Bachelor of Computer Applications (B. C. A.) is an undergraduate Program to start career in computer science. It provides sound academic base from which an advanced career in computer applications including the latest developments keeping pace with the industry can be developed.
The Program also carries out the required analysis and synthesis involved in computer systems, information systems and computer applications.
The three year, six semester BCA program emphasizes on computer application oriented courses like C++, Java, Web Application Development, etc. There are two projects one minor followed by major in the final semester. Each semester has lab course where the students have to do compulsory lab assignments for a minimum of 6 hours per week. Students are free to select the electives offered under the choice based credit system. Program equips the students with sound academic base from which an advanced career in computer applications including the latest developments keeping pace with the industry can be developed. The program also carries out the required analysis and synthesis involved in computer systems, information systems and computer applications. Under the credit system student has to earn the required number of credits as demanded by the curriculum.