1.>pip install Django
2. >mkdir c:\test\crud
3. >cd c:\test\crud
4. c:\test\crud>django-admin startproject web
5. >cd c:\test\crud\web
6. c:\test\crud\web>manage.py runserver
7. Execution -> Check if Django service is running
8. c:\test\crud\web>manage.py startapp crud
9. c:\test\crud\web>manage.py migrate
10.Install Pydev for Eclipse (optional)
11.Update urls.py file
12.Update views.py file
13.Update models.py file
14.Update settings.py file / Register app
15.Create a new folder templates / crud
16.Create new file base.html in it
17.Create and Add html code to index.html
18.Create and Add html code to edit.html
19.Create static folder and copy bootstrap files
20.Execute below commands