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German Made Easy - Gender Rules : A Must For Learners.

Lalita Classes
06/06/2017 0 0

We know that there are three genders in the German language: Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. The articles for them are der, die and das respectively.

It is important in German you know the gender of a Noun as the gender decides the articles, the pronouns, the adjectives and is in all responsible for making a language meaningful when in use.

What is common?

Like in English the male beings are masculine, female beings are feminine For example:

  1. der Mann..the Mann die Frau....the woman
  2. der Vater...the fatherdie Mutter..the mother
  3. der Onkle..the uncle die Tante....the aunt
  4. der Bruder..the brother die Schwester..the sister
  5. der Sohn..the son die Tochter....the daughter...

As is normal with any language there are exceptions. A girl is ..Das Mädchen..the girl.. neuter gender

The Masculine Nouns:

Nouns ending in -er,-en,el,ig,ich,lng ar mostly masculine:

  1. der Schlüssel: Key
  2. der Wagen: Car
  3. der Arbeiter: Worker
  4. der Honig: Honey
  5. der Teppich: Carpet
  6. der Lehrling: Apprentice

Exception: Messer..Knife is neuter..das Messer and many others like das Fenster. the window

The names of days, months, seasons are masculine:

  1. der Montag: Monday
  2. der Juli: July
  3. der Frühling: Spring

Names of directions are also masculine:

  1. der Norden: North
  2. der Süden: South
  3. der Westen: West
  4. der Osten: East

Foreign endings-and, ant, ar, är, ast, ent ,eur, ier, ist, ismus,or,us are masculine:

  1. der Kommandant: Commander
  2. der Friseur: Hairdresser, barber
  3. der Kommissar: Commissioner, inspector
  4. der Offizier: Officer
  5. der Millionär: Millionaire
  6. der Optimist: Optimist
  7. der Enthusiast: Enthusiast
  8. der Idealismus: Idealism
  9. der Student: Student
  10. der Tenor: Tenor

The Feminine Nouns

Nouns ending in -age,-e,-ei,-heit,-keit,schaft,-ie,-ek,-eke,-ik,-in,-ion,-tat,-ung,-ur:

  1. die Freundschaft: Friendship
  2. die Schönheit: Beauty
  3. die Wahrheit: Truth
  4. die Musik: Music
  5. die Diskothek: Disco
  6. die Lehrerin..female teacher( its easy to recognize ones with "in" ending mostly emerging out of a masculine noun..like in this case ..Lehrer..the male teacher)
  7. die Wohnung: Apartment
  8. die Courage: Courage

Nouns ending in -e are feminine there are some exceptions to this:

  1. das Auge: Eye
  2. das Ende: End
  3. der Buchstabe: :Letter(alphabet)
  4. der Hase: Hare
  5. der Käse: Cheese
  6. der Kunde: Customer

*An abstract truth in general is a feminine noun ! Nouns which can only be felt. For example:

  1. Wahrheit: Truth
  2. Courage: Courage

Nouns flowers, fruits and trees are feminine:

  1. die Orchidee
  2. die Bannane..

Exception:der Apfel..apple

The Neuter Gende:

Nouns ending with -tum, -ment,-eum,ium,-um ,-ett, are neuter:

  1. das Christentum: Christianity
  2. das Museum: Museum
  3. das Instrument: Instrument
  4. das Datum: Date
  5. das Gymnasium: Secondary school
  6. das Duett: Duet

Infinitives used as nouns are always neuter:

  1. das Hören: Hearing
  2. das Sprechen: Speaking
  3. das Sehen: Seeing
  4. das Tanzen: Dancing

Names of countries, cities, places are neuter
Some Exceptions:

  1. die Schweiz: Switzerland
  2. die Türkei: Turkey
  3. die Tschechische Republik: Czech Republic
  4. *die Vereinigten Staaten: The US is treated as a plural

Young ones are neuter:

  1. das Kind: Child
  2. das Kätzchen: Kitten
  3. das Fohlen: Colt(young one of horse)

Nouns starting with "Ge" are mostly neuter:

  1. Geheim: Secret
  2. Gebein: Bone
  3. Gemüse: Vegetables

Exception: Geburtstag-birthday is masculine

Nouns ending in -chen, lein are neuter:

  1. Mädchen
  2. Hähnchen
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