Aim of this section is to learn the relative pronous and their use in the four cases. German English Das ist die Frau, die ich gestern getroffen habe. Er ist der Mann, den wir...
THE IMPERATIVE The Imperative is the form of the verb that is used for giving commands or orders. For the reason, the imperative is used only for the second person pronouns. Phrases like “stand,...
50 German Dative verbs: antworten (antwortete - hat geantwortet) - to answer, respond ähneln (ähnelte - hat geähnelt) - to be similar, resemble auffallen (fiel auf - ist aufgefallen)...
Guten Morgen - Good morning Guten Nachmittag - Good Afternoon Guten Tag - Good day Guten Abend - Good Evening Gute Nacht - Good Night Know more about why Good night does not have "n" in Gute unlike other greetings.