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Give the list of useful short cut keys in Excel?

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B.E. (ECE)

key Action Ctrl+A Select All; Ctrl+B Bold; Ctrl+C Copy; Ctrl+D Fill Down; Ctrl+F Find; Ctrl+G Goto; Ctrl+H Replace; Ctrl+I Italic; Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink; Ctrl+N New Workbook; Ctrl+O Open; Ctrl+P Print; Ctrl+R Fill Right; Ctrl+S Save; Ctrl+U Underline; Ctrl+V Paste; Ctrl W Close; Ctrl+X Cut; Ctrl+Y Repeat; Ctrl+Z Undo; F1 Help; F2 Edit; F3 Paste...
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key Action Ctrl+A Select All; Ctrl+B Bold; Ctrl+C Copy; Ctrl+D Fill Down; Ctrl+F Find; Ctrl+G Goto; Ctrl+H Replace; Ctrl+I Italic; Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink; Ctrl+N New Workbook; Ctrl+O Open; Ctrl+P Print; Ctrl+R Fill Right; Ctrl+S Save; Ctrl+U Underline; Ctrl+V Paste; Ctrl W Close; Ctrl+X Cut; Ctrl+Y Repeat; Ctrl+Z Undo; F1 Help; F2 Edit; F3 Paste Name; F4 Repeat last action; F4 While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs; F5 Goto; F6 Next Pane; F7 Spell check; F8 Extend mode; F9 Recalculate all workbooks; F10 Activate Menubar; F11 New Chart; F12 Save As; Ctrl+: Insert Current Time; Ctrl+; Insert Current Date; Ctrl+" Copy Value from Cell Above; Ctrl+' Copy Formula from Cell Above; Shift Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel's menu; Shift+F1 What's This?; Shift+F2 Edit cell comment; Shift+F3 Paste function into formula; Shift+F4 Find Next; Shift+F5 Find; Shift+F6 Previous Pane; Shift+F8 Add to selection; Shift+F9 Calculate active worksheet; Ctrl+Alt+F9 Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated. Shift+F10 Display shortcut menu; Shift+F11 New worksheet; Shift+F12 Save; Ctrl+F3 Define name; Ctrl+F4 Close; Ctrl+F5 XL, Restore window size; Ctrl+F6 Next workbook window; Shift+Ctrl+F6 Previous workbook window; Ctrl+F7 Move window; Ctrl+F8 Resize window; Ctrl+F9 Minimize workbook; Ctrl+F10 Maximize or restore window; Ctrl+F11 Inset 4.0 Macro sheet; Ctrl+F12 File Open; Alt+F1 Insert Chart; Alt+F2 Save As; Alt+F4 Exit; Alt+F8 Macro dialog box; Alt+F11 Visual Basic Editor; Ctrl+Shift+F3 Create name by using names of row and column labels; Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous Window; Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print; Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet; Alt+Shift+F2 Save; Alt+= AutoSum; Ctrl+` Toggle Value/Formula display; Ctrl+Shift+A Insert argument names into formula; Alt+Down arrow Display Auto Complete list; Alt+' Format Style dialog box; Ctrl+Shift+~ General format; Ctrl+Shift+! Comma format; Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format; Ctrl+Shift+# Date format; Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format; Ctrl+Shift+% Percent format; Ctrl+Shift+^ Exponential format; Ctrl+Shift+& Place outline border around selected cells; Ctrl+Shift+_ Remove outline border; Ctrl+Shift+* Select current region; Ctrl++ - Insert; Ctrl+- - Delete; Ctrl+1 - Format cells dialog box; Ctrl+2 - Bold; Ctrl+3 - Italic; Ctrl+4 - Underline; Ctrl+5 - Strikethrough; Ctrl+6 - Show/Hide objects; Ctrl+7 - Show/Hide Standard toolbar; Ctrl+8 - Toggle Outline symbols; Ctrl+9 - Hide rows; Ctrl+0 - Hide columns; Ctrl+Shift+( - Unhide rows; Ctrl+Shift+) - Unhide columns; Alt or F10 - Activate the menu; Ctrl+Tab - In toolbar: next toolbar; Shift+Ctrl+Tab - In toolbar: previous toolbar; Ctrl+Tab - In a workbook: activate next workbook; Shift+Ctrl+Tab - In a workbook: activate previous workbook; Tab - Next tool; Shift+Tab - Previous tool; Enter - Do the command; Alt+Enter - Start a new line in the same cell.; Ctrl+Enter - Fill the selected cell range with the current entry.; Shift+Ctrl+F - Font Drop Down List; Shift+Ctrl+F+F - Font tab of Format Cell Dialog box; Shift+Ctrl+P - Point size Drop Down List. read less

Computer Expert

CTRL Combination Short Cut Key CTRL+PgUp Switches between worksheet tabs, from left-to-right. CTRL+PgDn Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left. CTRL+SHIFT+( Unhides any hidden rows within the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+) Unhides any hidden columns within the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+& Applies...
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CTRL Combination Short Cut Key CTRL+PgUp Switches between worksheet tabs, from left-to-right. CTRL+PgDn Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left. CTRL+SHIFT+( Unhides any hidden rows within the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+) Unhides any hidden columns within the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+& Applies the outline border to the selected cells. CTRL+SHIFT_ Removes the outline border from the selected cells. CTRL+SHIFT+~ Applies the General number format. CTRL+SHIFT+$ Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses). CTRL+SHIFT+% Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+^ Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+# Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year. CTRL+SHIFT+@ Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM. CTRL+SHIFT+! Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values. CTRL+SHIFT+* Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns). In a PivotTable, it selects the entire PivotTable report. CTRL+SHIFT+: Enters the current time. CTRL+SHIFT+" Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar. CTRL+SHIFT+Plus (+) Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells. CTRL+Minus (-) Displays the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells. CTRL+; Enters the current date. CTRL+` Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet. CTRL+' Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar. CTRL+1 Displays the Format Cells dialog box. CTRL+2 Applies or removes bold formatting. CTRL+3 Applies or removes italic formatting. CTRL+4 Applies or removes underlining. CTRL+5 Applies or removes strikethrough. CTRL+6 Alternates between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects. CTRL+8 Displays or hides the outline symbols. CTRL+9 Hides the selected rows. CTRL+0 Hides the selected columns. CTRL+A Selects the entire worksheet. If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the current region and its summary rows. Pressing CTRL+A a third time selects the entire worksheet. When the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula, displays the Function Arguments dialog box. CTRL+SHIFT+A inserts the argument names and parentheses when the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula. CTRL+B Applies or removes bold formatting. CTRL+C Copies the selected cells. CTRL+C followed by another CTRL+C displays the Clipboard. CTRL+D Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below. CTRL+F Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected. SHIFT+F5 also displays this tab, while SHIFT+F4 repeats the last Find action. CTRL+SHIFT+F opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected. CTRL+G Displays the Go To dialog box. F5 also displays this dialog box. CTRL+H Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab selected. CTRL+I Applies or removes italic formatting. CTRL+K Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks. CTRL+N Creates a new, blank workbook. CTRL+O Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file. CTRL+SHIFT+O selects all cells that contain comments. CTRL+P Displays the Print dialog box. CTRL+SHIFT+P opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected. CTRL+R Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right. CTRL+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format. CTRL+T Displays the Create Table dialog box. CTRL+U Applies or removes underlining. CTRL+SHIFT+U switches between expanding and collapsing of the formula bar. CTRL+V Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents. CTRL+ALT+V displays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program. CTRL+W Closes the selected workbook window. CTRL+X Cuts the selected cells. CTRL+Y Repeats the last command or action, if possible. CTRL+Z Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed. CTRL+SHIFT+Z uses the Undo or Redo command to reverse or restore the last automatic correction when AutoCorrect Smart Tags are displayed. read less

Experience Professional With 13 Years in It Industry

Ctrl+H Replace; Ctrl+I Italic; Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink; Ctrl+N New Workbook; Ctrl+O Open; Ctrl+P Print; Ctrl+R Fill Right; Ctrl+S Save; Ctrl+U Underline; Ctrl+V Paste; Ctrl W Close; Ctrl+X Cut; Search on google you will get more.

Senior Software Engineer (Asp.Net MVC Expert)

https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Keyboard-shortcuts-in-Excel-Online-9271deca-569e-4ad2-8475-9ff98b8bcce3 is very good link to remember easily all shortcuts for excel.


Technical and Soft Skills Training on 35+ Subjects

You can refer to the following two links. Both of them have good listing of Excel shortcuts: http://www.shortcutworld.com/en/win/Excel_2010.html http://www.asap-utilities.com/excel-tips-shortcuts.php

We teach all the computer basics, accounting packages

Ctrl+A Select All None All Ctrl+B Bold Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Bold All Ctrl+C Copy Edit, Copy All Ctrl+D Fill Down Edit, Fill, Down All Ctrl+F Find Edit, Find All Ctrl+G Goto Edit, Goto All Ctrl+H Replace Edit, Replace All Ctrl+I Italic Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Italic All Ctrl+K Insert...
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Ctrl+A Select All None All Ctrl+B Bold Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Bold All Ctrl+C Copy Edit, Copy All Ctrl+D Fill Down Edit, Fill, Down All Ctrl+F Find Edit, Find All Ctrl+G Goto Edit, Goto All Ctrl+H Replace Edit, Replace All Ctrl+I Italic Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Italic All Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink Insert, Hyperlink Excel 97/2000 + Ctrl+N New Workbook File, New All Ctrl+O Open File, Open All Ctrl+P Print File, Print All Ctrl+R Fill Right Edit, Fill Right All Ctrl+S Save File, Save All Ctrl+U Underline Format, Cells, Font, Underline, Single All Ctrl+V Paste Edit, Paste All Ctrl W Close File, Close Excel 97/2000 + Ctrl+X Cut Edit, Cut All Ctrl+Y Repeat Edit, Repeat All Ctrl+Z Undo Edit, Undo All F1 Help Help, Contents and Index All F2 Edit None All F3 Paste Name Insert, Name, Paste All F4 Repeat last action Edit, Repeat. Works while not in Edit mode. All F4 While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs None All F5 Goto Edit, Goto All F6 Next Pane None All F7 Spell check Tools, Spelling All F8 Extend mode None All F9 Recalculate all workbooks Tools, Options, Calculation, Calc Now All F10 Activate Menubar N/A All F11 New Chart Insert, Chart All F12 Save As File, Save As All Ctrl+: Insert Current Time None All Ctrl+; Insert Current Date None All Ctrl+" Copy Value from Cell Above Edit, Paste Special, Value All Ctrl+’ Copy Formula from Cell Above Edit, Copy All Shift Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menu none Excel 97/2000 + Shift+F1 What’s This? Help, What’s This? All Shift+F2 Edit cell comment Insert, Edit Comments All Shift+F3 Paste function into formula Insert, Function All Shift+F4 Find Next Edit, Find, Find Next All Shift+F5 Find Edit, Find, Find Next All Shift+F6 Previous Pane None All Shift+F8 Add to selection None All Shift+F9 Calculate active worksheet Tools, Options, Calculation, Calc Sheet All Ctrl+Alt+F9 Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation. None Excel 97/2000 + Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated. None Excel 97/2000 + Shift+F10 Display shortcut menu None All Shift+F11 New worksheet Insert, Worksheet All Shift+F12 Save File, Save All Ctrl+F3 Define name Insert, Names, Define All Ctrl+F4 Close File, Close All Ctrl+F5 XL, Restore window size Restore All Ctrl+F6 Next workbook window Window, ... All Shift+Ctrl+F6 Previous workbook window Window, ... All Ctrl+F7 Move window XL, Move All Ctrl+F8 Resize window XL, Size All Ctrl+F9 Minimize workbook XL, Minimize All Ctrl+F10 Maximize or restore window XL, Maximize All Ctrl+F11 Inset 4.0 Macro sheet None in Excel 97. In versions prior to 97 - Insert, Macro, 4.0 Macro All Ctrl+F12 File Open File, Open All Alt+F1 Insert Chart Insert, Chart... All Alt+F2 Save As File, Save As All Alt+F4 Exit File, Exit All Alt+F8 Macro dialog box Tools, Macro, Macros in Excel 97 Tools,Macros - in earlier versions Excel 97/2000 + Alt+F11 Visual Basic Editor Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor Excel 97/2000 + Ctrl+Shift+F3 Create name by using names of row and column labels Insert, Name, Create All Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous Window Window, ... All Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print File, Print All Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet Insert, Worksheet All Alt+Shift+F2 Save File, Save All Alt+= AutoSum No direct equivalent All Ctrl+` Toggle Value/Formula display Tools, Options, View, Formulas All Ctrl+Shift+A Insert argument names into formula No direct equivalent All Alt+Down arrow Display AutoComplete list None Excel 95 Alt+’ Format Style dialog box Format, Style All Ctrl+Shift+~ General format Format, Cells, Number, Category, General All Ctrl+Shift+! Comma format Format, Cells, Number, Category, Number All Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format Format, Cells, Number, Category, Time All Ctrl+Shift+# Date format Format, Cells, Number, Category, Date All Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format Format, Cells, Number, Category, Currency All Ctrl+Shift+% Percent format Format, Cells, Number, Category, Percentage All Ctrl+Shift+^ Exponential format Format, Cells, Number, Category, All Ctrl+Shift+& Place outline border around selected cells Format, Cells, Border All Ctrl+Shift+_ Remove outline border Format, Cells, Border All Ctrl+Shift+* Select the current region around the active cell. In a PivotTable report, select the entire PivotTable report. Edit, Goto, Special, Current Region All Ctrl++ Insert Insert, (Rows, Columns, or Cells) Depends on selection All Ctrl+- Delete Delete, (Rows, Columns, or Cells) Depends on selection All Ctrl+1 Format cells dialog box Format, Cells All Ctrl+2 Bold Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Bold All Ctrl+3 Italic Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Italic All Ctrl+4 Underline Format, Cells, Font, Font Style, Underline All Ctrl+5 Strikethrough Format, Cells, Font, Effects, Strikethrough All Ctrl+6 Show/Hide objects Tools, Options, View, Objects, Show All/Hide All Ctrl+7 Show/Hide Standard toolbar View, Toolbars, Stardard All Ctrl+8 Toggle Outline symbols None All Ctrl+9 Hide rows Format, Row, Hide All Ctrl+0 Hide columns Format, Column, Hide All Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide rows Format, Row, Unhide All Ctrl+Shift+) Unhide columns Format, Column, Unhide All Alt or F10 Activate the menu None All Ctrl+Tab In toolbar: next toolbar In a workbook: activate next workbook None Excel 97/2000 + Shift+Ctrl+Tab In toolbar: previous toolbar In a workbook: activate previous workbook None Excel 97/2000 + Tab Next tool None Excel 97/2000 + Shift+Tab Previous tool None Excel 97/2000 + Enter Do the command None Excel 97/2000 + Alt+Enter Start a new line in the same cell. None Excel 97/2000 + Ctrl+Enter Fill the selected cell range with the current entry. None Excel 97/2000 + Shift+Ctrl+F Font Drop Down List Format, Cells, Font All Shift+Ctrl+F+F Font tab of Format Cell Dialog box Format, Cells, Font Before 97/2000 Shift+Ctrl+P Point size Drop Down List Format, Cells, Font All Ctrl+Spacebar Select the entire column None Excel 97/2000 + Shift+Spacebar Select the entire row None Excel 97/2000 + CTRL+/ Select the array containing the active cell. CTRL+SHIFT+O Select all cells that contain comments. CTRL+\ In a selected row, select the cells that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell. CTRL+SHIFT+| In a selected column, select the cells that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell. CTRL+[ Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection. CTRL+SHIFT+{ Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection. CTRL+] Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell. CTRL+SHIFT+} Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell. ALT+; Select the visible cells in the current selection. SHIFT+BACKSPACE With multiple cells selected, select only the active cell. CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR Selects the entire worksheet. If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the current region. CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR a second time selects the entire worksheet. When an object is selected, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects all objects on a worksheet Ctrl+Alt+L Reapply the filter and sort on the current range so that changes you've made are included Data, Reapply Excel 2007+ Ctrl+Alt+V Displays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program. Home, Paste, Paste Special... Excel 2007+ read less


ctrl c ,p z

ctrl+C for cutting / copying and ctrl +v for pasting back content

Computer Programming Languages

F2 Edit the selected cell. F3 After a name has been created, F3 will paste names. F4 Repeat last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color. F5 Go to a specific cell. For example, C6. F7 Spell check selected text...
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F2 Edit the selected cell. F3 After a name has been created, F3 will paste names. F4 Repeat last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color. F5 Go to a specific cell. For example, C6. F7 Spell check selected text or document. F11 Create chart from selected data. Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time. Ctrl + ; Enter the current date. Alt + Shift + F1 Insert New Worksheet. Alt + Enter While typing text in a cell, pressing Alt + Enter will move to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell. Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window. Shift + F5 Bring up search box. Ctrl + 1 Open the Format Cells window. Ctrl + A Select all contents of the worksheet. Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection. Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection. Ctrl + K Insert link. Ctrl + S Save the open worksheet. Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection. Ctrl + 1 Change the format of selected cells. Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted selection. Ctrl + P Bring up the print dialog box to begin the printing process. Ctrl + Z Undo last action. Ctrl + F3 Open Excel Name Manager. Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window. Ctrl + F10 Maximize currently selected window. Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks or windows. Ctrl + Page up Move between work sheets in the same document. Ctrl + Page down Move between work sheets in the same document. Ctrl + Tab Move between Two or more open Excel files. Alt + = Create a formula to sum all of the above cells. Ctrl + ' Insert the value of the above cell into the cell currently selected. Ctrl + Shift + 1 Format number in comma format. Ctrl + Shift + 4 Format number in currency format. Ctrl + Shift + 3 Format number in date format. Ctrl + Shift + 5 Format number in percentage format. Ctrl + Shift + 6 Format number in scientific format. Ctrl + Shift + 2 Format number in time format. Ctrl + Arrow key Move to next section of text. Ctrl + Space Select entire column. Shift + Space Select entire row. Ctrl + - Delete the selected column or row. Ctrl + Shift + = Insert a new column or row. Ctrl + Home Move to cell A1. Ctrl + ~ Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. read less

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