The term “refrigeration” is used to denote maintenance of a system or body at a temperature lower than that of its surroundings. The system maintained at the lower temperature is known as refrigerated...
(i) Facing: This operation is almost essential for all works. In this operation, as shown in fig., the work piece is held in the chuck and the facing tool is fed from the center of the work piece towards...
Multiple Choice Questions: 1. First material known to be used by man: (a) Cotton (b) Bronze (c) Iron (d) Rock 2. First metal known to be used by man:(a) Iron (b) Bronze (c) Silver (d) Aluminium 3. Which...
Metal Casting: Sand casting uses ordinary sand as the primary mould material. The sand grains are mixed with small amounts of other materials, such as clay and water, to improve mouldability...
Engineering mechnics (EM): 1.In EM deals with bodies as perfecly rigid bodies and also known as Mechanics of rigid bodies. 2. EM is the study of external forces that are acting on rigid body. 3....