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Explain about the Electrical SUB STATION 132/33 KV

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Starting from the generating stations to the end users, voltage is needed to be stepped up and down several times in various substations. This ensures efficient transmission of power, minimizing the power losses. Our project is to design a 132KV/33KV EHV substation where the incoming power is received...
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Starting from the generating stations to the end users, voltage is needed to be stepped up and down several times in various substations. This ensures efficient transmission of power, minimizing the power losses. Our project is to design a 132KV/33KV EHV substation where the incoming power is received at 132 KV from a generating station. read less

Electrical & Electronic Engineer

The sub station will have all the protective and metering unit. It will have a Incoming lightning arrestor which will be a ebonite rod with small portion of sharp conducting end which will absorb the energy. The station will have an incoming fuse which will get connected between the incoming 132 kV line...
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The sub station will have all the protective and metering unit. It will have a Incoming lightning arrestor which will be a ebonite rod with small portion of sharp conducting end which will absorb the energy. The station will have an incoming fuse which will get connected between the incoming 132 kV line and incoming terminals. Special effort will be made that the terminals are insulated to withstand the 132 kV voltage. From incoming terminal special incoming cable goes to a oil cooled or Vacuum breaker Braker which will trip the line in case of any fault in the outgoing line. Breaker output will go to a 3 phase Transformer which will be a oil cooled Transformer with various protections.Oil Insulation has to withstand the Incoming voltage. Transformer steps down 132 kV voltage to 33kv voltage. Capacity of the Transformer will depend on the load requirement. There will be various protections for the Transformer such as over current,under/over voltage,pressure etc. The output of the Transformer will go through metering units tto monitor volltage,current,power,power factor etc. The output of the Transformer is normally taken through another set of Transmission lines to the destination where voltage will be further stepped down. Normally in the sub station only authorised persons can enter and will be kept locked. To handle any equipment in the sub station special hand gloves having required insulations are kept. Even if we have to replace fuse special rods whose bottom end is grounded is kept. For carrying out any work on the Transformer the breaker is tripped first and after that load end is completely discharged before touching any part.SUB STATION IS NORMALLY KEPT CLEAN DEVOID OF GRASS PAPERS ETC.so accidental fire does not take place read less

Information Technology, Management, Kriya Yog, Vedantas

132 KV in and 33 KV out through step-down transformer at the Sub-station

It is Step Down Substation - primary is 132KV and secondary - 33 KV

132/33 KV is a step-down sub-station..... it has the protective equipments like circuit brakers, CT, PT, Transformer, lighting arrestors etc.......... circuit braker will protect the sub-station from faults like LG,LLG,LL and any short circuits..... CT & PT are used to measure Current & voltages on secondary...
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132/33 KV is a step-down sub-station..... it has the protective equipments like circuit brakers, CT, PT, Transformer, lighting arrestors etc.......... circuit braker will protect the sub-station from faults like LG,LLG,LL and any short circuits..... CT & PT are used to measure Current & voltages on secondary level...... the lighting a will protect the sub-station & equipement from lightning strokes,,, read less

Maths Teacher

It is a step down transformer and it is generally located in distribution side.

CAD Trainer

Starting from the generating stations to the end users, voltage is needed to be stepped up and down several times in various substations. This ensures efficient transmission of power, minimizing the power losses. Our project is to design a 132KV/33KV EHV sub-station where the incoming power is received...
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Starting from the generating stations to the end users, voltage is needed to be stepped up and down several times in various substations. This ensures efficient transmission of power, minimizing the power losses. Our project is to design a 132KV/33KV EHV sub-station where the incoming power is received at 132 KV from a generating station. The power factor is corrected here and the voltage is stepped down to 33KV and power is then transferred to distribution system of the grid to meet the requirements of the end consumers at their suitable voltage. read less

The generating voltage level in general in India is 11KV what ever power capacity of Gen station. But on this voltage level the power can not be transferred to load centers away from the generating station because power P= VI( power factor of the load). Suppose power to be delivered is 300 MW and voltage...
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The generating voltage level in general in India is 11KV what ever power capacity of Gen station. But on this voltage level the power can not be transferred to load centers away from the generating station because power P= VI( power factor of the load). Suppose power to be delivered is 300 MW and voltage level is 11KV than the current value will be very high which causes various disadvantages such large power loss, large voltage drop, poor voltage regulation, thicker conductor for transmission, large supports, heavy switch gears etc. therefore the system will become uneconomical. therefore we use step up the voltage using transformers according to distance to which power is to be delivered. Near load centers receiving sub station is situated where primary transmitted voltage which may be 132 KV or more is stepped down to 33KV , thid 33KV is sent big industrial establishment and townships directly and this 33KV is further stepped down to 11KV in the distribution sub stations for colonies, colleges industries etc. this 11KV is stepped down to 3 phase 400v and 230V for residential consumers using step down transformer. read less

This is a type of down transformer which have more no. of turn in primary winding and less in secondary winding.The output draw more current due to its low voltage compare than input..

It has to be a step down transformer have more turns of thin wire on primary side (HV side) and secondary side (LV side with fewer turns). power on both side is near about same barring losses therefore if voltage of secondary is low than current in secondary winding has to be high.

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