What are Dreams
Dream according to ancient Greek comes from "psyche" which means Soul. According to neurophysiology, sensory signals are sent to the brain during REM. These signals produce sensation in the mind and mind starts to conceive them as a part of reality. Sleep is an active process that repairs the body and processes our conscious and subconscious mind to produce dreams. Dreams are the picture of mind. Dreams come from the power of instinct. Dreams are like psychic reading which carries encoded messages, many psychologist use dream interpretation to find out the root of basic thought pattern. The cause of fear, phobias, and anxieties can be well understood through dream interpretation. According to Carl jung, dreams come from unconscious mind from the deepest level of conscious mind, they have the power to change our lives.How are Dreams formed
The language of subconscious mind is in the form of symbols. These symbols can be object or living being. Dream symbol have some qualities like shape, color, emotional tone, functions. These qualities show connectivity to real life. Dream symbol are connected together makes a story. This story has an important message for us to understand. If we get a dream repeatedly there might may be an unresolved issue waiting to be solved .There are many methods of interpreting dreams like dialogue, gestalt method, group technique etc. Dreams serves many purposes, they release the inner tensions and also glimpse into the future. The structure of atom was discovered by Neil Bohr in dreams. Scientist like Einstein and Edison had also got inspiration of their invention from dreams. There are many kinds of dreams like Prodromic dreams, Nightmares, Inspirational dreams, Psychic dreams, Symbolic dreams, Lucid dreams, Incubated dreams, Clairvoyant dreams, Creative dreams, Sequential dreams. Recurring dream action is a powerful clue about the challenges and pressures of our life, our typical style of response, and may reveal childhood conditioning that still impacts you as an adult. These are some common recurring dreams and the waking life situations that frequently accompany them:Some of the examples of Dream
- Being Chased: If you see yourself being chased in your dream, this suggests that you are carrying fears from childhood forward into waking life. These fears become reactivated with each new problem or challenge, and are often played out on the screen of life through pressures and threats in current situations. It may help to consider what the greatest threat or source of pressure was during early years.
- Falling from height: The fear of falling signifies a fear of loss of control. Falling is a symbol most common to people who exert personal effort to control circumstances: working harder, planning more, avoiding hazards, and anticipating events. Falling dreams recur when the dreamer feels an overload of events and variables and senses all of the details cannot be controlled through effort. They may feel compelled to try to control circumstances that cannot be controlled, but can only be responded to.