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1. Find out the correlates of Yin and Yang in other cultures?
Asked by Vinod Last Modified
Apoorva Purohit
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The opposition and combination of the universe’s two basic principles of Yin and Yang is a large part of Taoist religion. Some of the common associations with Yang and Yin, respectively are: male and female, light and dark, active and passive, motion and stillness. The Yin and Yang symbol, in actuality, has very little to do with western dualism; instead, it represents the philosophy of balance, where two opposites co-exist in harmony and are able to transmute into each other.
In philosophy of science, dualism refers to the dichotomy between the “subject” and the “object”.
In Vedanta philosophy, Dvaita proposes dualism in consciousness and matter, recognising the difference between Jiva (subordinate soul) and Ishvara (supreme God).
In Samakya philosophy, there is a clear distinction between self (spirit/consciousness) called Purusha and Matter/Nature called Prakriti.
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