This course is best platform for all who want to learn Java Script and want to be a UI Developer.
This course is specially designed for web designers/freshers or the one who do not have any idea about Java-script. One who do not have any idea of programming can also understand the topics as the course covers java script from Grass root to advance level.
After the completion of this course learners can work in any Java-script project in professional environment.
What does the course include?
- 30 hours of LIVE interactive online classes
- All classes are instructor-led, real-time and include LIVE discussions and exercises
- All classes are recorded, and you can view them on your own pace for review and revision
- Project work
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Fundamental of JavaScript
- Introduction
- DOM Events
- Data Types & variables
- var, Let and const
- Operators
- Decision Making (if, if-else, Multiple if, Nested if)
- Function
- Loop
- Hoisting
- Arrays
- String
- Error debugging
- Internal Vs External
- Break and continue
Outcome: After the completion of this chapter, students will understand Java script as programming language. In Project they can be able to write functions and business logics and can-do form validations.
Chapter 2: jQuery
- Introduction to jQuery
- Selectors
- Effects
- Callbacks
- Window and document Object
- Inner html
- Attributes
- Changing CSS
Outcome: After the completion of this chapter, students will be able to write code in jQuery, so that by writing less code desire output can be achieve. They can write code for Animations.
Chapter 3: Object Oriented JavaScript
- Introduction to Class
- What is Object
- Prototype
- __proto__
- Object Cloning
- this
Outcome: Afte the completion of this chapter, students will understand the concept of OOPS in java script. Concept of OOPS help them to write quality code which can be easy to manage in projects.
Chapter 4: AJAX
- What is AJAX
- Architecture of AJAX
- XMLHttp Object
- AJAX request and response
- Implement AJAX using JQuery or native Java Script
Outcome: After the completion of this chapter, students will understand the concept of AJAX, which will help them to generate better user experience in web pages.
Chapter 5: Chart Library
- What is JSON
- Introduction to JQX
- Create a bar chart
- Create a Pie Chart
- Create a line Chart
Outcome: After the completion of this chapter, students will have solid understanding of JSON and Chart library which they can implement in their project using jQuery and AJAX.
Chapter 6: Architecture of Java Script
- ECMAScript
- Closure
- Event Loop
- Synchronous Vs asynchronous
- Design Patterns
Outcome: After the completion of this chapter, students will have solid understanding of how Java script works internally. It helps them to think more deeper about any problem.
Chapter 7: Es6 & Advance Concept
- Arrow Function
- Default Parameter
- De-structuring in ES6
- Classes in ES6
- Promises
Outcom: Afte the completion of this chapter, students will know about the new concepts introduced in Java Script world.