With regards to studying smart, you need to know how you utilize distinctive tricks to remember things in your examination hall like Use Highlighter, Teach or Share it, Write it Down, Read Out Loud, Use Diagrams or Charts, Proper Sleep, Visual as well as Audio Learning,Take Regular Break, Healthy Food, Research and so on, instead of studying straight and plain. Thus, explore the below points to remember what you studied.
Use Highlighter: Build up the propensity for highlight things, particularly the points which you’re facing difficulty recalling easily. Utilization of marker and highlighter helps understudies to notice easily, it also helps excite the mind of the student as colors stimulates the human brain. The utilization of markers and highlighters helps understudies to have an easier time in preparing as well as remembering in the examination hall.
Write it Down: We all realize that, memory is everything to do with the mind. Be that as it may, to store, hold and reestablish memory, you must put your brain or mind on the simple exercise by writing it down. Always remember that, writing things down actually makes it easier to remember. The student with great imaginative power can use their unique mind map too along with writing to help recollect things in the examination hall.
Read Out Loud: As per the various researchers, the student who speaks or read out loud has 50 percent more chances to remember or easily recall than the one who reads quietly. That’s the reason why parents always tell their child to read out loud as it helps remember things better. Simply, reading your entire textbook without categorizing will not help you in the examination hall.
Use Diagrams or Charts: One of the best procedures to use in examination time is to study with diagrams and charts. Keep in mind, the power of visual representation is remarkable, especially in recalling things in the examination hall. Therefore, ensure to use PowerPoint slides and much more as Visual aids can be really helpful amid examination.
Proper Sleep: It’s justifiable that you're stressed over your examination but that doesn't mean you will stay awake the whole night and study. Honestly, you must be thinking that is the solution but frankly, no it's not because priming your brain is likewise to be essential. Logically it has been demonstrated that, to prime our brain we need plenty of sleep. Keep in mind, when we don't get a proper sleep, our brain doesn’t really work.
Visual as well as Audio Learning: As we all understand that, the visual study has a strong impact. Therefore, watching a documentary or anything related to the topic helps in recollecting things because along with the visual learning, one can also use the opportunity of auditory learning. On the other hand, as per the various researchers, Listen to classical music improves memory skills. Therefore, learn to adapt to an auditory learning style as well.
Take Regular Break: When your exam is knocking at your door, you have a tendency to get stressed. That nervousness push you and make you study with no break. In any case, one thing you have to know is that, when you constantly study with no break, everything gets combine (fuse) toward the end. Consequently, according to the different specialist, the best span of study with full focus is right around 40 to 90 minutes after that, enjoy a little reprieve of 10 minutes or somewhere in the vicinity. Additionally, take out time for those exercises that animates your brain.
Healthy Food: It is particularly essential to concentrate on balanced or adhering to a good diet as our body requires a considerable measure of nutrients. Remember, health is the greatest gift and you can’t stand to foul it up, particularly in examination time. Therefore, intake of the right amount of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins and much more is essential.
Research: Build up a propensity to explore yourself about the topic or a subject helps a lot in the examination hall. Knowledge is power and it will never go squander. Thus, don’t just adhere to the classroom knowledge rather explore yourself in reference books, journals and most importantly Google. Remember, we are living in a digital world, and there is nothing you don't get on internet. In this manner, we have regularly heard the phrase,“Google is the greatest books of all time”.