He is passionate about teaching data science. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science Professional Training

"An excellent trainer and a humble personality. He is quite experienced in the field of data science and has comprehensible teaching skills. Moreover, he is proficient in maths and statistics that helped me to learn data... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"That was great experience with Ramakrishna for data science training.He has in depth knowledge of machine learning and statistics.Also he cleared all concepts with example in very simple language so that we can remember... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Excellent.I studied data science from ramakrishna. It was amazing sessions. It was detail and easy to understand explanation. Hats of to his commitment and efforts.Dedication towards each student of understanding the co... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Rama has excellent knowledge of Data Science and ML concepts. His ability to articulate and explain the concepts with practical scenarios is wonderful. I had an opportunity to learn from Rama and the classes were defini... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Best trainer and Data scientist that's what I believe. I was just a simple HR recruiter without technical background but if I am data scientist right now is because of his hard work and support. Specially recommend ever... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"A person with great experience and skills on the data science , he is a great inspiration for me to take me forward and help me to let myself believe on my ability and shaping me for future intellectual Thank you sir fo... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"As an IITian, Rama sir focuses on teaching the ML algorithms conceptually rather than merely teaching the bookish theory. He also helps a lot for interviews, guiding what to read and what not to read for interviews. He ... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"He has a vast knowledge in the field of Data sciences. He has great hands on experiences on R, python, various prediction models / machine learning algorithms. He has thorough knowledge on statistics. His teaching skill... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"This person have very good knowledge on data science and machine learning. I like the examples that he shared during the course. He know how to teach the new students those are new in this field. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Was privileged to have such an amazing data science lessons from him. Got in depth of each in and outs of every topic such as machine learning, statistics and R. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"It's been wonderful experience with Rama. He is one of the best trainer one can wish for on Data Science. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I must say he is very passionate about teaching. He has very good experience in machine learning/data science with R/Python. One thing i found best about him is that he keeps motivating his students. I have learnt a lot... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Training under Ramakrishna helped me a lot to learn the Data Science skills. Rama explained the concepts very nicely and also focuses on giving hands on experience to all. He tries to answer all questions from the stude... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Before joining his lecture series I have gone through various MOOCs like Udemy, Coursera etc. Few of the MOOC's were not up to the mark and few were overhead (ex., Andrew NG's course if you are a newbie) But when I atte... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I am taught by Ramakrishna (IITian), one of the most renown professor/trainer of the country in the field of Data Science/Machine Learning, that builds my knowledge and gave me crystal clear concepts. He taught concepts... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Awesome teaching skills. He explains the subject well and provide right examples for better understanding. His knowledge in subject is an aid as he explains everything in a business perspective with live examples. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"I think Rama is one of the best person in data science industry with in depth knowledge of the subject, it is good to grab opportunity to learn from his expertise in data science. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"The lectures provided by Ramakrishna are really helpful and interesting. He explains mathematics behind the algorithm as well. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"He is the best faculty for data science. He has excellent statistics knowledge. He explained us machine learning algorithms with python and R programming. Actually I love maths and i am not good in programming but Rama ... more

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"He is the best trainer forever. Also he is always be there whenever get any problem or need any help. "

Ramakrishna T

Data Science

"Rama sir is a great trainer, many of my friends got benefit from his coaching, he provides in depth knowledge required for job. He carries reach industry experience and possess excellent statistics skills. I highly reco... more

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